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First gig with my HD500X


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So I'm doing my first gig tomorrow (Friday) night with my HD500x & Vetta II as my "powered speakers". It's been sounding great in rehearsals, but the real test will come tomorrow night. I've spent a bunch of time trying to get the patch-to-patch levels the same so I don't have to ride the Master Volume all night. Let's hope it works out!


If any of y'all are SF Bay Area locals, we will be playing at St. James Gate in Belmont @ 8pm.


A full report on the evening to come!

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I'm in the bay too and have been gigging with the HD500 and then HD500x since about 2010.  I've used it with a few different power sources.  One is my full digital, non-tube rig...used with a matrix power amp.  My other currently is the 4 cable method with a PRS Archon 100 watt head.  Currently playing through two 1x12 orange cabs.  Cover band a ton of different tones are needed.  Everyone, musician-wise...who's heard my tone in the crowd loves what they hear and can't believe the "brain" of my rig is a POD.  They've all been fooled until they actually look at the rig. 


Couple suggestions, which you already may know:

- When you dial in your clean tones, in terms of leveling volumes.  When you're dialing things in at home...make sure the clean patch volumes are bumped a little more than your ear is telling you to.  You'll notice, live...that you may feel the cleans aren't projecting as much (depending on your power amp source)

- When you're dialing in tones NOT at gig levels...and your over driven/dirty patches sound like they need more highs....or sound muffled, chances are at real life gig volumes...they have plenty of highs. 

- Bottom end:  If it feels a little too bottom heavy on stage....that's probably just enough to fill the room. 

- High gain: You'll notice at a gig...what you thought was a great amount of gain at rehearsal and home....may be too much on stage.  Less is more with gain I've noticed.

- Amp models: For high gain...the Engl clone is my favorite.  Seems to have the smoothest, most even EQ in tone. 


I've spent years tweaking Line 6 POD's....and it's paid off huge in my tone and what I'm able to deliver in a cover band gig that requires a wide range.  Good luck tonight. 

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Well.. the gig went very well. I had no technical issues and the rig performed perfectly! Alas, I've only got a short video clip from the end of the evening here:


@bvaladez74 - That's all really good advice! I spent a good amount of time tweaking my patches in rehearsal since we play about as loud as we do live... give or take. The main thin I did was to fire up my rig at home with the volume set to about my low-ish stage volume, and use a sound meter to make sure that my levels were  - more or less - consistent between patches. That mad a BIG difference as I didn't have to ride the Master Volume all night.

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Cool to connect with other Bay Area Line 6 users here. cclement I'm following you guys on Facebook now in case you make it down to the south bay.


We have in the past... We did The Theater on San Pedro Square (SJ) not too long ago; it's a great venue.

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