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  1. Yes I think your understanding is correct. Now you’ll just need to experiment with the options and see what you like best. Regarding definitive information, you are assuming that there’s a ‘best’ approach to this. There isn’t. What’s ‘best’ is whatever sounds best to you, including downstream overloading of FX if you like how it sounds. The sound of a good overdrive pedal is often desirable, even though by definition something is being ‘over’driven. The only thing you really want to avoid is digital clipping which I don’t think sounds good to anybody anywhere. And you’ll know it when you hear it. But I’m sure there’s someone who will disagree with that. “Nothin’ I likes better in me mix than a good whack of digital clipping!”
    1 point
  2. Yes, I think adjusting the amp levels directly would generally have the same effect as adjusting the mix in the merge block. However it’s still possible that adjusting an amp level could have negative effects on the tone (e.g. unwanted distortion/clipping at the input of a downstream FX block). Those would then be present in the final mono mix, whereas you could keep the amp level lower to avoid those effects and still emphasize one path over the other in the merge Pan control. This all relates to ‘gain staging’ and it can get complicated.
    1 point
  3. Then I think the only difference would be how you choose to pan at the Merge block. You could emphasize one or the other of the A/B paths in the mono output signal.
    1 point
  4. I think it depends on whether the signal at the split point is actually stereo or simply dual mono. If it’s stereo with different L/R components (e.g. a ping pong delay FX block immediately before the split) then the resulting blended mono output tone could be different than if the split signal was dual mono.
    1 point
  5. Just bought a new computer with Windows 11. I have a green light on the UX1. Monkey can not make a connection to Line 6 web server. I'm dead in the water.
    1 point
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