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PeterHamm last won the day on March 18 2024

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    Maineville, OH
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Community Answers

  1. Not a software bug even if it feels like it! Contact them and I am certain they can help you. I assume you already tried to reset your password to fix this? That's always the first thing I try with sites that give me fits, it always works.
  2. Where is your volume pedal in the chain? If near the beginning, this is the way it works. You need to have your volume control after amps/cabs/compression/distortion, but before time based FX like delay and reverb.
  3. I think it's a great idea, personally.
  4. Other than snapshots, there's really no logical way to accomplish this.
  5. The backups should be the same unless you change something. Are you saying the backup made during the update procedure doesn't include the Global EQ? That's odd. I always end up doing a global backup before anyway, cuz I am paranoid.
  6. 1. Double check to make sure the you have BOTH the 3.70 firmware AND the 3.7 HX Edit. What you describe is almost always this mismatch 2. Did you do a factory reset before you attempted to reload your backup? LOADS of issues are because of this. 3. This is not a bug, I promise you.
  7. not really a "bug" tho. It's possible that your Helix has a problem, but this isn't a known bug at this point. It's working perfectly for a bunch of us. Are you running other programs at the same time? What kind of computer? Using a hub? Using the front ports on a PC Tower? Have any SD cards inserted? Have HX Edit and Updater open at the same time?
  8. if you really want these things, you want to put them on idea scale. They don't monitor this space for these ideas.
  9. I would try this first. do a good solid backup... DOWNgrade to an old version, then check and see if it works, then Upgrade again if it does. If it doesn't work when you downgrade, could be a hardware problem.
  10. I did hear something like this, although it all works for me. Tell me, did you do a full factory reset before reloading your global backup?
  11. Did you do a factory reset when you updated? And if so, have you saved the preset to another location and then back?
  12. When you were done updating, did you do a full factory reset and then reload your global backup?
  13. Did you do a full factory reset and then reload your Global backup? If not, you should do that first. (MAKE SURE you have a good backup before factory resetting!)
  14. Yes, Double Take has a known bug. They are aware of it and working on it.
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