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bjnette last won the day on October 17 2017

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  1. you are right pianoguy about the -7 and the disortion placement effects the tone. DSP is the limitation for dual amp paths and three glides. One ideally on the bass amp side down an octave about 20% wet.
  2. It will sound better to drop the second pitch glide harmony down a 5th. Also putting in a doubling delay will thicken it up nicely
  3. If the video is off the board or very good mics in the room the FoH mix has to share the frequency space. Guitar being such a broadband instrument it steps on kick, bass, vocals, hihats etc. It can wash out those instruments and those instruments can wash out the guitar . In reality the guitar has to fit and the soundman wouldn't be doing his job if the guitar washed other instruments. Much of this instrument separation is pre production stuff unless everyone is thru the PA. If the other players are using amps and only you are going direct to FoH that can be a cause and here is the most likely, If everything is going thru the PA that will make the wash more so unless you have a good FoH Engineer. A good 3 way PA helps. You can tell if you are a broadband hog by checking your patches for if you are highpassing your cab or not up to about 120hz or more.
  4. Dont know the X3 but you can use a preamp model and turn off cabinet in the HD and connect as you have.
  5. Yeah me too! It was fresh at first, but in the end the HD is adequate enough. It is like hooking up two HDs together; just gets too mind boggling; option paralysis. Less is more most of time, but fine for ambient patches.
  6. I've given up using the D3200 as an FX extention; not quite worth the extra tweaking and using the loop sort of loses the playing feel. The HD Amps sound good to me and the FX are good enough. There is enough to tweak within the unit. Still lovin it!
  7. bjnette

    HD500X updates

    The L6 link is set to be implemented in the new Helix update according to the NAMM announcement. No way for HD to receive data from a phone. Amplify has bluetooth.
  8. Good point about still selling the HDs. The HD doesn't have anyway to receive android data so not possible unless you are talking about controlling EDIT over wifi, might as well use the computer .
  9. Yes, you can do this easily with a patch of that delay saved to the device. Saved as "Fav Delay". Drag that patch to a free "new" tone slot. or on the device hit copy and scroll to new tone and hit enter. You can then add what ever you want to it. Your fav delay is now saved. You can save a chain of effects you usually use and their settings and save it without an amp.Fairly easy to copy and fast in EDIT. You cannot save a preset of an FX and select it from the FX preset menu which might be what you are asking like say you can do with some Amp- Sims. Think of it like real pedals where there is no user preset.
  10. Wow, that Cooper Carter is a master of the Fractal! He really knows a lot of riffs; a great testament that he can approximate cover tones and the AxeIII is capable. He even runs a class on how to program the AxeIII. But if you don't have the time or inclination, he has done it for you. Gig Ready! Time is money! If you are tired of the Helix or AxeII sound I'd go for a KPA. If money is no option, go real amps and FX. If you want to create never done before tones learn to program the AxeIII. If you want ease of use and creative tweakability go the Helix. Instant gratification Axe III with this guys patch pack and guitars all done in the same shirt! He's done the work!
  11. The HDs Pretty good at getting a somewhat "Royal Blood" tone too!
  12. Presuming you are all connected properly make sure you select and turn on the FX Loop block in the HD itself or there will be no sound.
  13. Yes, I do. I am using it much more then I used to for Bass. you can make a bass amp out of nearly most of the amps already in there. You probably don't need POD Farm but the Bass pack, though only a few, is an improvement. Like with Guitars and amps you must, must ensure you are not clipping internally your tone. The low end has a lot of energy. There are no meters or indicators on the HD. I am pretty sure this is the source of most complaints about tone of guitars and bass in the HDs. A very good pair of Studio headphones is a good way to check for distortion, reverb tails etc. It is handy to have a FFT meter inserted into a DAW channel to look at the frequencies that are poking in the red. Makeup gain thru your monitoring but peaks are only important to not go over. Use a free VU meter (mVU or RMS and the like) to actually look at the actual volume. You can have lots of peaks clipping with little-perceived loudness. If you try to get an optimal FFT meter loudness, the tone will get very tubby sounding. Really all you are doing is seeing if there is sub bass energy to be removed that your speakers can't reproduce and any to tame any in the red frequencies without ruining your tone. As the bass widely swing the meters it needs to be tamed by compression, while the Tube Compressor helps it cant catch and clamp down on the bass as well as the hardware counterpart. But if you keep the levels moderate you can get a good tone out of it. For higher levels a decent compressor in the FX loop is ideal. It is easy to overload FX into the amp and then into the converters and it is wise to level check an FX on and off so it matches your initial level. Louder sounds better but not in this case, a slight scratchiness onto ticks is the beginning of clipping. A bodgy cable can cause a more noticeable crackling version of this. I generally leave the Master on the HD volume output at maximum as use another interface. But it is advised to set a level and stick to it as there are so many volume variables in the HD. Also, making a patch with headphones on the HD unit won't translate to an amp or PA and patches made for recording don't translate back to amps and PAs. Whatever the intended purpose is, make the patch under the same conditions. Some of the FX in the HD work very well on bass but so does just an Amp model on it's own. I for a long time would use a better preamp and compressor into the HD FX return and while it smoothed things out it was not suitable for live work. I even just went DI bypassing the HD and occasionally using it as an FX via a loop. Eventually, I figured out how to make it work with the HD only and I'd encourage you to do the same before looking elsewhere first. Anyway, probably too much info and a bit of a raving answer but it is all here. And, use your ears you will be happy with it!
  14. How is it going to do that? Not possible! You need an interface with midi and then you control some things in a DAW on a computer.
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