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pianoguyy last won the day on October 21 2019

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Community Answers

  1. It can be done, but it won't be easy. You are basically going to be running two separate paths - aka, stereo, panned full left and full right.
  2. Absolutely. In fact, even without the specific octave feature you are looking for, having two chains running two different sets of tones can make you sound like 2 guitarists.
  3. It really is my only complaint (other than not being free, updates for life, kosher, and bio-degradable) about the unit. You aren't really modeling X-amp if you aren't using X-amp's control layout.
  4. The 500 was programmed to go bad the minute the 500x came out, which was programed to go bad when the Firefox came out (is the the right name?), which broke as soon as the Helix came out. Luckily, I hacked the CMOS and turned the date back to 2003, which was when the 500 was still in concept mode, which tricked the 500 into being better than it was when it came out to the general public. Beyond that... The 500, 500X, HD Pro, and HD ProX are all the same unit. So, if you are looking for patches, you can use patches designed for any of them. And there is a converter locked to the top of the forum that will convert files for other devices. Before you get to far into anything, I would suggest you get the system settings correct. Otherwise, you'll be fighting a battle you can't win.
  5. *I don't have the 300. My answer will be based on my knowledge of the 500. So it is possible that I am wrong I always suggest using Studio. And, in this situation, it is what would be recommended. But, if you have already designed your patches, then any alteration to your setup will change your tone. Correct answer is NO. One is left and one is right. They will never be the same. But, as you mentioned - a compromise. If you design your patches in a way, so that the left and right are the same, then your left and right will be the same. It really isn't that hard to do. You just have to be careful of certain stereo effects when designing your patches. And here is where it gets tricky - when designing patches, only listen to one side. If you listen to both at the same time, there could be some phase issues, which cause you to make your tone differently... and then they will sound different when on stage hearing only one side. An XLR splitter. One XLR coming out of the Pod. Which then gets sent to both of your devices. *A 1/4"-to-XLR splitter would also work. It would also resolve the issue of the previously mentioned stereo effects and phase issues, because the 1/4" sums to mono.
  6. Hire a lawyer. Period. Do not use some generic 'template'. Don't even try to have a discussion with the people on the other side of the table. Point them to your lawyer. In fact, your lawyers' number should be listed on your docs. No one should be contacting you, you job is music, let the professionals earn their keep. Lawyers. Accountants. Doctors. These are your LADs. Don't be cheap about it. Don't use your friends. Don't try to bang the cute ones. And add a layer of separation, don't use friends of friends. LADs are LADs, the only way they can truly protect/help is if they are kept as LADs. Complete honesty is needed. Hide nothing. Don't try to impress. Tell them things you wouldn't tell your wife, mistress, and best mates. In fact, look in the mirror and lie to yourself all you want, but be honest with them. No, they don't. These aren't musicians. These guys give everything away. The minute they "create" something, they are posting it saying "look at me, look at me"
  7. Assuming you've done your due diligence, the only setting would be.... are your patches set up for 2 sided sound. And that is easy enough to find out - plug a left and right into different speakers and see what happens. Other than that, assuming you did your due diligence, it sounds like the headphone jack has gone bad. Sometimes they can be bent back into place. Sometimes they need soldered.
  8. You are correct. You don't see those trademarked terms being used.
  9. I think the keyword is accurately. Let's turn it around... will the church pa system accurately replicate your FRFR? In theory, yes, they are one and the same. But we all know that they are not. My FRFR is different than your FRFR which is different than his FRFR. And then we throw in a 3rd party system at a church, which are usually a hodge podge of donated items vs a professionally tuned system... So, all that to say - yes, an FRFR will be fine. I will also say this - Don't fall into the "I must buy an overpriced FRFR system because it is designed for guitar modeling". There are numerous "bland" systems out there. Acoustic guitar amps. Keyboard amps. PA Systems. Even home stereos. All of these can be had far cheaper than anything listed as FRFR.
  10. To the best of my knowledge - L6 does not sell parts to consumers. But parts are available from various outlets across the web. Also, what many of us have done (and I am sure you have at one point or another).... Because of the age of some devices, you can find many "free, you haul" items to use as parts.
  11. Me two... or is it too, lol. But this is making me wonder; Many people are having issues with the website (downloads, customtone, etc). Yet, I do not. And you do not. I am wondering how much of their problems are browsers and operating systems.
  12. This is USER ERROR. The site works fine.
  13. Short answer - NO But, most of the effects units have a smart harmony feature which will add notes based on the key you have selected.
  14. This is USER ERROR. The site works fine.
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