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  1. craiganderton. "It's totally personal preference": I totally agree with you. Some users seems to like to quickly judge and shoot other messangers with "mean" comments as if their way of thinking is the only way possible... I guess if extended and meaner these messages could become "trolling". But that's the way it is now in the digital world.
  2. I've finally Bought in JUne 23 a Variax Standard on eBay, from Japan. Great price, received it quickly and works great!
  3. I'm not able to fit the fishman TriplePlay midi pickup on the Variax standard, even when I'm trying to use the thinner self-adhesive support. I had no problem to install it on my JTV-69, but on the standard, it seems there is not enough room and the strings cling onto it: the higher strings only. Thanks for helping me out!
  4. Thanks Codamedia: but I've found the problem: It was my fault! I had a cable somewhere in the signal chain connected backwards... The funny thing is the sound was OK without the fuzz: that one I don't really understand it. I guess it's part of all the "ghost in the machine" thing. But anyway, now, there are no backwards cable connection in the signal chain and all is normal when I engage the fuzz.
  5. I have a silicon fuzz face mini (the blue one). When I using the GTR input with the fuzz before the Helix floor everyrhing is fine. When using the VDI cable (which is my normal config: I don't use the guitar input), I place the fuzz face in the FX loop 2 out and then in the FX loop 4 return. Everything is fine as long the fuzz is in bypass mode. Whenever I engage the fuzz (battery alimented or ISO-Brick), there is no fuzz, only a big volume drop. Is it normal? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
  6. Problem solved: I needed to use a USB port directly connected to the PC motherboard, not a USB hub.
  7. I've forgotten to mention this: clearly, since workbench doesn't recognize the Variax Standard it is because it is currently running on an old firmware. I suppose that I need the VDI-USB adapter only to be able to update to the latest firmware. Afterwards, I won't be using it much...
  8. Just received a used Variax standard that I bought from ebay. it didn't come with its VDI-USB interface. So I used the one I had for my JTV-69 and it seems incompatible... Is it so? Is there a way to get my hands on these "newer" VDI adapter? I can use the Variax with my Helix floor, but I cannot connect it to Workbench, either through the Helix floor or the JTV VDI-USB interface. So I think the adapter hardware change somehow since the James Tyler Series. the end resukt: if I want to create/use custom models via Workbench, it is currently impossible.
  9. Thanks psarkissian, but nothing near Montreal, only Yamaha Canada in Toronto... Since JTV-69 was produced before the Yamaha deal, I've opened a ticket with Line 6 directly. I'm simply waiting to see if someone else has experienced this problem and if there is another workaround.
  10. Since Today, my JTV-69 electronic seems dead. All my Helix Floor patches used Variax as Inputs for years now. I've tried to connect the VDI in my old POD X3 Live and the variax is still dead. Is there something I can try to reanimate it? Is it possible to get replacements parts for the electronics?
  11. I'm a proud owner of a JTV-69 guitar: it's been my main guitar since 2012. I kind of notice that, apart from the Shuriken, all the other models seems out of stock. I was wondering if it is an indication that new models will be happening in a not so far futur or if the entire line of guitar will be discontinued. The later would be a shame... I can't seems to find anything about this on the web, and aside from this forum, I don't know where to post my question so someone from Line 6 could answer it.
  12. At least l’m not the only one: it seems like a minor bug anyway through all the Helix family. Eventually I would like to be able to change the color of the HX-preset button. I know, it’s a fancy feature, but it would be nice to be able to change the color of those, now that we can assign them to whatever button we choose.
  13. I've just discovered Today through one of Steve Sterlacci video that we're supposed to have the "Switch Led" option under "HX Snapshot" in the HX Edit software. But I don't seem to have this option and I have the last 3.11 Update on my Helix Floor. Is there a way to activate this option somewhere? Below are two images: one from Steve Video on YouTube and one from my actual PC. Need help!
  14. Hi xpios,

    regarding the 2.92 bug you’re experiencing, see my thread at the following link, it could help you. I opened a ticket regarding this, they simply archived it after a while with no real reply. But at least there is a workaround.


  15. Thanks’ codamedia, it really makes sense, I will give it a try over the weekend. Great suggestion.
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