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  1. I just bought a pod go and was looking at which headphones to buy. Looking at the FAQ it says the headphone impedance output is 63 ohms?? That can't possibly be right can it? The helix floor is 12 ohms. Why is the pod go more than 5 times higher? Using the rule of 8, that would mean you need to use headphones with over 500 ohm load with the entry level pod. Did the FAQ mean we should use headphones with over 63 ohms? I'm really confused.
  2. Check this out: Thanks to Jonathan Cordy!
  3. I have a Flextone 212s speaker cabinet loaded with two 8ohm speakers. When plugged into the left jack and using my multimeter it is showing an 8ohm load and both speakers are working. How is this possible? To my knowledge wiring two 8ohm speakers can get you either 4 or 16ohms. What kind of sorcery is this???
  4. The fuzz face model seems a little hard to tame with my jtv-69 through the VDI cable. Is it possible that there are no impedance simulation mode to emulate a lower impedance with a fuzz face model when using variax through VDI? Since the impedance is unavailable when Selecting variax model as an input block, I was wondering how it’s actually working within the Helix when a fuzz face is the first in chain in that context. l’m pretty sure only someone from Line 6 will be able to give a definite answer to that question, but I post it here anyway. Thanks’ in advance
  5. Hello All. I would like to ask for advise on the impedance, input and output setting of both my helix's. Please note there are 2 overdrives in front. My signal path: **Guitar > Mosky Loop Box (Blues Breaker Clone > Walrus Mayflower) > HX Effects In (+Tone Sovereign) > HX Effects Send 2 > HX Stomp In (+Amp 1 and Amp 2) > HX Stomp Send > HX Effects Return (+ Delays and Reverbs) > HX Effects Out 1 & 2 > HX Stomp Return L & R (+ Reverb) > HX Stomp out L & R to FOH. **HX Effects Send 1 goes to the input of the Axe Fx Ultra which is setup with the same amp as the Stomp > FOH (Left only). I'm trying to achieve wet/dry/wet setup. :) Advises on how to hook it up are welcome as well. Thanks in advance.
  6. Good day dear Line6 and everyone!! Q.1 I have POD X3 and POD HD Bean. I connect them to two KRK monitors through this mixer: Please tell me which 6.3jack cables I need to use to operate one POD in stereo and where to connect them? 2 TRS or 2 TS? If I connect one or two cables, which inputs are should I use the mixer in these two separate cases? Please read the instructions for the mixer. I look forward to hearing from you, with respect. I'm playing through GearBox. Q.2 What cables should I use from this list to connect two monitors to the mixer? I also want to inform you that the engineer from RJM who produced this mixer advised me to use 2 mono-jack cables to mono-xlr (ground connected to sleeve in xlr-connector). But I want to ask you, it will be the right option if I do not have grounding in the outlet and whether there will be noise from ground fault with sleeve on every cable? If there is another connection option from the list, then please inform me of the best option. All in two photos. Q.3 How to adjust the impedance on this sound path? (Guitar Processor> Mixer> Monitors) What value should not exceed and not be underestimated at the inputs and outputs. Give an example please (Guitar processor> Mixer> Monitors). Mini Line Mixer Manual.pdf MLM-1 Example.pdf
  7. I want a volume pedal in the FX loop of my DT25. After hours of reading articles I think I will need the low impedance version of Boss FV-500(L). Am I right and where can I find information about the impedance of the FX loop of the DT25. I find the information in the Pilot's Guide pretty cumbersome. Even on the support pages I cannot find the answer to my question. I hope someone can give me some more information about this set-up. I just want to use the volume pedal to behave as a master volume.
  8. Very sorry for the long post, but I truly feel it's necessary... Some might already know me from The Gear Page and it's been pointed out that maybe I should post this here in order to have a bigger impact, I'd reach more people really invested in making Helix better. Recently a couple of threads about Fuzz and Input Impedance came up, it seems a good time to push this idea forward and greatly improve our experience while playing w/ Helix. I'm a big fuzz fan. When I started getting heavy into dial in my tones, I found this problem... I dialed my Plexi tone, sounded great, then I added a fuzz face model in front of it, again it sounded great, but when I turned it off, the tone of the amp alone was gone, it sounded muffled. After asking around and some research I found that the culprit was the input impedance, more specifically, the auto setting. Input impedance influences tone and feel, it has to do with the interaction of you guitar signal and the first thing it hits on your pedalboard. To make a pedal behave on a modeler like its "real" counterpart, units use analog circuits to mimic the different input impedances you'd find in a regular pedalboard or amp. For example, usually amps have an input impedance of 1M, but if you put a fuzz in front of it, they usually have an input impedance around 10k, and that's what the guitar will see. A lot of people get confused and say that "well, if you bypass the fuzz, the input impedance is the same", but that's not exactly right. We have basically true bypass and buffered bypass, true bypass acts like there's nothing really there, signal goes straight through; buffered bypass makes the signal go through a buffer, and a buffer itself is actually an amp, and in this case the input impedance will be whatever the input bypass of the buffer is. We will ignore the buffered one. A buffer serves the sole purpose of avoiding signal degradation caused by long running cables - and it doesn't come without its own short comings, anyone that has triad a fuzz face after a buffer knows it - but because inside a modeler it doesn't happen, we can think Helix as a kind of paradise where there's no place for Bob Bradshaw, LA Sound Design, Gig Rig, Pete Cornish and a bunch of other companies, whose sole purpose is to make sure your guitar still sounds like your guitar after going through a metric ton of cables and gear. We'll assume everything is true bypass, because, as we don't have to worry about signal loss through cables, that's the best option, no question about it. Back to input impedance. Everything being true bypass, that means it's going straight through, so the input impedance the guitar sees is of whatever is the first block that's actually on! Going back to my example. In this ideal world, what should happen when I bypassed my fuzz? Signal would go straight through and would see the input impedance of the amp! Turn the Fuzz on and it sees the input impedance of the Fuzz Face! Nice!... Except it's not what happens in Helix. The auto setting doesn't search for the first active block, it goes for the first one, being on OR off. That's why it sounds different! When I turn the Fuzz off, Helix isn't changing the input impedance, so the guitar still sees the low input impedance of the Fuzz Face, making the amp sound just muddy, muffled. Tha auto setting as it works right now is doing pretty much nothing useful. Why? Because what it does is fixing the input impedance to whatever effect is first. If you have a compressor first, impedance will be fixed at 1M, as long as you don't change the signal path, specifically the very first effect, impedance won't change. But nobody changes the signal path while playing, so it's not really useful. Takes away the guess work to find the input impedance of the first effect, but by fixing it, makes everything that goes after have the same input impedance, making the models not nearly as accurate as they could be if the input impedance was set properly. Fixes? Two main ones are usually proposed. After a few FW updates since release the input impedance went from a global preset to the input part of every preset, great! It also can be assigned to footswitches?! GREAT! But it only works for very simple cases. It would for just fuzz-amp. I'd assign the input impedance to the footswitch that turned the fuzz on and off and make it change the input impedance from 10k to 1M. Good! But it doesn't work that great when you put just another pedal in. Let's have Fuzz-Tubescreamer-Amp, all three input impedances are different; when playing the amp it would be 1M, turning the Fuzz on would make it 10k, but now if I turn the Tubescreamer the impedance should not change, but if we assign the input impedance change to its footswitch, it will do just that. But then snapshots came and had to be it, right! Not exactly. By itself it works, but it's extremely limiting and you take in consideration the combinations of pedals I could have using the stomp mode. I'd need 4 snapshots to deal with the fuzz-ts-amp case and set the impedance accordingly, that's not really practical - and the stomp mode is still crippled. Isn't there a definitive fix? You guessed, fix the auto setting of the input impedance. If after everything I said you don't believe me, here's what the competition has to say about this: From (and a great read if you want to understand what input impedance actually does. Spoiler, it's not about bypass) "Typical guitar modeling processors have a fixed input impedance, which can limit the accuracy of the modeling. Eleven Rack's True-Z circuitry is designed to solve this problem by automatically changing the input impedance to closely match the impedance of the first active effect in the Eleven Rack signal chain." From "The Axe-Fx II recreates this effect by switching various (real) resistors and a capacitor in and out of the signal path. In Auto mode, the impedance is automatically set based on the first active effect the input "sees." Normally you will want to leave this on AUTO..." Here's the link to the ideascale where I proposed the auto setting fix: Vote up!
  9. Hi all. I've been really searching for a list of the input impedances of the effects in the helix. I believe there is one in somewhere. Just want to know if any of you have a list of the values of the input impedance for each effect when helix is set to auto. Thanks in advance
  10. The Helix is designed for the user to set up a number of signal flow combinations. It allows for unique situations that would normally be extremely difficult to set up in real life. They can now be easily arranged within the unit. For further reading, make you also check out the Helix manual section on Serial vs. Parallel Routing and Moving Split & Merge Blocks. View the Helix manual here Having said that, you can also get some un desirable results if you're not careful with how you set up your routing. These can include phasing issues, volume drop, or noise floor increase. *Notes about Inputs and outputs · 1/4" Returns are unbalanced. · All Helix outputs (main outs and Sends) are impedance balanced, so you can plug a TRS cable and go to another device balanced input and profit from some common-mode noise cancellation. . When the Helix outputs are set to line level, they are +4dBU nominal with approximately 15dB of headroom. When set to instrument level, they -10bBu. Or more simply, they are 20Vpp max input/output. Noise floor increase due to the introduction of Sends and Returns When using the Helix sends and returns the noise floor can be increased. This is due to the number of A/D converters now used in the signal chain. Most of the increase is negligible. However, it can become more noticeable if the sends/returns are placed in front of a high gain amp model such as the PV Panama (Peavy 5150) due to its inherent high noise floor. This phenomenon occurs on the Pod HD series as well. . Potential latency issues due to the introduction of Sends and Returns This is another one that you won't notice in most situations, but could arise given certain circumstances. The tiny amount of latency introduced from another set of A/D converters is impossible to hear on it's own. An issue could occur if you merge that pathway back with another serial pathway that wasn't going through that send/return. The millisecond delay may cause some undesirable phasing. Below I have pictured a signal path that might yield poor results. If you move the merge block before the Send/Return, then it would eliminate any potential phasing issues. Using Helix Hardware as an interface to record When using the Helix as an interface with a DAW, the signal routing can get a little confusing and it might become difficult to balance levels for monitoring. The typical set up would be guitar into Helix, then Helix to computer via USB. You would then monitor from the headphones, 1/4" or XLR outputs. Given that setup, the guitar and the DAW's playback are sharing the same monitoring. If you have the guitar going into the DAW and then back out, you will hear your guitar twice. You can mute the DAW's return of the guitar track to avoid this. Also, in this case the volume knob will control the total output making it tougher to balance the sound of the guitar and the DAW's playback. Try setting the volume knob to only control the feed you're monitoring, and it will no longer control the USB feed to your computer. You can also try making the playback volume adjustment from the DAW. Using Helix Hardware as an interface to record with Helix Native The above signal flow still applies, but a new level of complexity is added. Since the hardware is no longer processing the guitar, you can't mute your guitar tracks return feed, because you'll want to hear it. What works best is the set up the Helix with a blank preset, and then change the output block to your desired USB output. That way, the only thing you're hearing from the Helix is your DAW's return. Auto Impedance Switching With the Helix family, the default setting for the guitar input is auto impedance. The impedance will be determined by the first block in the signal chain. Even if the first block is bypassed, the impedance setting from that effect block will determine the input signal level. This automatic impedance will change the input volume and tone, this is most apparent with guitars that have passive pickups and are directly connected to the guitar in of Helix. Distortion Pedal Volume Drop Sometimes when adding a distortion/fuzz pedal, your signal volume drops. Here's a link to a great article written by our sound designer Ben Adrian that can explain in detail what's occurring. Although the article is written to describe what happens in the analogue world, it's affect can be experienced within the Helix and it's digital models. Distortion Pedal Volume Drop (and how hard diode clipping works)
  11. I currently have no experience with setting up fx processors for live/rehearsal use through a guitar cabinet, but I am thinking about obtaining a Helix (maybe Axe Fx if I'm patient enough) to add a digital rack setup on top of my current tube amp/cab/pedals setup. Just to have the best of both worlds. I want to stick to a solid state power amp, but do I go Rocktron Velocity 300 or Matrix GT800FX/GT1000FX? I obviously want to maximize my sound in terms of quality, but also in terms of volume without blowing my speakers or being too quiet. I'm not sure how wattage in a sold state amp affects this, and I'd like to go Matrix, but only if they don't destroy these cabs with one small or bad turn of a knob because of their high output capabilities -- 400w/channel or 800w bridged for example -- into a 280w Mesa 4x12 (live/rehearsal) or 120w Orange 2x12 (home). But I can't afford to have the 300w Rocktron be too quiet for a live or rehearsal situation even if it does suffice for at-home use. Bottom line: Which power amp should I get and how would I avoid damage? I see people using the Matrix's all the time with cab setups but how do they not blow their cabs? Just keep the Matrix turned down low all the time? Is it an impedance thing? Side note: The Orange also only has a 16 ohm option so without rewiring how would that work, if it can at all since I believe these amps do 8 ohms? I know there's other options for speaker setups but I'm asking specifically about guitar cabinets... for now. I play heavy music. Much appreciated.
  12. Helix Floor/Rack/LT Inputs Guitar in: Auto impedance unbalanced TS, the impedance will be determined by the first block in the signal chain. (This is a setting that can be adjusted in Global Settings) Aux In: 10k ohm unbalanced TS Returns: 1Meg unbalanced TS (instrument mode)/10K unbalanced TS (line mode) Outputs L and R Main Out: Impedance-balanced TRS Sends: Impedance-balanced TRS Dry (Helix Rack only): Impedance-balanced TRS HX Effects L and R Main In: 1Meg unbalanced TS L and R Main Out: Impedance-balanced TRS Sends: Impedance-balanced TRS Returns: 1Meg unbalanced TS (instrument mode)/10K unbalanced TS (line mode) Note: Although all the outputs use TRS jacks, they are not true balanced outputs. They are only impedance-balanced. · A true balanced output would have the tip and ring driven with (out-of-phase) audio signal. The outputs on HX Effects are only driven on the tip. · However, because they are impedance-balanced, you can still get some common-mode rejection of external noise sources (i.e. power line hum) if a TRS cable is used to connect the HX Effect outputs to a device with balanced inputs.
  13. Hi. Can’t find any info on the impedance og the two XLR’s L+R out? And do they adjust when changing from «mic» to «line» on the global setup? Or is that only a volumething? I’m thinking about adding some transformers to avoid phantompower to reach the Helix and want the impedance to match the outputs.
  14. My Pod Farm with GX does not quite have the quality and dynamic range that my old POD XT has (for testing comparing same patch a single path, volume on both etc-and using headphones etc). Farm obviously allows duel path and I like the interface better, so really want to figure it out. My issue is I am just not getting the same tone. Been working for awhile to get those duel path tones where I want them to be. I assume XT has some extra circutry pre-stuff (thought I read somewhere that). Anyway, can someone point me to more detailed the specs of the GX /the other USB farm interfaces so I now if I should try this. This may require a line 6 egineer to chime in. Apparently unless GX has a 1M ohm input for the guitar? the input jack may be the issue as having a lower impedance. THis is to mean, I am trying to determine if I am suffering a mismatch from my pickups that are high impendence. Anyone else experience or compare. I know the USB only farm interfaces are probably not the most expensive to manufacture and thus may have slightly less high end circuity, so this is all a guess as to what is different. IF not, I need to look further as I would not benefit from a Zbox. I could always buy a Zbox and just test and if not send back, but would like to at least make a more educated purchase. Any feedback would be appreciated...thx
  15. Hi Everybody, The manual of the TBP12 beltpack states that the input impedance is 1,3 MOhms. According to the same manual the impedance is lowered when pin 4 is tied to pin 3 in the TA4F connector. Does anyone know the value of this impedance? Regards, Merlijn van Veen
  16. Just wondering, what is the impedance of the DT50 combo's 2x12? Can't seem to find the info online. Anyone use external heads with their combo's cab/speakers?
  17. Well, after a long day and the thought to go to bed early ... I played with the Guitar-In Z. You'd think I couldn't beat a dead horse, but wait ... It is working!! OK, maybe not way I'd like it but here is what I found so far. If I set Guitar-In Z as an adjustable parameter it can be accurately saved in all 8 snapshots within the presets I have imported which I built in the previous FW version. Now when I go to another preset then comeback to the one I just modified all 8 snapshots still have the saved value AND they sound accurate. BUT, here is the rub ... As I said the snapshots have the correct value and the correct sound ... including snapshot 1 It is the preset that I initially switch back to after saving all snapshots that is harsh with the sound of the "auto" value for the Guitar-in Z value. Yet if I then choose any of the 8 snapshots they are all fine. Not sure but my thinking is that somehow the preset built in a FW that did not have snapshots is like the ghost in the machine. It is there, it says snapshot 1, but it really isn't snapshot 1 until you use the FS to chose it as snapshot 1. Note I did save the preset twice before starting this testing. WHAT I HAVE NOT DONE; I haven't created a preset from scratch in the new FW 2.00 with or without the 2.00.1 editor. So my theory could be inaccurate based upon incomplete testing. I am beat and have to get ready for a State DMV license renewal so I'm calling it a night. More later unless someone else would like to do what I haven't yet. Thoughts from anyone? Dennis PS: Line 6 did a hell of a job with this FW and App version. So, at the end of the day ... Thank you Line 6 for getting this out and letting me if not us get the scenes everyone has been asking for. PPS: DI, jpdennis like snapshots (the tonality of my voice is likened to Cookie Monster) :rolleyes:
  18. Hi, I have a monitor headphones with an impedance of 150 om. Will it work properly with Sonic Port, I mean the volume and frequency characteristics? (didn't find any mention about the output headphones impedance for Sonic Port)
  19. Hi All, Does anyone know what is the Helix XLR output impedance ? Thanks
  20. Hi, I can't find anywhere the specification of the CV control voltage output on the Helix - specifically what's the output impedance - in other words, how much current can it drive? I'm intending to use the CV output as another amp switching output (my amp has three remotely switchable functions that I want to automate with Helix) so I'm keen to know whether I can drive a relay coil directly from the CV output, or whether I need to buffer it with a custom-built transistor stage. Any indication would be nice (in fact, a "specifications" section at the back of the manual would be even nicer!! :-))
  21. When I bought the Helix, the input impedance at guitar input was set at 1MOhm, but as there was also an "auto" setting, I chose that option because I thought that Helix automatically set the best impedance for the guitar. But now I have a doubt: if "auto" seems a good option, why the default option is 1 MOhm?
  22. Hello, I can't find the specifications for my HD500x outputs... Does anyone know what is the impedance and max output of the unbalanced output (at "Combo/Stack power amp" output setting)?
  23. I tried to set up my JTV TMOD-5 (neck pickup) model to be similar to my Fender 60's Player Tele neck pickup. I had my JTV connected to my HD500 with VDI and my Tele connected via 1/4" Guitar In. The HD500 connected to my PC via USB and Windows HD running. I had L mono out going to a mixing desk connected to a reference amp connected to Tannoy Reveal monitors. I just wanted to get the model strings balanced and sounding similar to the real thing - I didn't think I could get them to sound identical, just similar. So I was just using the same CLEAN sounding amp model patch in the HD500 for the comparison. Both guitars had Volume and Tone controls on Max. First off, I was surprised by how different they both sounded - the Fender Tele with rich warm notes on the 3 low strings and treble attack on the high strings but the JTV model just had high treble attack across all strings. So I looked at the GUITAR-IN-Z setting and it was set to AUTO. So I tried removing the fx blocks before the amp in the patch and when I was left just with the amp, I was getting a brighter sound but still nowhere near as bright as the JTV model. So I tried manually setting the GUITAR-IN-Z value and even with it on the highest level of 3.5M the Fender Tele did not sound quite as bright as the JTV model. It was getting closer but still far enough apart to easily be able to tell the difference. Nothing more I could do to adjust the Fender Tele tone, so I looked at options for the JTV model, and the only things available in Workbench HD are the Volume pot resistance value and the Tone pot resistance and knob position. As I always have my Tone on max, the Tone pot value was not going to be of any use, unless I decided to save a lower Tone knob position with the model. This prompted me to ask "why can't I set the input impedance for the Variax VDI just like I can with the Guitar In?". Surely that would be the best option? But it's not available. So the next question "why is it not available?". My testing with the GUITAR-IN-Z showed that those changes made a big difference to the tonal input of the guitar. Surely we should be able to do the same with the JTV? Or if not, then surely the JTV models should be very similar to the equivalent standard guitar models without any need to tweak - but they are not - they are much brighter and full of high end - well the Tele Neck pickup model certainly is. So - I could go into Workbench and spend some time experimenting with the different volume pot values to see if I could match the tonal qualities of the model with the real thing, or I could experiment with the tone pot values and setting of the knob position to achieve a similar tonal quality. But these options seem way over the top and time consuming and unnecessary when the Variax models should have the input impedance modelled in some way already or at the very lest they should respond like the AUTO setting does for Guitar In and match chosen fx or amp, but they don't. They don't appear to have any modelled tonal attenuation due to "lead length" or "Input impedance" - they seem to be constant with no high end attenuation occurring as with a real guitar/pickup/lead combination. Does anyone know why the VDI implementation does not allow for any impedance matching like Guitar-In-z ? Does anyone have any suggested values for volume and/or tone pots that I could try in Workbench HD to make the JTV Tmod-5 model behave tonally like a real Fender Tele neck pick up in terms of attenuated high end? Thanks in advance.
  24. I've got what I'm sure some will think is a really stupid question but I'm at my wits end trying to find something of any substance on the internet. I have a Spider IV HD 150 which we probably all know is stereo at 8 ohms per channel. I'm looking at getting a new cab that is rated at 8 ohms mono, 4 ohms stereo. As I understand it, it's generally a bad idea to run a single channel since the amp is designed to run stereo; makes sense. As I also understand it, while it is generally ok to run an amp with a lower impedance to a cab with a higher impedance (e.g. 8 ohm amp to 16 ohm cab), it is not good to run it the other way around (e.g. higher impedance to lower impedance). So, after doing some looking it seems that one option is to simply rewire the speakers into to 16 ohm series, deal with a little volume loss, and you're golden. However, I was wondering if it's possible to bridge the two stereo channels by way of a y adapter. It seems, in my incredibly limited knowledge of the subject, that in theory you would be left with a 4 ohm mono out that could be fed to a 8 ohm mono connection on the cab. This almost seems too simple but it make sense to me, again with my limited knowledge on the subject. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks. - James
  25. pfsmith0

    HD500 Input Z

    I took my HD500 into the lab to measure it's input impedance to see if it was "real" or just an simulated/emulated effect. Summary: it is a real resistor. Details: I used an Audio Precision APx525 to generate a 100mV RMS signal at 100 Hz (because 1kHz caused too much cross-coupling at the higher impedance settings of 1M and 3.5M) with a 20 ohm output impedance (which is negligible). I switch in various series resistors until the signal out of the HD500 into the APx525 (either XLR out, 1/4" out, or SPDIF, it made no difference) dropped 6dB. Only the first FX block was installed in the HD500- the Studio EQ set to its default settings. The results are below: HD500 Input Z selected / Input Z measured 22k / 22.21k 32k / 32.03k 70k / 69.8k 90k / 90.1k 136k / 136.5k 230k / 232k 1M / 999k 3.5M / 4.57M (noisier measurement than the others) So what? Well, the HD500 input Z interacts with humbucker and single-coil pickups in an identical way that amps and FX boxes do. Humbuckers generally like (or require, depending on your point of view) higher impedances than single-coil pickups. Also, if you're driving the HD500 from a source w/o pickups, such as another FX box or a wireless receiver, then input Z selection should have no impact on your tone (as long as the box can drive the selected input Z). Generally, lower input Z offers lower noise but is harder to drive (prone to amplitude loss or more distortion).
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