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Everything posted by weesch

  1. Hi Line 6 plugins had a very good quality ! the best for me ! and i use amp farm 2 rtas with protools hd coupled with an other asio software "mutool". what i see is that when i use line 6 rtas alone with protools i have latency. but if i record line 6 rtas in another software like mutools i have no more latency. so that's why i suggest everyone to use line 6 plugins with an HOST software like vst host and record line 6 plugin audio in another asio software like mutools/cubase/samplitude. if you use multiple asio driver in your computer no problems you can use asiolinkpro ... to plug line 6 asio out to your asio in seqeuncer like cubase /samplitude .... here a demo of a song made with line 6 ampfarm 2 rtas on bass guitar with guitar rig preset on voice and xln addictive drum all plugin are made with protools and all record ( audio and midi )are made with cubase . call me for advise for your system configuration because using multiple audio hardware and asio driver in one or two computer is the key to avoid latency ! best regards weesch MaXtor project.pdf
  2. Hi maybe you can use your hx stomp usb asio driver with another software than logic. use logic alone with another asio hardware (pci card usb card...) and use your hx stomp with a asio host software like VST HOST after you record your hx stomp usb plugins in logic with a very low latency (64 samples) by plug hx stomp out to logic hardware in. or by using asiolinkpro to plugs hx stomp asio out to logic asio in in my case i do this with line 6 amp farm 2/ guitar rig rtas ....with protools recorded in creamware pulsar 2 asio with mutools/cubase/samplitude.... and i can use rtas plugins at 64 samples 1.5 millisecond. demo here : demo of line amp farm 2 on bass and guitar with xln addidictive drum and guitar rig preset on voice with protools hd and cubase : call me for advise if you need ! best regrds weesch
  3. Hi by using protools with another software mutools in the same computer i can use all rtas vst tdm plugins in realtime with a very few latency of 64 samples. just see the video demo here where i use protools with mutools and another video demo where i use amp farm 2 rtas on bass and guitar with protools and cubase. thanks for your reply i will be happy to share with you how to make it wotk in your configuration. best regards weesch
  4. Hi I don't use hardware but i use line 6 rtas plugins in protools at 64 samples buffer with a little latency ( maybe 3 millisecond) i use lines 6 plugins in realtime and i record it in another software : mutools. so i use protools hd for the plugins. and mutools for audio and midi recording. i also use protools rtas instrument controled by mutools midi send. here the demos of my system : here an audio demo video made with cubase / protools hd tdm / line 6 rtas amp farm 2 on guitar bass and xln audio addictive drum rtas / guitar rig 5 preamps on voice , eventide vsttrans for reverbs. i use all the plugins in tracking , in realtime record it in mutools and compensate the latency in mutools. i do this because protools cannot do it well alone (midi audio timing phase not stable) if you want use plugins without protools you can... just use a computer with the plugins at 64 samples and another software record in asio direct monitoring the plugins play of the first computer. in my case a do all in the same computer with two audio hardware ( protools tdm pci and a pulsar 2 creamware pci with mutools) thanks . best regards weesch plastic man :
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