I don't use hardware but i use line 6 rtas plugins in protools at 64 samples buffer with a little latency ( maybe 3 millisecond)
i use lines 6 plugins in realtime and i record it in another software : mutools.
so i use protools hd for the plugins.
and mutools for audio and midi recording.
i also use protools rtas instrument controled by mutools midi send.
here the demos of my system : https://www.ayewind.com/use-native-plugin-without-in-realtime-without-latency
here an audio demo video made with cubase / protools hd tdm / line 6 rtas amp farm 2 on guitar bass and xln audio addictive drum rtas / guitar rig 5 preamps on voice , eventide vsttrans for reverbs.
i use all the plugins in tracking , in realtime record it in mutools and compensate the latency in mutools.
i do this because protools cannot do it well alone (midi audio timing phase not stable)
if you want use plugins without protools you can...
just use a computer with the plugins at 64 samples and another software record in asio direct monitoring the plugins play of the first computer.
in my case a do all in the same computer with two audio hardware ( protools tdm pci and a pulsar 2 creamware pci with mutools)
thanks .
best regards
plastic man :