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Everything posted by stumblinman

  1. No, you don't need an amp model. It can be strictly effects. Search the forums for the four cable method (4CM) to get the most out of the effects. Not sure if AC30 has fx loop or not. Enjoy!
  2. Did you pull the main PCB out, or were you able to just remove the back panel to access everything you needed?
  3. Anyone done this themselves? It's a 3 prong jack and costs 3 bucks. My local L6 repair shops are not the most scrupulous of places, charging minimum $75 deposit/shop charge. I'm pretty handy with a soldering iron, having done pedal mods, amp repair and guitar work. Just curious if anyone on here has done it themselves and has any advice before I crack this puppy open. All the photos show it's a single PCB with just the 3 prongs. Anything I should know? Owned Pod for over 2 years so voiding warranty isn't an issue. Thanks in advance fellas.
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