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Everything posted by stumblinman

  1. I bet L6 had the firmware update almost completed, but had to start all over to integrate everyone's requests from that steaming pile of lollipop Ideascale. "Jeepers! Folks want global EQ AND Hz? And what's all this hullabaloo about wanting popular amps instead of obscure ones? Doh! Scrap it all guys, we gotta start over!"
  2. From the rumors I've heard, Line 6 will be releasing a forum update at some time in the future to address the lollipop issue. Keep in mind, though, it's not a critical issue, just a major annoyance and in no way affects the usability of the forums. I see you have already come up with a workaround yourself.
  3. I'm sure if you throw your Pod at your amp hard enough it could damage it. As far as volume levels, an ounce of prevention is cheaper than a trip to the repair shop. You have a tube amp: while you let tubes warm up in standby, check your levels. You have time. The idea of marking your volume knob is a good one. Or take it a step further and tape that sucker. As far as input volume, one would think that the tubes would absorb the volume and simply distort. Once you reach max output on a tube, there is no "11". It's maxed.
  4. Depending on the environment you play in, it may be just dust in the switch. Buy a bottle of contact cleaner/electro wash and spray it into the switch and actuate it a bunch. Do this with power disconnected, of course. Also, give it a few minutes to evaporate before plugging your Pod back in. This may dislodge whatever gunk is causing the issue. Hope it helps.
  5. Tubes were replaced, but were they properly biased?
  6. Dual amp tones use the topology chosen for the "A" channel amp. As far as using dual amps and toggling with a foot switch between them in a patch, I can't say I've tried that.
  7. My DT25 blew a fuse/power tube last week. I plugged straight into PA, changed output mode from combo power amp to studio/direct and to be satisfied with my tones all I really had to do was cut the lower frequencies a bit and they were surprisingly similar. My clean, acoustic, and high gain tones required almost no tweaking. My lower gain, slightly dirty tone sounded a little flat until I adjusted my tone stack, but it was still tolerable at gig volume. So my situation is reversed from yours, but I can say I was truly surprised how well they translated from one to the other. Plus, you will love the DT even if you have to tweak all your tones. It's a great standalone amp and works perfectly to amplify your already-constructed tones. So if your tones are built with the bass already compensated for, they might sound a little thin on the DT. That's really the only difference I would notice.
  8. It's funny, well not really funny, but an interesting coincidence: When I was changing my tubes the other day after the fuse blowout ordeal, I tested the amp before putting it back together. Head was lying on the floor next to the cab it's housed in, and while I was holding my guitar while I bent over to flip standby off, I was getting a minor tingle of electricity present while my fingers were on the standby switch. Not strong by any means, but definitely present and noticeable. Odd thing was, when I reassembled the amp, the sensation went away. Maybe next time I crack it open I will do this grounding mod you posted. Edit! I now realize I was plugged in direct when testing it, and after reassembling it I was using L6 Link. That must separate you from the power inherent in the amp circuit. Perhaps I will test and see if I get zapped with amp reassembled and plugging straight in.
  9. Since I just pulled my DT25 apart to retube/bias I thought I might say what I noticed. There is a PCB that runs the full length of the knobs inside, which looks like the pot is soldered to. I could not get a good view of the pots because of the other internal stuff, but it looks like it might be more complex than just a pot swap.
  10. You want helpful input? GTFO the forum, make a preset with a wah, chorus, flanger, dirt box and maybe another modulation effect or compressor, not necessarily in that order, then leave amp block empty, then EQ, delay, and reverb after. Save file, there's your preset. Use the effects you want, add and remove amps as you want and quit whining. I'm no "Expert" but I'm betting this would take you less time than it took to quote my post and change your text color to red.
  11. So what you are saying is "My time is far too valuable to spend doing this menial task. Someone else do it for me"? Yep, I'll jump right on that. Hey Line 6, can you guys stop working on your new products to be my secretary please? Hey forum guys, can you stop writing songs and playing guitar to make a big-lollipop spreadsheet for me so I can concentrate on my music? That'd be super. You got it, buddy!
  12. I put in the original stock tubes because they has only been in for about 2 months before I put some JJ's in there. I was incorrect in my length of time of use too. Checked my purchases and they were 10 months old with daily use and I can't even count how many gigs, so a lot of travel too. I must admit, I probably didn't let them cool down sufficiently EVERY time. Biasing is simple. Hardest part is getting the head out of the cab. All points are easy to access and it goes very quickly.
  13. Yep. Put new fuse in and watched V3 light up like a Christmas tree. Shut it off, put in "old" tubes that had less hours than my current ones, biased and back in business. Something must have just flat out failed inside that tube. Glad it wasn't something else. Thought for sure when it blew the mains fuse and not the tube protection fuse that it was something more serious. Glad to be wrong. Thanks guys.
  14. Just checking up on this. Any luck? Curious what you discovered.
  15. stocks them. If you call line 6 they will tell you the part number. They did it for me for the power jack on the 500. It's also the same switch as the M5/9/13 I believe.
  16. XLR? Surely you mean AES/EBU? ;)
  17. I haven't been able to sleep worrying about this, so I pulled the tubes out and both still look brand spanking new. I will throw the old ones back in after I get a few new fuses in the morning. Going to fire it up with same tubes in and see if it blows again, and if it does I will swap them and see if it will at least stay on out of standby. Good news is that so far I can't find anything that smells burnt..
  18. I hope either one of you are right. Tubes are only 4-6 months old, but I do gig regularly and play daily. Here's to hoping...
  19. Hoping for a speedy resolution....

  20. Wow, I'm a little worried now. Turned amp on, in standby, and let it warm up for a couple minutes. Came back to turn it to on, and main fuse below power cord blew. Of course I don't have a spare 2A 240V fuse lying around, so now I'm dead in the water until tomorrow. Being a DT25, I wouldn't suspect the transformer issue that the DT50's had, so I'm a little worried. Unless it's just a bad fuse, I'm not sure what else to do. Best Part? Warranty expired 8-26-13. Sent a support ticket in anyways to document the issue, and hopefully Line 6 will cover any necessary work because they have always treated me very well in the past. I will assume the best and prepare for the worst. Perhaps Technical Bulletin #59 DOES apply to DT25's... Let you all know more as my saga continues. Looks like I'll need to make new tones and go FOH for the cancer benefit my band is playing November 5th... Fun!
  21. I've thought about doing this myself. I have zero woodworking skills though, so housing the head would be the tricky part for me.
  22. You may want to make this a new topic and a question. It will get more attention that way. Since it worked before you flashed it, it is probably a software issue still. Without more details about pedal behavior and what values it reads during calibration, I would recommend firmware reflash/factory reset/ pedal calibrate in that order. I know you tried these steps, but it does not appear you tried all three in this order. Sometimes that can matter. But I still say post this as a new topic to get some attention for it. Good luck!
  23. I have my 4 "go-to" tones saved for my gigs, but I still build others for fun. I have a great brown sound saved, as well as a "High and Dry" era Def Leppard tone, and I'm currently working on that OR15 tone. I will never use these as "my" tone, but they are fun to noodle with. My band mates love to use them when we are just messing around and jamming. All the tweaking helps me improve and learn just what makes certain amps and signal chains sound good, great, or godlike. The skill of using your ears to improve your tone will never become obsolete, regardless of your gear. I have my tone, and if my Line 6 gear breaks, I will probably buy another or the next new thing by someone else that gives me my sound. My loyalty is only to my ear, not my gear.
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