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USB timeout problems PodHD500x


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I'm new to this Pod game but I'm still having problems with USB timeouts when HD500x Edit is synchronising patches.

It can fail at any % along the way.


I've tried it on two PCs and with a cable in or out of the jacks in case it's an earthing issue.


Am I missing something?




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The simplest thing to do that can minimize these timeouts is to use only the editor to make changes. Syncing problems are more common when you use both the device and the editor to make editing changes. Try to avoid touching the device at all when using the edit program.


You can also try using a different USB port on your computer. A rear panel port is preferable to a front panel port because the front ports are often aggregated into an internal hub, and hubs are not recommended.

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All I can think of then is perhaps a usb conflict with some other connected usb device. You could try temporarily disconnecting all other usb devices and compare performance. If the problem persists then it's likely not a device conflict. But if your Edit syncing problem improves then you can start reconnecting devices one at a time until you find the culprit. Then you need to decide whether you want to (or can) disconnect that device before firing up the editor.

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So this morning I installed Monkey and the editor on my daughters Macbook and everything worked perfect.

I had a bit of breakfast then tried it on the PC and no go, I went around the houses of maybe it was an earth loop, butchering a USB extension cable to remove the earth all to no avail.


Finally I decided to try it on the Mac again and it didn't work, the Mac needed charging so I turned the pod off for a while then tried again and it worked! I gave it another ten minutes to cool down then tried it on the PC and again it worked!


My conclusion is that either the Pod or the PSU are going faulty when they warm up, A local electronics chain has a suitable PSU in stock and they have a 30 day return policy so I'm going to get one and give it a go.


I'll keep you posted.



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Yeah - I'm not surprised that it's not power supply related; the early warnings of PSU issues usually relate to LCD screen display anomalies.


I think it is an internal hardware issue - something in the USB circuitry is overheating. Take a look at the USB port on the back of the HD500X. There should be a little square rectangular plastic piece that covers the 4 wires/pins of the port. If that's missing and you can see the individual pins then your device needs servicing. Both the port and the internal circuit board need to be replaced.

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The socket looks fine, I've made sure that nothing moved or was changed while I was trying to fault it.

I only bought it on Friday and the shop is ok so I don't think I'll have any problems getting it sorted.


Thanks for all your help.



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Yes it does indeed make a noise, I guess this can be marked as Answered now although "go get a different one" doesn't sound very helpful!


Thanks for all the help getting it sorted and I'm sure I'll be back with other questions like "why don't I sound like Gilmour" pretty soon :) 




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Thanks for all the help getting it sorted and I'm sure I'll be back with other questions like "why don't I sound like Gilmour" pretty soon :)


Don't laugh...there are a million threads around here just like that!


Joe Guitarist sees a couple of youtube videos with a tone he loves, and runs off to his local MegaloMusic to buy the same gear. He then discovers that instant awesomeness doesn't exist and that work might actually be involved, but instead pronounces the gear to be crap, and heads back for a refund, stopping here to vent along the way...;)

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