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Hi cut eq


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Fairly new here and this has possibly been asked a gazillion times sorry.

Now that I am starting to get into the helix , brilliant incidently , one of the things I am going to try is a hi cut . 
Frequency wise a standard guitar in standard tuning goes from approx 80hz to 1000 Hz .

Does anybody use a high cut eq and how low do you set it.

It starts really high maybe 19 kHz and this number put me off reducing it too low. I am now thinking of trying down really low about 3 khz and taking up to suit as opposed to high and working down .

I read that reverb etc will use higher frequencies so I am thinking of putting the low cut after the amp and cabinets but before reverb .

Would this make sense ?
Any thoughts / ideas 

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The tuning range of a guitar and all the harmonic content are not the same thing.  So no one is going to suggest you reduce your highs to 1K.

The total experience of typical guitar tones that we are familiar with does however have a limited frequency range.  Typically a guitar amp and speaker combination has say 100Hz-5KHz range before significant falloff tends to vastly reduce the rest of the range.  This is a good thing - it's what makes the instrument sound "sweet" and makes distortion sound smooth rather than harsh.

So High and Low cuts in that area are the likely way to make great tone.

You have therefore to look at you total signal chain.

If you have your Helix plugged into a traditional amp and speaker combination, you already have that.

If you are using the Helix into a studio setup or FRFR speaker system, then you absolutely want to experiment with these high and low cuts - the tight bottom of the low cut will be really satisfying as will the sweetness oh a high cut.

Set up the cuts any way you like - on your speaker high and low cuts, on your globals or with EQ - it's up to how you use your Helix and whether you want to tweak it per preset.

Also look at the total frequency curve, you might also find playing with a midrange boost - try different frequencies - could well give you cut and clarity.

So yes, most of us use low and high cuts!

Regarding Reverb, you test it out for yourself - it's easy to do on the Helix - I personally never want to hear anything beyond that "nice" range of the guitar tone, and as it is processing that sound, I don't think you will get a great difference - but if you try it and you like it - then it's totally up to you!

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Probably one of the most influential components in what frequencies get emphasized or attenuated is the cabinet, the mic (or mic combination), and mic placement.  As rvroberts points out, it's more about the total signal chain than it is the quitar.  Less so if you're routing your output through a 4CM arrangement than to some form of FRFR.


One standard way of addressing high and low cuts is the way Jason Sadites does it which is to place a Parametric EQ block toward the end of your signal chain in order to make all of your final EQ adjustments for the signal chain.  I find this to be a very easy way to adjust not only highs and lows and individual frequencies that are being problematic in a given preset's signal chain.  Another benefit of this approach is you don't make assumptions about high and low cuts.  In many cases I end up not needing them depending on the cabinet and mic mix I'm using as well as many other factors.  But there are almost always some surgical EQ adjustments on every preset that will make it sound better, and this is a great way of handling it.

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Thanks for the replies guys. I will get to find my way of working I guess.  So Many options is the thing I guess.

I was using two cabinets one set a little brighter and one more bass heavy and blending the two . This I thought was very handy and a bit like you said regarding using the cabinet.

I have only had it barely two weeks and done a couple of gigs with it already I think it is awesome

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow!  Listening to that clip there is a HUGE difference between the cuts on the amp cab and using an EQ block with the same cuts.  Thanks for posting!  This is very useful information.  

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