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Best free impulse responses?


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Just curious if someone found some good free impulse responses?  Not that I'd be absolutely opposed to paying for some, but I'd rather start to get familiar with them and what they bring to the table, instead of just spending money where I'm not sure it'll be so fruitful.




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There are plenty of good free IRs out there and there really is no need to buy.  It's a huge rabbit hole you can get lost in and waste a lot of money with.  IRs are very much down to personal taste, the type of music you play, amps you like, and the guitars you use. Don't be swayed by demos of IRs.  Just like patches that sound great on vids but sound like crud through your gear, IRs are just the same. 


I'll send you some links later. But bear in mind too that the Helix/Pod Go cabs are actually very good. It's all down to choosing the mic you like, the mic distance, high and low frequency settings, and dB levels...increasing the latter by 3-5dB can make an astounding difference.


Based on the IR packs I've tried, which is quite a few, I can get 'there' or pretty darned close with the stock cabs most of the time. For what I play there's only a few cab types I really like e.g. Greenbacks for Marshallesque crunch, Fender cabs, and Vox Celestion Blues/Silver's. 


So I just ignore all the stuff designed for heavy metal, grunge, doom metal etc.  I'd be very surprised if you genuinely need more than stock Line 6 cabs and free IRs. 



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Jesus...  1st link...   " 700+ Mesa OS IRs (.wav)"!   o.0


Yeah the main issue for me is always being overwhelmed with options.  In PGO:  There's 16 mics.  There's 30 cabs.  There's at least 10 mic usable positions.  (typical mic placement is 1 to 5 inch?).  So that's what, like 5000 possibilities?  Sure, not all are useful, but I'm having great trouble wrapping my head around the sound of the cab, the sound of the mics and the exact effect of the combinations of those vs distance.  700+ Mesa OS IRs is a bit similar, I can't see myself scrolling through 700+ IRs, that would take me years!   lol


Hence, if there's already 'renown' classic great sounding IRs, well, since you're not dealing with cabs/mic/distance, and are just getting IR sound, that's way simpler.  Maybe at least use them as reference...   Ex: If I were trying to make Bourbon, and I have a bunch of ingredients; I'd be asking, what are the best Bourbons I should taste to know what great Bourbon is supposed to taste like?  Having then a crate with 700+ different bourbon bottles would just get me drunk lol


For the L6 cabs, yeah, read a bit on mics and cabs and and setup some patches, but not sure how much better/worse good IRs would sound in comparison.  Too many options I didn't try, if just plugging an IR would give me better sound with less hassle...!


And for using the L6 cabs, it's super annoying that the mic is stuck with the cab.  If I could set the mic & distance and just switch cab that would be one thing, but having to reconfigure the mic & distance each time you switch cab is super annoying... (don't think you can...)  Also, as per the above, never know if you're missing out on a great cab/mic/distance combination, but often it seems it ends up with "well I guess it sounds ok now, but if only it could be a little bit more like this and a bit less like that", and given just the cab/mic/distance combination possibilities, it's like rocket science, would probably take dozens of scientific papers to be able to explain the relation between them all and what combinations results in the 'best' combinations for different purposes...

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LOL!  Well, that's why I suggested you don't buy IR's.  Whether an IR is 'good' is wholly subjective.  One buyer might think an IR is fantastic, another will think it's awful.  A lot of folk who've spent time with IR's have come to the conclusion that they'd just rather stick with the stock cabs.  IR's a rabbit hole you can get lost in.  If you're expecting a magical solution there really isn't one - but try this one free IR to get you started, as it's pretty decent: Sound Lab's BEST IR IN THE


So, are IR's really better than the stock cabs in Pod Go?  Better is a highly subjective word, but they can be 'different'.  Why do I say 'can be' - that's because the stock cabs are actually pretty good and you'll often be able to tweak these to sound pretty much the same as a lot of IR's. 


But I honestly think you need to start from the basics and learn a bit about what the stock cabs & mics etc can do.  So, just concentrate on ONE cab to begin with.  Use that to decide what you like and don't like.  for example, I play classic rock so I like Marshall/Marshall type amps.  A 4x12 25w Celestion cab is pretty classic.  So I picked that cab to start with.  I increased the output level by 3-5dB because I found it gives a fuller tone (a big reason why IR's can sound 'bigger' is just that most are set with more Cab output) plus it more clearly highlights the tonal differences from adjustments.    I found through experimentation that, generally, I prefer the mic 2.5"-4" away which gives an airier more amp in the room feel without overdoing it.  Adding 25% early relic gave me just a tad more 'bouyancy/fullness' to the sound, again without overdoing it.  


Re the mics, I quickly found that there were only a few favourites that 'did it' for me.  No surprises in that these were the three big industry standards.  There are really only 3 main MIC types - dynamic, ribbon, and condenser.  See here:


For me, I generally mostly go for:

  • SM57 dynamic - this is modelled on the Shure SM57 which is probably the most used mic in recording and micing up amps
  • 160 Ribbon  (Bayerdynamic M160) - very expensive studio mic in the real world!  I like the 121 too. 
  • Occasionally I'll go condenser - typically the 414 Condenser (AKG C414 TL11

The SM57 is very much 'in your face' and will usually sound louder, but the Ribbon mics & Condenser mics pick up different nuances that are more sensitive to touch playing.   There's no right or wrong here' it's just what you like.  Once you've found a few favourites it makes setting your cab much easier.  But it's really easy to go through them all in a minute as a check in case a different mic happens to give a tone you like or are trying to match. 


Re high & low cut, these are essentially EQ - slide all the way to the left and the right to hear what these do.  A common approach is to set these as per the real speaker specs. Look up a 25w Celestion greenback specs and you'll probably see a frequency response range from 70Hz to 5,000 Hz. So setting the low cut to 70Hz and high cut to 5000 Hz pretty much replicates the real thing.  But unlike the real thing, you can 'cheat'. Sometimes I'll slide the low cut all the way to the left, and the high cut all the way to the right (off).   You'll quickly find what your ears prefer and follow that for other cabs too.   Mix - I leave it at 100% generally, just like in the real world. 


Once you've found a few favourite stock cabs that work for you (and generally I'll go for a Marshall cab with a Marshall, a Fender cab with a Fender amp etc) and set these as you like, THEN it's time to compare with some IR's of those cabs & see if you like the difference, or whether you can actually match the tone pretty much with some minor tweaks and don't need to load the IR anyway.  Some IR's you won't be able to match eg they've used multicabs/mics or a cab version that's a bit rare.  


Think of it like choosing a car - before you buy you need to decide what makes you like - Ford, Mercedes, BMW etc (akin to Marshall, Fender, Vox etc), how many doors (3,4, 5 - akin to 1x12, 2x12, 4x12 speaker) then the specific model (eg Vox 2x12 Blues, Silver, greenbacks), then how does it feel to drive ie how does the cab sound to you?


What you're hoping for is that someone can just recommend an IR for you akin to recommending a car for you.  I'm afraid me old china that you really need to invest some time in to learn about all this, at least the basics.  Although it's a much simpler avenue to Helix modelling than a Helix, the Pod Go is not a plug n play MFX.  If you're not prepared to invest some time to learn to walk before you can run, I'm afraid you've just got the wrong unit for your needs.   But I promise you, once you get a feel for the basics, it's all actually a lot more straightforward  than you think - and learning about tone is a really enjoyable part of the journey because you can make some great discoveries that can transform your tone & your playing enjoyment.  But don't get overly hung up on all the permutations - because it honestly doesn't work that way. 


Hope all this is of some help (others will have different views re approach etc, which is fine).  It's a journey, so enjoy it - otherwise you could easily keep ending up at the wrong destination with no understanding as to why! 



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Does anyone know where you can find acoustic instrument IRs? (As opposed to speaker cab IRs). The only place I have found is Worship Tutorials (NFI). I’d like to use a Pod Go and either buy or create my own for mandolin, banjo & bouzouki.


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grdGo33    Line 6 offers a free Allure IR pack:


Besides this I tried some free IRs, too, but was rather disappointed. To my ears it's a questrion of matching frequencies.

Most of the IRs that I tested did not harmonize with the PodGo's amp models soundwise. 

From 10 free IRs I tested only 1 was an improvement of sound - but only with 2 of POD Go's amp models.

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@voxman55  Thx for the ML Soundlap 'best' IR I'll try it out a bit later!   I didn't dl so far the packs; some ask for payment even if it's for 0$, etc, but this one seems to have quite a few which can be downloaded without hassle! 


Tone junkies also looks good, and the later links also contain non-hassle downloads, Seacow, KalthallenCabsIR, etc, big thanks!  :D


On 10/12/2020 at 2:05 PM, voxman55 said:

Think of it like choosing a car - before you buy you need to decide what makes you like - Ford, Mercedes, BMW etc (akin to Marshall, Fender, Vox etc), how many doors (3,4, 5 - akin to 1x12, 2x12, 4x12 speaker) then the specific model (eg Vox 2x12 Blues, Silver, greenbacks), then how does it feel to drive ie how does the cab sound to you?


Except I wouldn't be buying a car, I would be downloading free cars!  So you could tell me; well here's a Ferrari SF90, here's a McLaren 720s, Porsches GT3RS, here's an F1, here's a Tesla, Ford truck, a jeep, a RollsRoyce, BMW Sedan, Mercedes SUV, etc.!  And I could drive around with all of them  ;)



Once you've found a few favourite stock cabs that work for you


But yeah I understand the basics of cabs, mics & distance.  I'm not just super interested in getting a PHD in Pod Go Cabs science at the moment...  Just wanna play music!  And the way the L6 PGO works, I find that it's more of a deterrent to me; I'm wasting more time on this cab/mic/distance sh!t than just enjoying playing guitar!  If IRs can simplify my life and give me just a dozen awesome cab tones (that people have spent years learning and developing) without requiring me to mess with L6 cab-sh!t for days/weeks/months, huge win for IRs for now!  :D



IMHO, L6 cabs/mics/dist, I feel like it's a little bit where you want to get a particular result, ex; '1000' and you have a formula (((X*Z + 43) / 6) + (Y/Z + 33)) / ((Z+12 -X)/3), and you have 30 different values for X (45, 64, 32, 14, ...), 15 different values for Y (675, 1, 35, 54, 12...) and 30 values for Z (1,2,3,4,5,6,77,8888,9999,etc), and you're trying to get as close as you can using a combination of variables.  Sure, X = existing cabs, Y = mics, Z = distance.  But that just complicates cr4p.  If you had a choice of different coherent useful cab parameters like you do for amp (drive, sag, highs, lows, clarity/muddiness, breakup, distortion,  etc., but in 'cab' vocabulary), then it would surely be simpler to get to your desired result rather than being required to have the knowledge of a studio engineer & know about amps and mics & stuff... 


This mic does this better than that mic but doesn't do that very well, same for the cab, this is great, but this does this badly and that only ok, then you move the mic forward 2 inch and this is better but that went to sh!t, so you move it to 3 inch and it this thing but broke this other thing, so ...   (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)     


When talking about 'favorite stock cab', it's like asking me what my favorite value for X is...  Well I don't have a clue, since I can never 'hear' X by itself, I'm always hearing it through Y and Z and Y and Z have a greater effect than X...   You're always hearing the combination of XYZ, never X by itself, so 'favorite X' makes little sense to me...  Sure as I said I got 'decent' results with some amps, but it's like me trying to build a car from random parts of different cars, never being able to get it exactly what I'd like, and always frustrated that I can't get it exactly like I'd want... 


And now just giving up on the DIY sh!t and wanting a pre-built car which I know should be great (IR).  lol


So yeah sure I can get decent usable tones, it's just never as I exactly want it, but you could argue that I'm being too picky...


@olerabbit thx for the Allure pack I tried it a bit earlier and they really sound great!


6 hours ago, olerabbit said:

Besides this I tried some free IRs, too, but was rather disappointed. To my ears it's a questrion of matching frequencies.

Most of the IRs that I tested did not harmonize with the PodGo's amp models soundwise. 

From 10 free IRs I tested only 1 was an improvement of sound - but only with 2 of POD Go's amp models.


:\   Hmmm...  Lost me on harmonizing!  ;)  But yeah I see them more as templates for the moment; instead of having to mess with the L6 cab/mic/dist, you just pick an IR based on a cab, don't worry about the details and use that.  And if say I know that 3 IRs are based on the same cab and are good representatives of the tone of the cabs, already that's a huge improvement vs the L6 too confusing because of too many variables configure your own recording studio setup...   I'm sure you can get great results with the L6 stock cabs, it's likely just more hassle than IRs, and if I can just load a few IRs and be satisfied, I'll be happy & content!  But yeah to me the Allure pack IRs sounded great, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  


I'll definitely also try Vox's best ML and 


Thanks!  :D    

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As I said, Pod Go is not 'plug n play' - and it isn't for everyone but hey, I'm an oldie and I had to go on a learning curve too, but if I can pretty much suss it out enough to get good tones, I'm sure you can too. But (and I'm being serious) if you really don't have the patience/inclination and don't want to go through that effort and just want to plug in and play (which I totally respect & get!)  I honestly think its the wrong unit for you and perhaps a more straightforward stomp pedal like unit such as the Boss ME80 might better suit your personal needs?  It sounds great, its built like a tank, has loads of features, and is very straightforward to use - effectively it's a series of stomp boxes with real knobs.  I seriously thought about an ME70 or ME80 but it didn't suit my personal needs.  However, a very good friend of mine uses it professionally and he swears by it.   

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1 hour ago, voxman55 said:

As I said, Pod Go is not 'plug n play' - and it isn't for everyone but hey, I'm an oldie and I had to go on a learning curve too, but if I can pretty much suss it out enough to get good tones, I'm sure you can too. But (and I'm being serious) if you really don't have the patience/inclination and don't want to go through that effort and just want to plug in and play (which I totally respect & get!)  I honestly think its the wrong unit for you and perhaps a more straightforward stomp pedal like unit such as the Boss ME80 might better suit your personal needs?  It sounds great, its built like a tank, has loads of features, and is very straightforward to use - effectively it's a series of stomp boxes with real knobs.  I seriously thought about an ME70 or ME80 but it didn't suit my personal needs.  However, a very good friend of mine uses it professionally and he swears by it.   

Bit too late for that!  :)    (L6 cab ranting spoilered)



The cabs imho are a bit of a mess.  Since the distance and the mic are equally important as the cab, as I said earlier they should have split them into an independent block, so that you could change cabs without changing the mic & distance and vice versa.  It's a hassle to try to compare cabs with current GUI...  That would have made it less of a PITA to deal with cabs.  


Maybe better cab/mic presets ('optimal' mic setup for cab) could have helped, existing setups seem almost random...  Ex; Orange cab sounds dreadful...  Hoping it's not the real cab lol   Or cab presets ex; once you've selected your cab, you could scroll through a few mic+distance presets of tried & tested in the industry setups.  That could also have been great; much more noob friendly.



But anyway, IR largely solves the cab issue for me.  Now it's much more easier to just go from one IR to the next, without having to tweak mic & distance every single time!   So far I'm really liking the ML Sound Lab's BEST IR IN THE WORLD, not sure what it is exactly though, Boogie maybe?  "ML mix IR", maybe mix of IRs/cabs/mics also...  But I guess that's the beauty of it, it's one click away instead instead of a huge headache away! :D   Kalthallen also seem to sound pretty good, but haven't tested them all.


But yeah, so far, I'm really happy with the IRs I've tried so far!  :D


Oh, and trying to find out what the ML best IR is, saw this below, so while I don't doubt the L6 cabs can all be made to sound phenomenal with time & dedication, very likely that there's many IR that can be achieved IRL which are just not possible with the L6 cab parameters.  From dual cabs, multiple mics, angling the mics, positioning them differently vs driver, etc.,  The more I think about it, the more using IR make sense as the better solution! 



 Still most of an IR producer's job is to know how to mic up cabs well and that takes years of practice. I've had a self-built 4x12 sized xyz-axis microphone robot for 3 years prior to Dynamount creating that xy-axis robot which is what pretty much every other IR producer is using. If you've ever miked a guitar cab you'll know that a guitar speaker sounds completely different if you f.ex. pull the mic straight up or to the side. The best mic positions are usually somewhere in-between "straight up" or "to the side" and most IR producers never even try those positions. Try the freebie and if it's not at all your thing then you'll at least know:


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Just to conclude!  If you're starting out with IRs, thanks again @voxman55 and @olerabbit grab these:


1) ML Sould Lab best IR,  It's just one IR, but it's pretty good, very balanced!  Just sounds 'right'. Sound Lab's BEST IR IN THE

2) L6 Allure pack, 6 IRs, but they're pretty good.

3) Seacow's Christmas pack.  It contains a 45 IRs, they're pretty good sounding all quite varied.


Just with these 3 downloads, you'll end up with around 50 IRs, and while it takes some time to import them all, once you have them it's much easier to jump from on IR to the other, and it's much simpler/faster than going through the L6 PGO cab/mic/distance thing.  I mean, when you click on a Mesa Boogie cab, you'll instantly get the Mesa sound, same for Marshall, and for some reason seem to make the sound 'pop' a little more than the default cabs seem to do...  They just instantly give you "the sound".


But still they don't sound drastically different to the L6 cabs, comparing a Fender one with the same mic they sounded basically identical, but, just being able to click on an IR is much better than having to select the cab, then change the mic, and then change the distance.  Plus not having to remember exactly what every cab/mic/distance setting sounds like and having to endlessly experiment with settings...  A much easier/faster process, and absolutely ZERO messing around with mics/distance, priceless!   Just having these 50 cab options would take you weeks of trial/error configuring the default cabs, and most likely you'd just never get to experience these sounds...


Surprisingly, I was expecting the Tone Junky IRs to sound great, but I found the sound from their free pack to be quite bland and disappointing... Even if some said TJ's IRs were fantastic, I couldn't hear it...  Might be amp matching...  So far I just mainly used the Dirty Placater Amp with heavy riffs;  haven't gotten around to clean and lead.  So maybe they'll do better there...  But yeah to me the above 3 IR packs all sounded quite a bit better.


Also Seacow has a lot of cabs and IRs...  But my issue is that in packs, when you're getting 500 IRs at once, when you get 50 IRs for 1 cab; 10 different mics & 4 different placements for each, that's just too many, and kinda pointless unless you're so picky about your IRs and you're really anal about your mic & placement and want that exact sound...!  It becomes obfuscation through quantity...  For me, too many options, scrolling, and 50 IRs for 1 cab is just too much; much prefer the above packs simplicity!  :D 


Oh, and btw, you can import multiple IRs at once...   Don't do like me and import them 1 by 1... lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
15 hours ago, voxman55 said:

@grdGo33 how do you import multiple IRs?  (I'm also looking for a way to export multiple patches ... but not as a bulk download)


Same way as 1 IR, but you just select multiple files by holding shift.  From what I can recall, you can't select multiple folders, but what you can do as a workaround, do a file search for wave files (*.wav), so you'll see a list of all the IR files, and copy them all to a temporary folder.  Then you can select them all in one go from the temporary folder.  You might have to fiddle file names, there's some software which can automatically append folder names and other rules, ex;


But yeah with that, you can do it fairly efficiently.  But again, it's a workaround for the poor PGO software, as importing multiple folders at once could have been supported...

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When I am trying to load impulse response into the POD Go using POD GO edit the name of the IR transfers but when I load the preset it says "The IR associated with the IR block with in this preset could not be found in the Impulse Library" I can't figure out how to get the IR to load correctly. Any suggestions?







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18 hours ago, C_berg1980 said:

"The IR associated with the IR block with in this preset could not be found in the Impulse Library" I can't figure out how to get the IR to load correctly. Any suggestions?




Is it a patch you've download and imported?   If so, I remember some saying that the IR has to be in a specific slot, so just importing the IR to the 1st position wouldn't work, you would have to import/copy the IR to the position mentioned in the patch.


If you've created the patch ... !  No idea, I had some IRs which threw errors when importing and could not be imported, but haven't imported some which didn't work.  Maybe you configured the patch then moved/deleted the IR?  I'd just re-select the IR and hope it never happens again...




Something I've noticed though with IRs is that it a bit annoying, is that they can't seem to be selectable from the Pod Go?  I mean, if I'm editing a patch directly from the Pod Go, it seems like there's always just ONE IR, and it doesn't seem like I can scroll to see the list and select another one...  Looked like you absolutely have to be using PGO Edit to select different IRs?

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On 11/13/2020 at 10:31 PM, grdGo33 said:

Is it a patch you've download and imported?   If so, I remember some saying that the IR has to be in a specific slot, so just importing the IR to the 1st position wouldn't work, you would have to import/copy the IR to the position mentioned in the patch.


If you've created the patch ... !  No idea, I had some IRs which threw errors when importing and could not be imported, but haven't imported some which didn't work.  Maybe you configured the patch then moved/deleted the IR?  I'd just re-select the IR and hope it never happens again...




Something I've noticed though with IRs is that it a bit annoying, is that they can't seem to be selectable from the Pod Go?  I mean, if I'm editing a patch directly from the Pod Go, it seems like there's always just ONE IR, and it doesn't seem like I can scroll to see the list and select another one...  Looked like you absolutely have to be using PGO Edit to select different IRs?


Hi @grdGo33   You don't need Pod Go Edit as the IR's are easily selectable from within Pod Go itself. When you select IR instead of cabinet the first parameter knob is IR select. Turn that and it will  scroll through your IR's.  See p17 of the manual.   I've shown the whole process below for you:


Go to Edit View

Use upper rotary knob to select cab in the fx chain

Press lower rotary knob to see choice of cab or IR

Turn upper knob to select IR

Press lower knob to see IR settings (in purple)

From the 5 lower knobs turn the first knob - labelled 'IR select' above - to scroll through your IR's


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From the 5 lower knobs turn the first knob - labelled 'IR select' above - to scroll through your IR's




HAHAHAHA!!!   WTF!!!   Why didn't they just use the same logic as with the cabs................   This is so ridiculous... Come on L6...!  


That kind of BS is honestly some of the worse I've ever seen in commercial products...   I mean... How big is Line6?  If a college student handed out a paper where his GUI had that kind of inconsistent logic, he'd get a bad mark.  How does this fly in a large company?  Don't they have proficient GUI designers for their products, decent programmers, QA worth anything, etc.?  How can this kind of BS go through the design to delivery without anyone raising a red flag?  Absolutely ridiculous...


But yeah that works... Thanks!  But honestly... Man... This is now getting me depressed and even more disappointed in humanity...  :\    FFS... "You want to select cabs, select cabs on top, and you can see the list of cabs, select one from the list.  Or, you can switch to IR, and there is no list.  You MUST click on "1024 - Sample IR", which will select your 1st IR (and not "1024 - Sample IR".......!) , then you use this different knob in the settings to change the IR"...................   W.............. T...................... F.........................!!!!


Reminds me of God:  "God made man from dust.  Did he make Women from dust?  No...   From one of man's ribs.  Just coz he could." Like L6 was taking the p!ss...!


Also, in Pod Go, in in the window where you select either cab or IR, why does it say for IR "1024 Sample IR" ?!   Shouldn't it just say "Impulse Responses" instead of "1024 Sample IR"?  Since when you select, it selects your 1st IR, and not "1024 Sample IR" ...   //me shakes head and sighs...


Works, thanks!

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ermm.gif @grdGo33If the manual is wrong, or important stuff is missing, then fair enough. But if it's in the manual (and it's clearly headed impulse response settings on p17) and you just haven't been bothered to read it, I don't think a rant at Line 6 is fair.  How do you think I knew?  because even before I bought it I read the manual!  If you invested a little more time reading the manual & less time ranting and complaining I think you'd be in a far better position to appreciate more good things about Pod Go rather than always knocking it or Line 6 - it's not perfect and neither are Line 6 - but it is a pretty good unit and Line 6 are still one of the best and most customer centric companies out there  - so c'mon - and if you really don't like it that's totally cool, just sell it and get something else that you do like. Just saying, nuff saidwink.gif smile.gif

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1 hour ago, voxman55 said:

ermm.gif @grdGo33If the manual is wrong, or important stuff is missing, then fair enough. But if it's in the manual (and it's clearly headed impulse response settings on p17) and you just haven't been bothered to read it, I don't think a rant at Line 6 is fair.  How do you think I knew?  because even before I bought it I read the manual!  If you invested a little more time reading the manual & less time ranting and complaining I think you'd be in a far better position to appreciate more good things about Pod Go rather than always knocking it or Line 6 - it's not perfect and neither are Line 6 - but it is a pretty good unit and Line 6 are still one of the best and most customer centric companies out there  - so c'mon - and if you really don't like it that's totally cool, just sell it and get something else that you do like. Just saying, nuff saidwink.gif smile.gif


Well that's an entirely different discussion, but I'm glad to have it.  If you need to read the manual because the software is so unintuitive or so badly designed, I do believe a rant at L6 is fully deserved.  In this case, when you select amps, distortions, cabs, effects, etc., you're always provided a list to scroll through.  But not in the case of IRs, as I said, with IR, it shows you a totally wrong value: "1024 - Sample IR", which DOES NOT EXIST, and then, as if you had selected this non-existent IR, you can scroll through this IR settings to choose different IRs?  That's absolutely absurd design.  I don't care if it says so in the manual, it's inconsistent and borderline moronic.  And the fact that you need to read the manual to be able to select a different IR just highlights this absurdity of the design.


Exactly like when you asked how you could import multiple IRsDidn't you read the manual?  You were so proud two seconds ago about having read it...  haha!  ;)  :p If you knew how to add 1 IR, shouldn't it have been obvious and easy to add more than one at a time?  It's the same type of bulllollipop you have to deal constantly with the unit.  You try to do something the obvious way it should be done, and it doesn't work, and you have to read the manual to find out how to do it with the idiosyncratic badly designed software/GUI. 


As I said in another thread, might be the best unit at $450, sound-wise it's great, features are great, etc., but damn, even if it might be the 'best' of the pedal gear at usability, it's still poor...  It's a little bit like going to some remote village, going to their best strip club and not seeing single hot stripper... Then asking what's going on; being told that of the 5 villages of the region, these are the best looking strippers and best strip club...  Well that's L6 PGo for me...  I don't understand how so many find it acceptable, and I can't understand how L6 can release a product with design/software of this quality...  But anyway, I'm being slightly hyperbolic.  Like the IR selection 'logic', I'd give 5/10, just blow passing grade...  It works, it's usable once someone taught you how to use it or you read the manual, it's just not using common sense nor consistent with the rest of the system...  It's like bad intern worthy design...  It's not really acceptable work... Sure it works, but as Biden would say.... C'mon man!

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Well, I think the Pod Go is still pretty intuitive but there will always be things you have to look up with any gear, and things that aren't perfect. I still cant find in the manual where the multi IR load is...which page is it? But the difference is I merely asked the question and didn't lambast Line 6 over it. Lol 

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46 minutes ago, voxman55 said:

Well, I think the Pod Go is still pretty intuitive but there will always be things you have to look up with any gear, and things that aren't perfect. I still cant find in the manual where the multi IR load is...which page is it? But the difference is I merely asked the question and didn't lambast Line 6 over it. Lol 


PGEdit manual page 9.  And yeah, could have been much clearer in the manual also.  And that's the thing; some of the GUI/features are so idiosyncratic, even with the manual understanding some of the 'logic' behind some features is near impossible... (only made harder by the fact there is often simply no logic...!)


The issue is a little bit like political correctness. If nobody ever says anything because they are afraid of criticizing a product, telling the truth, being called names, etc., you end up in current clown world where nothing makes sense, because since nobody ever corrected anyone and they just went with the PC narrative and with what was the polite opinion, reality & issues don't come to light, and things don't get any better, they just get worse and worse.  Take Helix; not sure how many of the the faults of the PGo are inherited from Helix, but if more people had complained about what is wrong with the unit, maybe the PGo & PGEdit wouldn't have as many faults as they do now.  Plus, maybe they'll be patched or improved.

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I fully agree users should be raising themes that are problematic and push for improvements. The IdeasScale is the right place to raise these issues where improvements are needed and where these can be raised as an idea, and Line 6 does read this with interest. Posts on forums rarely have any impact though. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 3/24/2022 at 4:48 AM, paulgluk said:

hi! where in line6 webside can i download free IRs? i cannot find them. thanks

There’s a link to them earlier in this thread by username olerabbit.


Or, you could Google ‘free Line 6 IRs’…..

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