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cristt last won the day on August 8 2020

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  1. If you are connecting your amp via the Amp Out jack, then the signal it's spilled before your cab block. So if you put some effects after the cab, you won't hear them.
  2. well just use one if you're fine with a mono signal. if you are using stereo effects, or you want to try stereo, plug one TRS for left and another for the right main outs, in two mixer channels and pan then hard left and right.
  3. hopefully, but I really don't think so.
  4. well that's why you don't hear anything... the pod go is your sound card how, so you have to connect speakers to it.
  5. maybe the whole point here is that you are approaching the unit as an engineer, not as a guitar player.
  6. For your basic needs you wouldn't even need to use snapshots. You may just go with presets, so you'd have 4 presets buttons right at your feet with the ability to do clean, semi-dirt, distorted, and another "bonus" one. And for your boost needs you might use the volume pedal: if you don't do volume swells and stuff like that, just move it at the end of the signal chain (to have a proper volume boost, not gain/distortion boost) and set it to be like 80% volume at heel position, and 100% volume for toe. So if you leave the pedal at heel position by default, there you have your boost solution.
  7. @Vics53 please bear in mind that grdGo33 has always been very critical, since day one, to line6 pod go, especially about the interface. And pretty much he's the only one complaining. The pod go is really easy to use, say 8.5/10, if not more. You can watch one of the Line 6 youtube tutorial videos or other tons from common users. It's not tedious. And you don't need to have pod go edit at all (apart from the things I've already written). And as for the cab swap example he's mentioning, that is totally only need to select the cab block and scroll the cabs, and you instantly hear how the cab sounds, while you are browsing them. You DO NOT NEED to select mic and distance UNLESS YOU WANT TO DO THAT, all the mic and distances are already set for you to a typical suitable value. And that is true for all the other blocks. So 3 and 4 of his points are completely...pointless. Number 1 point either, you don't have to be a tech. 95% of the problems are because people don't do the installation properly. That is essentially, installing the software without pod go being connected, and connect the pod go right after, to a usb port (not usb hub). Number 2: is pretty much solved with firmware upgrade, but is true someone is experiencing some blocks anyway here. So If you have a kemper at hand it is a very good maching and very good sounding unit, but a totally different beast, and really not as easy as the pod go. So, good luck...
  8. Did you connect some sort of speakers to the pod go main outs/phones? See manual from page 35.
  9. did you know that at least you can change the color of the multiple buttons? whatever last fx parameter you will save for that switch, that it will take the color (like green for delays, blu for modulations and so on).
  10. pretty strange, did you try to uninstall and reinstall pod go drivers?
  11. dropping to i3 is really not recommended! I would insted going up to i7! 8gb is minimum (I would go for more), the SSD is fine. plugins or VST instruments are pretty heavy, especially if you want to play with them in real time.
  12. yeah silverhead is right. if you think, your main out is connected to the fx return anyway, so even if you bypass the fx loop your signal will always pass through there. bypassing a block doesn't mean that the signal stops there, it just means is bypassed that signal elaboration point.
  13. welcome aboard vics. well first good news is that you don't necessarily need pod go edit to make your sounds on the pod go, the 95% of the stuff you can already do by tweaking the machine itself. you do will need to the software to upgrade the firmware, loading IRs (if you ever need them) and backup/restore your presets. it's pretty much it. Anyway the software is windows 7/8/10 compatible so you shouldn't have any problems, even if you are planning to use the pod go via usb as a USB audio device.
  14. you sure? I knew at least one or two amps are not there. if I go wrong, good to know.
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