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Hd 500x Pedalboard, Who Uses Both Rows Of Buttons ?


Who Uses both rows of button on the HD 500X  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What setup do you use as far as top row (or) both rows

    • I only use swicthes FS1 - FS4 so I can quickly switch
    • I Use both rows for full functionality
    • I did not know I could use both rows
    • I would like to test it out
    • your crazy, get out of here
    • HUH ??

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Upon my initial use of the 500x I had gotten used to the top row of buttons turn on/off effects.

I then later downloaded some patches that were converted and had seen that pedal-board buttons were mapped to other switches.

I later found out that you can turn off the bottom row controlling patch "selection" within the bank and gives you 4 more bottom (FS5-FS8).

Now I immediately thought, well how am I to switch between patches and banks ??? It only adds one more step and opens up much more control.

I just hit the Up (or) Down switch and then it is just like not using both rows


Curious on the feeback


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I only use the top row for FX so that I can switch patches with one click. I sing and play live so minimizing the tap dancing is a big deal. I do cheat sometimes by mapping multiple (and sometimes alternating) fx to one switch so that i can control more than 4 fx. It's great having the flexibility to do it either way!

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Same here. I've used both, but the extra time it takes to stomp the channel up/down button and THEN find my patch button is too long live.


I only use the top row for FX so that I can switch patches with one click. I sing and play live so minimizing the tap dancing is a big deal. I do cheat sometimes by mapping multiple (and sometimes alternating) fx to one switch so that i can control more than 4 fx. It's great having the flexibility to do it either way!

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But for me changing patches takes too long to be very effective within a song. The mute kills me. I change patches only between songs so there's plenty of time to manipulate the up/down button patch change. That gives me 4 more FX buttons to give me a wide variety of sounds, similar to what I can get with different patches - although my signal chain can't change (which, granted, is a limitation to this approach).

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I use FS5 through 8 for patch switching, and FS1 through 4 for FX on/off. I do switch between patches a lot -- depending on the song, of course. Electric to acoustic on the JTV patches, clean to distortion, etc. When I need an unusual combination of patches, I go up to a new bank and put the ones I need side by side. I keep the ones I usually use on bank one, then roll up or down with the up/down switches for the different groupings. Been doing that for years, ever since my XTLive. Very handy...


I was a bit confused by the question of top row versus bottom row. To me, FS1 - FS4 is the top row (FX On/Off switching), and FS5 - FS8 is the bottom row (patch switching). Whatever floats your boat... I marked the poll for "I use both rows", but that may not be the right response....



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