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Suggetion: Programmable Master Volume


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I guess this is the place to make suggestions...


It would be nice if every preset had a programmable master volume. The manual volumne knob is not enough.


When creating presets, inevitably you end up with some presets that you should have made a little louder or softer, but going through all of your blocks to get a good volume (relative to your other presets) is cumbersome.


Why not be able to program the master volume? That way you can make the one final adjustment and save it with the preset.


While I'm at it...


I'd like to see the HX Edit have a little better UI on the block parameters - maybe something you can click and it opens a dedicated dialog for that block. The way it is now is not easy on the eye when you're dealing with things like the 3 band compressor.



Michael Rollins

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On 3/16/2023 at 2:31 AM, phil_m said:

This already exists, more or less. The Level parameter in the Output Block gives you this ability.


And may I add... can also be sent differently per snapshot. I use the output block volume as a solo boost actually...

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On 3/16/2023 at 2:22 AM, mikeroll said:

I guess this is the place to make suggestions...


While I'm at it...


I'd like to see the HX Edit have a little better UI on the block parameters - maybe something you can click and it opens a dedicated dialog for that block. The way it is now is not easy on the eye when you're dealing with things like the 3 band compressor.


Hi Michael,


Sadly - no, this is not the place to make suggestions.


As there are no Line staff here, and only very occasionally do they visit these forums - (See the “sticky comment” in the black banner stripe at the top of this page entitled “Welcome to the Line 6 forums”).


This link is where you need to go to have any hope of your idea been seen by anyone from Line 6:


Before posting any  new ideas, please do a search to see if it's already been listed. Multiple requests for the same thing will thin out the votes. Also, post your ideas one at a time. Many users don’t vote for combined suggestions.

Then you should use the “sticky thread” named “Helix IdeaScale Community Suggestions” in this forum to let other users know what your suggestions are, with your links to IdeaScale, so they can vote on it if they wish.


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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On 3/15/2023 at 7:31 PM, phil_m said:

This already exists, more or less. The Level parameter in the Output Block gives you this ability.


^^^This. Just turn the Master all the way up. Or you can even set it so the Master only controls certain outputs. When you make it so it doesn't control certain outputs, that output, whatever it is, defaults to being turned all the way up. That makes your output block the Master volume level. You could then assing the output level to your Expression Pedal and that then would become your Master audio output. Which ever method you use, the bottom line; it's already there. One of the coolest things about the Helix is if you can imagine it, there's probably a way to implement it.

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