edgarmtze Posted November 12, 2023 Share Posted November 12, 2023 Hi community I really need your advice on this one, I downloaded a DarkThrone preset by Francie Fraser some time ago, I think back in 2019. I recently changed my PC, so I reinstalled everything, the DAW, Helix and other stuff, When I tried to import presets I get the following error; The issue is that I relly need this one and I can not afford to lose it that easily. I decided to review the components but I do not really know the best replacements for some of the "models" I used the https://dbagchee.github.io/helix-preset-viewer/ to have a better understanding of what I do not have, for instance the "Heavy dist pedal" is not available Which pedal should I use to replace it? With regard to the Brit Trem Jump I think can be replaced by Brit Plexi Jump? Please find attached the Darkthrone.hlx file. Everything else seems to be reproduceable. Thank you very much! Flow 1 input Split Y Vermin Dist Heavy Dist Simple EQ { "version":6, "schema":"L6Preset", "meta":{ "premium":0, "pbn":0, "original":0 }, "data":{ "tone":{ "snapshot6":{ "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 7", "blocks":{ "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block1":true, "block2":true }, "dsp0":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block5":true, "block4":true, "block1":true, "block2":true } } }, "snapshot5":{ "@tempo":20, "@ledcolor":0, "@pedalstate":2, "@valid":false, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 6", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block3":true, "block4":true } } }, "snapshot3":{ "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@tempo":20, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 4", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block0":true, "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true }, "dsp1":{ "block2":true, "block1":true, "block4":true, 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"@position":0, "@stereo":false, "@enabled":true, "@path":0 }, "inputB":{ "decay":0.5, "@input":0, "noiseGate":false, "@model":"HD2_AppDSPFlow2Input", "threshold":-48 } }, "snapshot0":{ "@tempo":20, "@pedalstate":2, "@ledcolor":0, "@valid":true, "@name":"SNAPSHOT 1", "blocks":{ "dsp0":{ "block3":true, "block4":true, "block5":true, "block2":true, "block1":true, "block0":true }, "dsp1":{ "block0":true, "block4":true, "block3":true, "block1":true, "block2":true, "split":true } } } }, "meta":{ "tnid":4328936, "band":"Darkthrone", "modifieddate":1552787657, "build_sha":"35792af", "appversion":40894464, "name":"Darkthrone", "author":"FrancieFraser", "application":"HX Edit", "song":"Earths last picture" }, "device_version":40894464, "device":2162692 } } Darkthrone.hlx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rd2rk Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 WINNER! Longest post with most details! EXCEPT the most important ones. Native version? HW Compatibility mode? I just imported the DARK HORSE preset from Customtone. No problems. Native v3.61. HW Compatibility mode OFF. 1 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
datacommando Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 On 11/13/2023 at 1:14 AM, rd2rk said: I just imported the DARK HORSE preset from Customtone. Yeah, but is that the same Preset as the OP’s Norwegian Death Metal preset named “Darkthrone”? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rd2rk Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 On 11/12/2023 at 6:25 PM, datacommando said: Yeah, but is that the same Preset as the OP’s Norwegian Death Metal preset named “Darkthrone”? Yes. https://line6.com/customtone/tone/4328936/ But JIC I was wrong I DL'd the one he attached. Yep, imported fine, same one. EDIT - FWIW, this is why I'm not into Norwegian Death Metal ;-) 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
datacommando Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 On 11/13/2023 at 1:37 AM, rd2rk said: EDIT - FWIW, this is why I'm not into Norwegian Death Metal ;-) LOL, and in this current climate of “me too”, I have to say - “me too!”. Having said that, along with my business colleague, over the years we did quite a bit of work for Peaceville records. That saw us becoming involved with a few of their bands, such as Cradle of Filth, Anathema and Thine. It appears that Darkthrone are also on their roster, although we never had any involvement with them - in fact most of the bands on Peaceville sound like they are suffering from demonic possession. We actually had more of a connection to the sister label, Dreamtime, which had more of a psychedelic electronicia vibe, with outfits such as Ship of Fools and Drug Free America. Oh, the stuff we have seen and heard! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
codamedia Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 On 11/11/2023 at 8:54 PM, edgarmtze said: The issue is that I relly need this one and I can not afford to lose it that easily. I decided to review the components but I do not really know the best replacements for some of the "models" As far as I know, Line 6 has never "removed" an existing model with an update. Everything is there, you just need to find it. On 11/11/2023 at 8:54 PM, edgarmtze said: I used the https://dbagchee.github.io/helix-preset-viewer/ to have a better understanding of what I do not have, for instance the "Heavy dist pedal" is not available Do you see where it says "Mono" above the models? Change that to LEGACY and you will find your "Heavy DIST" pedal. Repeat the process for any other effects you think may be missing. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
datacommando Posted November 13, 2023 Share Posted November 13, 2023 On 11/12/2023 at 2:54 AM, edgarmtze said: Hi community I really need your advice on this one Hi, I dragged your "Darkthrone.hlx" file into an empty slot in Helix Native 3.61 and it works just fine. If you had checked in the Helix Native section of these forums and done a search fo the error code-8312, you would have found this. Hope this helps/makes sense. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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