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I'm sure this has been covered, but Variax guitars are still on the Line 6 website. Does this mean that they are still in production? For sale? Does anyone know?


Secondly, if Line 6 is reading this, how about using the Revstar as a Variax platform?



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On 11/30/2024 at 7:44 AM, holliskef said:

I'm sure this has been covered, but Variax guitars are still on the Line 6 website. Does this mean that they are still in production? For sale? Does anyone know?


Secondly, if Line 6 is reading this, how about using the Revstar as a Variax platform?




Variax has gone the way of the dodo... and if demand (or rather the lack thereof)  is any indication, they ain't coming back. It's always been a niche product, albeit with a loyal cult following. The masses just aren't interested...

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/2/2024 at 7:18 AM, psarkissian said:

Not in production. There is still stock out there from the last production run, as well as B-stock and refurbished units.

Revstar Variax? Don't know.



Is there repair inventory or are we all on our own if PCB's and jacks fail?



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