By removing the SD card, it is a good chance you damaged it. The SD cards Line 6 uses are very cheap and can break very easily inside. I know, been there, done that. In this case, you must buy another SD card. A 4 or 8 gig if you can find one. Make sure the card is in FAT format. Update your amp via USB from a computer not Bluetooth. The Line 6 software will detect you do not have the latest firmware in the amp and install it. You should be fine after that.
For the reboot issue, check the wide ribbon cable that goes from the top controls to the main PCB. It tends to get loose. Line 6 put silicone on it to keep it in place, but the silicone is too soft to be of any good. Also, check the connections on the bottom of the main PCB to make sure they are seated in place firmly. No silicone was used there at all and vibration can make them loose.