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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2024 in all areas

  1. Very simple. It's called Four Cable Method (4cm). Guitar>HXFX Input>Boost/OD/Fuzz>FX Loop Block>HXFX Send>Amp Input>Amp Send>HXFX Return>Mod/Dely/Reverb>HXFX Output>Amp Return This is the same configuration for all HX devices. If you need a FOH Send, place a second HXFX Send at the end of the signal chain and use that for the Amp Return followed by an IR Block at the very end of the chain, then use the HXFX Output to a DI and on to FOH.
    2 points
  2. If you only get the complaint sporadically, and assuming there's no intermittent hardware malfunction, I'm inclined to think that it's just the occasional sound guy who either doesn't know what he's doing and/or has lost his marbles...they're out there. I've met them, lol ;). Don't see how the output can be fine one day and pinning the needle the next...
    1 point
  3. Hola a tots. Tinc un problema que explico a continuació. Estic tocant en mode instantània amb distorsió. En un moment donat del tema, aquesta distorsió s'ha d'aturar de cop i, després d'un silienci, hi ha un arpegi amb reverb i delay. El problema és que, en fer el canvi s'instantània per poder canviar de so, en el moment del silenci s'omple de soroll de reverb i delay encara que no estigui tocant. No sé si m'estic explicant el que em passa. Moltes gràcies per les possibles alternatives.
    1 point
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