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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/13/2025 in all areas

  1. 2) The Dual Cab's 2 speakers can be panned hard L/R. By default they're centered, which sounds like MONO.
    1 point
  2. Your Snapshot was disabling the unwanted amp, but not the signal path it was on. Try the attached mod. By changing the split to A/B and assigning the A/B Split to Snapshots, it switches the signal path. Note that it's no longer required to disable the unwanted amp. This practice can sometimes prevent unwanted "pops" when switching snapshots. 5150 III MOD.hlx
    1 point
  3. Hi there, After a long break, I am back using my HD500X again. I updated the software but I don't get a connection when I attach the floorboard to my Macbook. It's running Ventura 13.7 if that's important. I should add that I've also tried using my M2 which has the latest OS and the software update to no success? Any clues on how to rectify this? Peter
    1 point
  4. At this point... I'm not so sure Line6 is very interested in keeping the Pod Go up to date. It's been now 1 year and 1 month since the 2.0 update (Released 11/7/23) , and during that time, apparently the Helix got 3 updates (Version 3.70 - November 16, 2023, Version 3.71 - January 10, 2024, Version 3.80 - November 19, 2024) and with the new Plethora of Line6 products, I think the Pod Go is on the way out in terms of update priority. So my guess would be that we might get 1 more update, then it's highly improbable we'll get more. But that's just my guess, and I'd love to be pleasantly surprised. TLDR: IMHO, Go likely not a priority now for Line6. Well... That's surely the impression given the number of updates it released in the last year, which is zero.
    0 points
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