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rsvette12 last won the day on March 27 2021

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  1. These presets are amazing Rob - thanks so much for the hard work - very impressive presets as always :)
  2. Thanks much you have done a great job - you did a super job getting around its limitations :)
  3. Im a bit confused you have presets instead of snapshots for each tone ? thanks much How can I reverse the up and down direction for presets (snapshots) - not seeing anyway of doing that like you could in helix
  4. You never disappoint - they sound great - thank you much
  5. Purchased - use pod as an interface but had to try these - thanks much
  6. About halfway down Russ5254 posting explains how to use a FBV3 on how to make settings in FBV3 driver window Dont remember how to do it in studio one at the moment because I just built new pc and have to go thru it again That said its only adding one layer in studio one and assigning midi commands in that one layer for all of the snapshots also these FBV3's are not cheap
  7. Are you asking if you can change snapshots in studio one - you can - pain but you can on the fly I use line6 FBV3 to change them via midi
  8. Just use Helix edit to update your lt - it will update to latest version older versions not needed - you can jump revisions
  9. rsvette12

    3.01 update

    Make sure your cables are connected from helix to computer properly - may have got moved around - that usb cable is pretty crappy fit
  10. rsvette12

    3.01 update

    Reinstall Helix Edit then run it and update your LT from Helix Edit
  11. rsvette12

    3.01 update

    You on windows or mac make sure you download proper file in pull down menus on downloads page
  12. rsvette12

    3.01 update

    Hi Buddy are you sure - what hardware do you have ? Downloads are here
  13. rsvette12

    3.01 update

    Then download software from updates page and do that way instead of thru Helix Edit
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