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Everything posted by regalpierot

  1. I couldn't see time signature settings anywhere, just specific time values in ms. At a guess it's some type of dual delay with the offset giving that dotted eight differential. Can you tell me specifically the parameter and setting in a delay to do that. Thanks.
  2. regalpierot

    Edge Thing

    For want of a better phrase. Does anyone know good specific settings on any of the delay blocks that would produce a nice dotted eight effect so U2biquous Thx.
  3. That's exactly how I approached HXFX, I basically dialed in one standard clean setting, little bit of compressor that's on all the time so doesn't need to waste a switch on it. Then I made four presets with slightly different configurations of pedals. Ina lot of cases the exact same effect across two or more (like i use a fairly specific vibe sound so put that in all four). Here's the logic, when I'm playing gigs I have often run into issues where presets can just be all over the place volume-wise when put through a pa or if I'm using the house amp. So this is like four slightly different Pedal configurations (four just because it keeps them all on one bank). It's been great. Like a multi FX unit but really with the workflow of insidividual stomps and no amps or cabs to distract me.
  4. Ah ok thanks for that. I clicked your link and still only saw version 1.20. Works out you have to click 'Read More' then 1.50 magically appears. Site goof
  5. All so bloody confusing. So does anyone know of Helix Native is getting the update to bring it the features of 2.5. It's still on version 1.20 (obviously different revision train) and that's all that shows available in the download portal (mins you 2.30 is the latest Helix Firmware available there so who knows if that's accurate)
  6. It comes down to nothing more than layout for me, where do you want the tuner comfortably sitting (would go Guitar->Tuner->Helix, always first in the chain so that there's the cleanest tone possible for the thing to pitch to ). If you want it relatively flush against the side of the Helix then you don't need 18', if you want it a distance from the Helix then...well you get it. Nice thing is, most tuners have that signal mute so a really good kill switch if you need it or for like when guitar is on stage before show and and you want no feedback etc while you are off setting up the pyrotechnics :)
  7. Ha, speaking of Boss and Ireland, I remember as a kid walking into Musicmaker on Exchequer St. and seeing that board of every available boss Pedal all chained together and ready to play. Back then in Ireland Boss was definitely the premium Pedal reserved for the very few who had money. I think DOD was the only other recognizable brand around. My first ever pedal was a DOD Compressor/Sustainer I bought purely because I liked the color of the thing (orange, yup I was that stupid). Took it home, returned it because I thought it was broken because it didn't change the sound (no idea what a compressor was at 12) and had my first ever encounter with the smug sarcastic lollipops that often work the guitar counter at music places. Still running into them from time to time (talking about you Guitar Center) Right, pointless babble I know, back to all things Helix.
  8. Kinda off topic, we'll sort of. Another great HX vid just posted by the chaps from the previous one above
  9. Ooh, or if we are in wish list territory what if the HX has two 9v outputs that you could run the kinds of cables the DC bricks etc come with. That would be awesome. Yeah, love my HX so much already. Was wishing it didn't use that same awful and short power adapter as the Amplifi and Firehawk range, was bummed to see that. That aside though. This unit is mind blowing.
  10. Got to say, the nailed the HX Effects tuner, utilized the scribble strip very well. To your question though, I've used so many different tuners over the years and I have to say I always go back to the Korg Pitchblack. Big clear display, not much unnecessary distractions and locks in a tuning better than anything I've used. Probably why you see it so often on boards.
  11. Yet to find a video where it sounds even slightly less than awful tone. Was thinking I'd just hit upon a few demo people who had used sub par recording methods but at this stage I'm blaming the processor. Explains why the reps talk a lot and try to drop a lot of 'wow factor' science about what's under the hood, the longer you can keep that up the more you avoid that first chord strum where the interviewers get that 'blah' look. Even the decal and rotaries look super cheap, how could Boss fail so much at this. You would want to be out of your mind at that that price point not to get a Helix LT or the likes. Like here, this is indicative of the demo but without the needless 'it has a flux capacitor in it' babbling
  12. Agree, @Dunedin above was a fairly unnecessarily condescending response for what was a fair enough question raised. I do like the way Bias and IK do keep the icons in the chain, let's you know at a glance what specific delay etc you are using. Having said that the Helix overall is far better than those other company's solutions imho so can't have it all.
  13. Just giving this a bump. DI, I know you're out there mate and have the keys to the secret lofty heights where such things are discussed. Customtone section for HX FX so the sharing can begin?
  14. I actually thought this also nailed it in giving an example of some of the new Reverb capabilities
  15. The new Reverbs are great, Searchlights and Double Tank are somewhat my faves but everything in there you'd ever want for Ambient stuff. I will say, in A\B testing myself (and seeing a few videos) they aren't on par with the Strymon BlueSky, however as that unit is a roughly $600 device that only does reverb the HX Effects would be a much more sensible purchase. I'm probably a bit Strymon biased as I use the things so frequently. Actually funny to see the Strymon sitting on the same board as the HX FX on the promotion photo. BTW, as a side, anyone know what that chrome colored pedal with the red rotaries is two down from the Big Sky in the HX FX photo from the line 6 site?
  16. RE ''ll probably be returning mine, as being able to edit patches from the computer was a major reason behind my purchase. Earliest fix won't be until spring (also in the HX Edit release notes).' Honestly, you shouldn't. I've had the Effects two days now and it's utterly amazing. The workflow of editing presets\effects on the unit itself is so well thought out. I'm actually really glad Line 6 released HX Edit with library functions for backing up etc instead of waiting for full functionality. To be fair, in every promo I saw and Namm interview they always mentioned that HX Edit wouldn't have actual effect editing functionality until Spring so no surprises. Dial in a few tones, especially the new Reverbs which are utterly amazing, and then thank yourself for holding onto the thing.
  17. Unless I'm mistaken, even though there's icons for Helix Floor, Helix Rack and Helix LT on the custom tone page they all link to the same page and tones are interchangeable between them. I can 100% verify these tones won't load on the HX Effects (finally saw that in the manual but tried anyway). However, since HX Effexts presets can be exported and imported via HX Edit at the moment (presumably for backup and restore they are undoubtedly shareable. Line 6, will you be adding a customtone repository for the Effects? Amazing unit btw, only two days into using it and blown away. Everything I actually wished Helix Floor would be. Damnit though headphones jack and VDI input would have tipped this over the top.
  18. Totally the same. Got HX effects today, cracked it out of the box and immediately threw 2.50 firmware update. Installed HX Edit and got exact same error you displayed on startup. Still seems to be able to do things like move presets, change presets, rename presets from software so maybe benign error, but you are not alone
  19. I assume it works the same on the Helix and HX Effects, but if anyone already has a HX to verify that would be great. So if I got a Mission Helix Expression pedal and plugged it into say Exp1 on the HX Effects, is it possible to have it control a Wah or the likes in one preset, and volume in another preset (and obviously have that saved in the preset) or is that a global setting that it's either one or the other so you'd need a separate pedal in Exp2 to be able to utilize both functions without needing to move around menus. Hope I'm asking that in a coherent way. Thanks so much
  20. regalpierot


    Ha, to twist the knife this morning Line 6 sent a promotional Email 'Every Helix® guitar processor is compatible with the rest of the Helix family—from Helix Floor to the Helix Native plug-in. In this video, Line 6’s Paul Hindmarsh demonstrates how to use HX Edit software to manage your preset library and transfer tones between different Helix products.' This is the point where HX Effects learns it was adopted and not truly a part of the family :)
  21. I did look through the manual but no specific reference that I could see. I know with the Helix Rack controller there was an expression pedal input labeled such that you could use a toe switch products (the Mission Helix being a great option). Neither of the two expression inputs on HX Effects are tagged with the toe switch reference, does anyone know if it is compatible. I'd love to be able to switch on\off wah etc with the missions toe switch. Thanks
  22. Makes sense, I think the FAQ had me pondering based on Is there a Mac/PC editor? The same HX Edit application works with Helix..... We expect to update HX Edit with full editing capabilities for HX Effects later this spring. Got me thinking it was like those applications where if you kid a preset with a module you haven't available to you it's just grayes out and bipassed. One can dream
  23. regalpierot


    'I don't think the current models can exchange presets either, can they' I always assumed they did. Like whether you choose Helix or Helix LT icon in the Custom Tone section for example the two most downloaded tones (and my faves) are 1. Dumblesque 2 . Ambient Clean At a guess they aren't built specific to each model. I'm also not sure the outputs matter too much as it really just cares about the virtak signal chain etc that was put together and saved. I may be wrong. I guess, Line 6 this will be the diff between a purchase and not, if I download say 'Ambient Clean' and use Helix App with HX connected, can I import that tone and all I'll lose i sthe amps and cabs or totally wont even transfer to HX at all
  24. regalpierot


    Whoa, don't know how this escaped me to now. Just saw it via Line 6 promotion mail. Been waiting for something like this for ages. No headphones or variax input which would have made this a 10. But can't have it all. Anyone know, if you load a preset from customtone do you just get everything except Amp and Cab that was includes when pushed to the HX?
  25. I won't lie, I bought the Helix for the functionality not primarily the sound quality. I know that sounds odd but I've never really been hung up on being too damn wrapped up in tone, I mean to the extent that digital effects units differ. SRV primarily used an amp and a tube screamer and look what he did. I have also never ever listened to a recording or watched someone live (over the past 30 years) and liked or disliked a song or player based on the equipment they were or were not using. So to me, the sounds you get from building a good patch on a Firehawk absolutely and completely suffice. I never was really at ease with the Helix, it's all but a computer inside a guitar floorboard chassis, amazing power but after years of having devices with minimal technology in them (analog pedals etc) just be workhorses without flaw I favored that. Yes, FH is a digital system, but at $350 I am not utterly worried if the thing starts to exhibit wear and tear.
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