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Everything posted by regalpierot

  1. @datacommando, bit of an unnecessarily snippy answer there, the dude was just posing a quandary. @BigRalphN - After many years of being a gearwhore, I have to say I am a firm believer in addition by subtraction. When you have multiple units that do essentially the same thing you really do have to tax your brain with learning the different workflows, options, functions, menus etc and unless you mirror preset names and general configurations you'll have to be mindful when playing each. And all the while not a single audience member or parishioner will really care about what is making the sounds come out of your guitar. So it's Helix alone for me, and bit by bit I'm committing the workflow to muscle memory so spending more time on the fun part, namely playing. So my advice, if you have the will power, sell one and settle on the other. If you absolutely need a backup get two of the same device. Easiest way to master something, which in the short , medium and long term is just a better route. But to each their own.
  2. I know for sure there's a justified RTFM response, but surely the most logical way to code updates that have prerequisites of very specific revisions of an updater and\or editor would be to not allow the process to proceed unless you have all requirements in place. So, try to do the 2.0 update with Editor 1.12 the process just stops immediately with an intutitive message about the version needed before proceeding. I'm just saying.
  3. I just bought his entire collection pack last weekend. To be honest I really only got it for the organ tone (does everything I needed from my EHX B9 pedal so able to sell of another) but thought it might be worth grabbing the whole lot. Really well put together and absolutely great tomes. I second the quality of them. Classic Guitar emulation is also just beautiful.
  4. Oh man, I am staying the hell away from the update for about a week or two until these settle down. A number of people seem to be hitting quirks in the update process or thereafter that the trick restart isn't resolving. Hopefully the exception to the rule.
  5. Its a known and much reported issue on this forum. Mac disconnects, helix freezes but still processes audio for current preset but no buttons or controls work and you have to restart the unit.
  6. Anyone know if this update addressed the common issue where when connected to the editor (may be limited to Mac) the Helix freezes and needs to be restarted. Happens almost every time for me.
  7. Thanks mate, very thoughtful of you altogether. Much appreciated
  8. Thanks again all, such a great community
  9. Thanks all for the answer. Saved me trying a lot of experimenting. Tap on one q if you don't mind. Can't seem to find answer in manual. So for the VDI to work in helix it seems the I put has to be set to Variax. Is that a global setting? What I want to do Is be able to tie that that input to a preset, such that when I swap guitars playing live and go back to a regular guitar using 1\4 inch input I don't need to change any setting on the helix, just change a preset.
  10. Received shipment of my tobacco JTV59 yesterday. Its a beautiful guitar in the flesh. The one thing I am going to have to get used to is the thickness of the neck, its like a bisected baseball bat (at the hitting end). Even though I've owned a number of Les Pauls and 335s over the years and this is definitely more girth than those, or even most acoustics I have played. But I did want, and am amazed by, the modeling the Variax can do and the integration with the Helix and the 69 or 89 just weren't the body shapes for me. Just a bit of getting used to I'm sure. Question for some kind Variax\Helix owner. I haven't installed the workbench yet but I assume the VDI - USB cable is the means to connect up to the computer so you can build your custom models. One thing I really want to do is be able to try out different pickups and models in workbench and also be altering the parameters on Helix blocks at the same time so I can build a preset with the most options. Not sure how the routing works. I tried VDI from Variax to Helix, Helix USB to Computer and set up as audio interface, but workbench doesn't seem to allow the guitar connection to proxy through the helix as is says not connected. And obviously once I plug VDI\USB to computer workbench will work but Helix is out of the chain. Might not be possible, but worth asking.
  11. I mean joking aside here's all I know, I've been tuning with the Helix since the day it landed. As a Korg Pitchblack user I really like that the interface is akin to what I'm used to using. - When i tune with Helix I have never once sounded off with my band - When I tune with Helix I never sound off when playing along with artist tracks - When I tune with Helix and record into a DAW, the other tracks I add (typically keys and pads) are in tune with what I record I always thought the main complaints were from luthiers and other folks seeking scientifically exact measurements. @Blackbird, if you are saying that you tune and then sound noticeably off with any of the above three that is in no way my experience so our units are not the same somehow.
  12. First Trump, then Brexit, now another fricken tuner thread that will descend into chaotic 'accuracy' versus 'precision'. I have concluded it is a vengeful God we live under.
  13. Actually, if you could just cure puppy cancer I'd be happy enough, no point in getting a free one if the thing ends up very sick
  14. Gotta say, it's at a point where when I'm using the Editor on a Mac via USB, it crashes Helix quite a lot. I'm now hitting save on almost every change, getting to the point where I really dont want to use the Editor that much except for naming\renaming things and backing up. Really hope that gets addressed as a priority.
  15. Sorry, follow up Q as I'm dangerously close to just grabbing one. In looking on Sweetwater though they have that Workbench Application listed as a separate application for $100. Am I missing something or do you truly have to spring another $100 for the software that allows you to build additional tones....really thought it was a given that that came with the guitar.
  16. Hmm, I swear to God I grabbed a preset off the CUSTOMTONE portal that was ambient in nature and did an autoswell. Maybe just some clever reverse delay thing but had the same effect. I'll try and find the specific one later and report back.
  17. Thanks all so much for taking the time to respond. Super useful information. Think I will have to 'buy n try'. I've been doing a good bit in a covers bad of late and as someone else said the switching to acoustic etc in between songs is getting painful, especially when they throw together set lists without guitar changes in mind (the cheek huh). And I too fall into the category on not being a purist on what guitar was used in a song as long as the tone fit and the playing of course was done well. My only hesitation is these guitars have been around a few years, be my luck to buy one just as Line 6 announce the next generation of Variax release :rolleyes:
  18. So, I've never really considered a Variax before. To be honest I always thought they were a bit Fugly, but in retrospect I think all I'd ever seen was the original ones pre JTV (which to be honest always had a look of starter guitar that you'd get in Target). Being a Helix owner now though turned me on to doing a bit of investigating around the whole VDI input and to be fair of all the new HD Variax models I think the jtv-59 looks super nice and I'm pretty astounded by some of the demos I have heard especially around the acoustic models. The integration with Helix and being able to tie models and tunings in to a preset is obviously an amazing bonus. In typical fashion though GuitarCenter doesn't have any Variax at all on hand to try out so asking the folks on here for opinion - To all variax owners. How do you like the guitar, and I guess the integration with Helix. I'm still a bot confused about when people mention blending the VDI and regular signal from the magnetic pickups. Are you running one of those Cat5 type cables AND a regular 1\4 inch guitar cable to out of the guitar and into the helix? - To just jtv-59 users. How do you find the playability. It's a very subjective matter I know but this is my main concern, some folks online say it feels like a beautiful guitar and neck to play whilst others seem to say it is almost unplayable. Thanks so much in advance, all opinions welcome.
  19. I've only ever seen the dreaded 'freeze when connected to USB' where it just hangs but still routes audio colored by the preset that was selected when the problem occurred. Happened about 5 times now, in every case I had the editor open and was at a point where I physically changed a preset on the unit. Editor will popup a disconnected message and reboot is only fix. The possibility of a crash mid gig though with audio killed has me thinking. The spare unit (HD or Helix for the Kardashian amongst you affluence-wsie) still involves some switching around downtime. I think what might work is having a tiny board of a few small form factor pedals to cover the basics. Then A\B switch between helix and that and running into two separate amp or mixer channels. Light to carry, small real estate, and any hiccup is just switch over to the backup immediately. Kinda like this, aesthetically
  20. I know the Helix's are still tough to find, and a few folks on here doing the due diligence before taking the leap. But I noticed today in my perusing of craiglist ( there's a dude selling one for $1250 with the official Helix Backpak and Glen DeLaune purchased presets included. If I didn't already own one I'd probably be jumping on that (seems to also be open to trade + cash). So just sharing the opportunity. p.s., I don't know the seller and have no affiliation with him\her, merely the messenger.
  21. Slightly different question, as a very happy Helix owner I kinda started to take a look at Variax for the first time today. Tp be honest always thought they looked a bit strange but never saw beyond the standards. The JTVs are nice and the black 59 looks pretty sweet (couldn't justify the US, but maybe the Korean. So I guess the question is, are you happy owners. My main desire is to be able to get an acoustic sound for some songs without having to swap out guitars.
  22. Was really on the fence about ordering the official bag given the price. And all but ready to jump off the fence when it arrived and wasn't an easy fit for the unit. But a few days in, the material has 'de-factoried' to fit the Helix really well (and pro tip, put the Helix into the bag pedal side first, big difference in ease of access) and I'm really happy. Besides the quality of the material and the zip lining (super heavy duty, that's be the first thing to go) the shoulder straps are also serious construction so minimal anxiety on that front
  23. 'there for it sucks' Therefore your grammar kinda sucks :) DI. As a feature request, could the next firmware update possibly remove this thread :mellow:
  24. 'Hey, anyone heard from DI since he followed up on that invitation to go for a drink with that dude in Vegas he only knew through an internet forum. It's been a few months now' :)
  25. SRV used to just stomp on the single Ibanez Tube Scream switch to engage it, then switch it off again. I'm just saying :)
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