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  1. Hi Stephen. I've travelled the same journey as you. I had a HD500X for many years, then got a Helix LT and a DT25. Get yourself an AES/EBU cable (also sometimes called a 3 pin DMX cable). They look just like XLR mic cables, but are digital. XLR cables just give you lots of interference so don't use them. If you connect your Helix to your DT25 using this cable in the Line6 Link sockets you get to control the DT25 with the Helix. In practice this means you get any of the pre-amps in the Helix and the Helix will also configure your DT25 power valve settings along with it. Make sure that the amps you use in your Helix patches are the pre-amp models, not the amp models. Your DT25 provides the power amp and cab, you just need the pre-amp. If you go through the amp settings in Helix, go past biasx, sag etc and you'll find a page with DT amp settings. I also made an IR of the DT25 and I put that at the end of a second path, just before the Helix XLR out so I have a version of my amp going to the mixer for monitors and front of house. My band mates say the guitar sound in their in-ears sounds just like my amp in the room. Here's the link to the IRs if you'd like them: Let me know if you need more details on how to do this. I honestly don't think there's a better system out there. Helix with DT25 makes my amp sound like anything I can imagine and it is a real amp in the room.
  2. Hi all I had the same experience. I hadn't used my JTV 59 for months, maybe even a year - it just kind of fell off rotation. I plugged the battery into the charger - nothing, then solid red. Tried this a few times and the same result so I started looking for a new battery (mine's about 5 years old). The best I could see for a genuine one was £55 incl shipping from Thomann. Before I pulled the trigger I just tried it one more time - still the same. I forgot about it and left it in the charger. The next day the red light was flashing and it was fully charged. I put it in the guitar and I have four lights. I figure when it's deeply discharged it takes a while before it gets anything like usable again. Hope this helps.
  3. Hi Pasnthru99 and JimiRox There was a time when Helix firmware allowed this functionality, but only as long as you didn't turn the Helix off. Once it powered down it lost the loop, but you could change patches and come back to the loop you recorded earlier. I believe that this functionality has now gone. There's an old post where I linked to a video showing it happening here:
  4. That's weird. The image above is my 'Helix 2'. If you click the image above you'll see my 'Helix' image (my signal path with the split on it). Hit right and you get your image (Helix 2) with my two white circles drawn on it to show you where to drag down.
  5. Hi MGW. I do a similar thing with my Line 6 DT25 amp. I connect that to Helix via L6 Link AES/UBU and also run an output to XLR L for the PA mixer with an IR of my Line6 DT25 and a room reverb on it (see image 'Helix'). This way my band mates get to have me in their monitors. In order to split the output, you just need to drag down the split shown on my image 'Helix 2'. This makes you a new output path that you can assign to whatever you like. Hope this helps.
  6. Forgot to say, the thread with the free DT25 IRs in it is here if anyone else can make use of them:
  7. Hi chums. I use my Helix LT via Line6 link to a Line6 DT25 combo live. I usually have pre-sets arranged so I use pre-amps on the Helix rather than 'amp+cab', I then 'tap off' the signal in the Helix after the FX and send it to an IR of the DT25 and then out to left XLR out to the PA mixer so that the rest of the band can have me in their monitors and have a little FOH if we need it. I made the IR by plugging into the FX return of the DT25 so my IR has DT25 power amp (Class AB pentode is my favourite), DT25 cab and speaker and SM57 mic in the chain. With the new cab models in Helix 3.5, how would I model a power amp in my feed to the mixer? I don't think there's a way to put a Helix power amp without a pre-amp in my tap off to the mixer out. Any thoughts? Thanks
  8. Have a look at the Line6 DT25 or DT50. Helix runs the pre-amp and the amp has a EL84 valve power section that the Helix can talk to via Line6 Link and run as class A or class AB Pentode or triode - not modelling, actual switching the configuration of the power valves inside the amp.
  9. Hi Space boy I don't think there was ever an 'official' one. It should work with any single Button amp switching pedal. I tried it with an Orange FS1 with my DT25 combo and it worked fine. Hope this helps.
  10. For me, it's about trying to make 'live' sound more natural and removing the compromises inherent even in good pickups. I have a fall ltd Taylor koa from 2005 with the first generation expression system. It does sound good, but flavoring it with an IR takes it from good to great. I'm just about to get one of these so I don't have to lug the Helix around for small gigs where I'm acoustic only: This isn't a substitute for good recording practices in the studio, it's an enhancement for live. I'm looking forward to making my own IRs and making my guitar sound better on stage.
  11. It appears that all of our DT series amps are now 'legacy' products: Does this make it 'vintage, collectible'? I'll hang on to mine just in case, don't think I'm ready for FRFR just yet.
  12. Hi. Perhaps take a look at some of Jason Sadites videos. He's really good at breaking down which setting does what. Here he is 'dialling in' delays: How this helps
  13. Hi Sdahe Can you tell us any examples of this that you like? With the information above it is hard to really help. What sounds great to one person sounds meh to another - that's why there are so many amps and pedals to choose from. If there is a certain song that gets you in the ballpark (ideally link to a YouTube clip or similar), folks here will come in with suggestions. There are so many amps and pedals in the Helix that there's not much it can't do.
  14. I shared the process I used when I made my own IRS for my DT25 amp here: DT25 IRs Hope this helps.
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