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  1. All questions and comments welcome. Marshall JVM Channel Switching with Helix MIDI This works with Helix Firmware Version 2.20 and later. PURPOSE - Have your JVM automatically switch to any desired channel preset combination when pressing any Helix Preset or Snapshot button. IMPORTANT - Following the procedures described here may cause you to lose any MIDI switching settings you already have programmed into your Helix and JVM. IMPORTANT: Set Helix MIDI Global Settings by going to Menu Button > Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > MIDI PC Send (Page 2) > Off With that understood. DO THIS FIRST Connect a standard, five pin, MIDI cable from the Helix MIDI Out/Thru connector to the JVM Midi In connector. DO THIS SECOND JVM Factory Reset - the following procedure is for a JVM205H (See the Reset procedure for your amp if different). This will erase all the MIDI presets and set MIDI reception channel to #1. 1. Switch the amplifier power off (power switch off, not standby switch). 2. Press and hold CLEAN/CRUNCH MODE switch. 3. Switch the amplifier power on (power switch on, not standby switch). The two channel LEDs will glow steady red. 4. Release the CLEAN/CRUNCH MODE switch. Both the CLEAN/CRUNCH MODE and the OVERDRIVE MODE switch LEDs will be lit solid red. 6. Press OVERDRIVE MODE switch. Both LEDs will blink Red then the CLEAN/CRUNCH MODE switch will light Green. Done with that. Channel Switching with Helix Presets Only If you do not use Helix Snapshots, and only use Helix Presets, this is for you. You can have your JVM switch to any channel settings when changing Helix Presets. Here is how: 1. Press any Helix Preset button EXCEPT the one you want to program. 2. Set your JVM channels, reverb, fx loop etc. to the settings you want. 3. Put the JVM in the Learn mode by pressing the FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch two times. The FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch on the JVM will be blinking. 4. Press the Helix Preset button you want to program. The FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch will blink fast a few times and go out. Done. Now, every time you press that Helix Preset button, the JVM will switch back to those settings. Repeat for other Presets. Channel Switching with Helix Presets and Snapshots IMPORTANT - Before you make the change to MIDI Switching for Snapshots it is important to understand that once you make the change to MIDI Switching for Snapshots, you will have to go through all of your Presets and program at least one Snapshot. Otherwise, when switching between Presets, the amp settings will stay in their last state. Also, any MIDI Switching for Presets, that you have now, will be lost. With that understood. DO THIS FIRST FIRST Make a list like this: Preset# Snapshot# Program # Description 01A 1 0 Clean Green 01A 2 1 Overdrive Green 01A 3 2 Overdrive Green / Reverb On 01A 4 3 Overdrive Green / Reverb On / Master Volume On This is just a sample list. Your final list will, likely, look quite different. For now, just use this list for the programming examples. More on this later. The Program # is the code number of the MIDI PC (Program Change) Message that the Helix will send to the JVM when you press a Preset or Snapshot button on the Helix. This is how the JVM knows to change to a certain combination of settings. The Description is how the amp channels will be set after pressing a Preset or Snapshot button on the Helix. If MIDI and Program Change and PC Message sounds like a foreign language to you right now, do not worry, you will not need to know any of that technical stuff. Just make the list and follow along. DO THIS SECOND Go to Menu > Global Settings > MIDI/Tempo > Page 2 > MIDI PC Send - Turn this off > Press Home button DO THIS THIRD Navigate to the Preset you want to program and select Snapshot 1. Press the Menu button and then press the Command Center knob. Use the joystick to move to an unused Instant Command (Lightning Bolt). Any Commands already in use will have a Turquoise triangle above them. If you do not see any Turquoise triangles, just go to the lightning bolt in the top left corner. That is Instant Command 1. With an Instant Command (Lightning Bolt) now highlighted, turn the Command knob to Command - Bank/Prog You should see five settings and they should look like this: Command: Bank/Prog Midi Ch: Base Bank CC00: off Bank CC32: off Program: off Now, get the list that you made, earlier. Please note, when setting the Instant Commands below: Helix is, at this time, very particular about saving your settings as you go. You'll see "Press Save two times." after each change. It's an inconvenience, but it works. Check the setting for each Snapshot when you are done, to make sure you are sending the correct Program#. The only Helix setting we are going to change is Program. Looking at the list we see that the Program# for Preset 01A Snapshot 1 is 0. So, set the Program to 0 (zero). Leave everything else as/is. Press Save two times. Return to Instant Commands. Press Snapshot 2 button. Set Program to 1. Press Save two times. Return to Instant Commands. Press Snapshot 3 button. Set Program to 2. Press Save two times. Return to Instant Commands. Press Snapshot 4 button. Set Program to 3. Press Save two times. You should now be back at the Home screen. Check the setting for each Snapshot when you are done, to make sure you are sending the correct Program#. We have, now, programmed our first four Snapshots on the Helix to do channel switching duties on the JVM. The only thing left to do is program the JVM to match. Looking at the list, we are saying we want Preset 01A Snapshot 1 to be Clean Green on the amp. On the Helix you should be on Preset 01A. Press Snapshot 2 button, or any Snapshot EXCEPT the one you want to program. Set the JVM to Clean Green. Press the FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch two times. It should be blinking to indicate it is in the learn mode. Press Snapshot 1 button. The JVM FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch will blink rapidly a few times and then go out. Set JVM to Overdrive Green. Press the FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch two times. Press Snapshot 2 button. Set JVM to Overdrive Green / Reverb On. Press the FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch two times. Press Snapshot 3 button. Set JVM to Overdrive Green / Reverb On / Master Volume On. Press the FOOTSWITCH/MIDI PROGRAM switch two times. Press Snapshot 4 button. Done. Preset 01A Snapshots 1-4 should, now, recall the amp settings just like it is on the list. Setting Preset Default Snapshot To set a particular Snapshot as the default, for any given Preset, perform the following: In this example we will set Snapshot 2 as the default for Preset 01A. Navigate to Preset 01A and select Snapshot 2. Press the Save button two times. Done. Now, every time you switch to Preset 01A, no matter where you were, it will automatically go to Snapshot 2 and the JVM will switch to whatever amp settings you had for that Snapshot. Summary and Caveats Before you make the change to MIDI Switching for Snapshots it is important to understand that once you make the change to MIDI Switching for Snapshots, you will have to go through all of your Presets and program at least one Snapshot. Otherwise, when switching between Presets, the amp settings will stay in their last state. Also, any MIDI Switching for Presets, that you have now, will be lost. Following the procedures described here may cause you to lose any MIDI switching settings you may already have programmed into your Helix and JVM. The JVM will store 128 settings. For the two channel JVMs, there is a possible 48 settings combinations. For the four channel JVMs there is a possible 96 settings combinations. Each setting will have a different Program# (0-127). For example, if you wanted to add Clean Amber to the list, that would get a new Program#, maybe 4 since that has not been used already. If you are using/re-using a setting that is already on the list, even if it is on a different Preset, you would still use that same Program#. For example, if I wanted to use Clean Green on Preset 13B2 Snapshot 3, the Program# for that Snapshot is still going to be 0. If you are only using two Snapshots for a Preset, you do not have to program all four like we did above. By the same token, if you are using eight, you will have to program the other four. Special thanks to @phil_m and everyone that helped me work through this.
  2. So I've been trying to make the JVM and HX Effects work for a week now with no success. I've got some experience setting up gear and I can't get rid of phasing issues when running the HX Effects through my JVM Loop. The amp has two loops. One series and one programmable series/parallel with a Mix knob. Phasing happens on both (fairly expected from the parallel one). I'm doing the 4 cable method as suggested by the L6 manual using a minimal setup. Guitar - HX 4cm - JVM and have one FX Loop block with a Horizon Gate and a Simple Delay after it. It's not about maxing out the mix on the delay thought I have messed with the mix settings both on the amp and the HX. The phasing is there even with no effects activated and it happens on both loops. The only setup that doesn't create phasing is HX Effects in the Series JVM Loop without the 4 cable method, which sucks because I mostly need it for the front-end effects but Gate/Delay are a must for me in the post section. Surprisingly I didn't experience the problems most people have with this combination. Setting up the channel switching was easy and I've got minimal noise. Anyone of you guys had the same issue and found a fix for it?
  3. Hello together, i come from Germany and my english is not so good. I have Issues with the Midi Implementation with the Helix and my JVM 410 HJS Head. In Preset and Stomp Mode I can teach Midi Commands from Helix to my JVM. Good so far. But in Snapshot Mode i can't teach the Helix to change CC# Commands. I instruct the Instant Button to learn the CC# Commands for my JVM. So well, the Value are working and move but the CC# Commands parameters do not move. Its still the same on all Snapshots. Presetmode not working fine because of interruption by switching Presets. I need the Snapshot Mode, definitely. I hope somebody can help me
  4. Im having some slight issues that I can't seem to figure out. I started a new preset to work with 4CM. Ive tried setting the send/return up different ways, but the problem I am having is when I activate the wah, it turns my fx send/return block off. If I activate fx block while wah is active, then when I de-activate the wah, it turns the fx block off. Is there any way to leave the fx block on at all times? why is the wah linked to it? How do I change it? I also tried using the 4CM template, and the HELIX PreAmp would disable my fx block when I activated the pre-amp..any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! (Here are a few pics of the different ways I have tried. Everything works until the wah is activated)
  5. I have created some good 4cm patches that work well with my JVM210. I have it sending midi commands to control my amp channels. For things to work on my amp, my fx loop has to always be on. On the patches I created, there isn't a problem, but when i switch to a patch someone else made it sends a midi note and either/or changes the channel on the amp or turns off the fx loop. WTH? Im lost! I can't figure it out, or how to fix this. Does anyone have this problem, or a fix for it? Thanks for all the help I have already received, and hope to get more.
  6. Hi, first time user/poster of Line 6. I got the Helix today and was going to be using it with my Marshall JVM 210H, Marshal 412 cab with v30/25 watt greenbacks. I would also be using it straight into my daw for recording purposes. I was wondering, is there a way to quickly remove the cab simulations and put them back quickly, depending on what setup I'm using at the time? I would like to, not use, the cabs with my live setup because it doesn't sound good, but would like them to be there when in daw mode, because of how well they sound. I would like to do this without having to delete or change the patch. Thank you, Shawn.
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