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Found 5 results

  1. Hello all! just a quick one, my guitarist uses a pedal baby with a cab, should he use a pre-amp block without the BIAS settings, or a full amp block? I think the Pedal baby is a class-AB solid state? I might be answering my own question, but I reckon the pedal baby wants a mic level signal... the full amps are line? And the BIAS settings are emulating how much an amp pushes back on the signal... so as the PDBB is an amplifier... it already has its own behavioural characteristics? Looking for what’s correct, not a “if it sounds great it is great” #winky emoji Thanks everyone.
  2. Hey gear heads, I am wondering if i can use 12au7 and 12ay7 pre-amp tubes with my Bogner Alchemist Head? I guess the real question is what other tube options do i have other than 12ax7/ecc83 and 6l6/5881 Much Appreciated.
  3. I have an old POD 2.0 bought circa year 2000 which was purchased for recording on my electric guitar (magnetic coil pickups). Doing some research for when I get my self an electric violin which will have a passive piezo pickup. I understand that compared to the magnetic coil pick-ups which act as a low pass filter, for piezo pick-ups the capacitance adds a high pass filter creating a band-pass filter. So now the question is whether my POD 2.0 will be suitable for passive piezo pickup gear for violin, could not see any thing in the manual mentioning piezo pickups. I also have an acoustic guitar and blues harp which could be connected to a separate passive piezo pickup. For the violin do not want to loose the lower frequencies, the lowest string is G at 196 Hz. Also want to ensure the signal is not weak requiring the POD Output Level to be turned all the way up, leaving little room for adjustment. The outputs from the POD would either go to ear phones or the stereo line in on my iMac. Or is a Pre-Amp needed for the piezo before connecting to the POD, see that there are a number of Pre-amps available from other manufactures that specifically say they are for piezo pickups and violins.
  4. Hey everyone. I currently use my HD500X in my studio for home use. I am going to jam with some friends and they have an extra Marshall Head and Cab there I can plug in so I was hoping I could use my HD500X so I can get the tones I want. I am not a Marshall fan and I don't feel like dragging my EVH, and Cabs over so I was wondering if I can use his Marshall head as a preamp and just run my settings which is amp and cab simulation to get the tone I like ? Is this possible ? What do I need to do in order to get this to work ?
  5. So after weeks of waiting for a Darkglass Alpha Omega to be in stock on sweetwater, I FINALLY got my hands on one. Within 30-60 minutes I was able to dial in a really crunchy dirty bass tone that I was pretty happy with. I left my initial impressions in a reddit post on r/bass. My signal chain was bass > Alpha Omega > Helix {noise gate > LA Compressor > Woody Blue > IR } I didn't find out about the Obsidian 7000 until yesterday, and can't believe I didn't notice the naming pun (Darkglass = Obsidian; 7000 = 7k) lol. I've had my Helix Rack unit for about 4 weeks now but due to work and school, haven't been able to sit with it for hours on end. When I wanted to get a preamp/drive bass pedal, the B7k was the other contender based on its universal acclaim and usage by a lot of my favorite bassists. So, for lollipops and giggles I wanted to see if I can get AS GOOD of a tone with all Helix and the Obsidian 7000. ....Yes.....a thousand times yes. I got a BETTER tone (in my opinion). In my initial impressions of the Alpha Omega, I noted how the low-end saturation bothered me. It sounds really loose and flubby to my ears. The switches on the Alpha Omega are binary for their boosts compared to the B7k which has 3 way toggle (On-Off-Cut). The blend control on the Obsidian 7000 is more fine grained compared to the Alpha Omega. I prefer this because even adjusting the blend on the Alpha Omega brings up that dreaded (to me) low-end saturation. I haven't had time to record some A-B comparisons, but I can if anyone would like. All in all, I'm sending back the Alpha Omega because I'm able to get a bass tone I like and have been searching for with the Helix. I lollipop love this thing.
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