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  1. I just got a Helix and I'm liking it ok by it's self, but I'm running into some midi issues that are getting a little frustrating. I want to set it up to control my Strymon Mobius, TimeLine, and BigSky with midi without having to dedicate a loop to each. Here's where I'm at and maybe someone can suggest a way I can get this to work. I did have the Helix set up using the 4 cable method with my amp in loop 1. The 3 strymon pedals above are in loop 2 all assigned to their own midi channels. I also have a poly tune set up in loop 3 to be always on (the Helix tuner isn't that great). I have a Riverside OD set up in Loop 4 with the favorite function being controlled using the CV connector on Helix. With it set up like this I can get everything to work in stomp box mode without any problems excluding the lights on the Helix sometimes getting out of sync with the pedal. For example pedal is bypassed but the Helix light for that channel is illuminated (no big deal, I can live with this minor issue). I used midi CC# 80,81, and 82 to toggle the Strymon pedals A and B (and C on BigSky) buttons. The problems began when I started to set up Snapshots. I tried using the Instant commands to bring up a patch on a desired pedal using the midi program function 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. That method would bring up patches ok but when I toggled through the Snapshots some of the presets would be on when I didn't want them to be and would then toggle off when I wanted them to be on etc... After a little more research I found out that I needed a bypass command to apply before the new preset could be commanded on. After research I found out that Helix can't change CC# with snapshots, only the values within a CC. After finding this out I decided to go a different route. Now, Try 2... I've got the Helix completely reset to factory defaults. I cleared all blocks on the first preset and started fresh. I wired all strymon pedals in their own FX Loop so I can toggle off by bypassing the the block (I hate to loose the 4 cable method here, but I guess I can live with that for now). Ive set them up in stomp box mode and got everything working just as I had last time. Now on the the Snapshots I run into problems again. I would save each snapshot by going into stomp box mode and toggle on what I wanted then save each accordingly. Doing that I got the Mobius and Timeline to work, BUT the BigSky wants to be a BigPain in the ....... !! This pedal will not respond correctly no matter what channel its on, what program# I choose, even the CC80, 81, and 82 for the bank buttons. For example, If I toggle on a preset in bank A it will toggle that on and off when commanded to toggle Bank C. If I press the Bank A button on the Bigsky to switch it back to that bank it will work for a couple of snapshot changes and then back to the wrong preset. Sometimes it works fine going from Snaphot 1 to 2 to 3, but when I go from 3, to 2, to 1 it gets all messed up again. It's completely erratic behavior and I can't duplicate the issue to track down a solution. I've checked the commands on each snapshot and they are correct and set up the same as the TimeLine and Mobius. I've gone into global settings on the BigSky and Helix and tried different combinations as well as a factory reset on the BigSky, same thing. Any ideas??? I'm really hoping to get this resolved because I really want to keep the Helix as part of my rig. If not I'll ditch it for a Mastermind PCB. Sorry for the novel!
  2. I've been having trouble with the repeats on my Strymon Timeline sounding crunchy, at first I thought it was to do with the Helix summing the repeats back to mono because the dry signal was fine but that turned out not to be the case. With help from Matt at Strymon I used a signal level meter hidden inside the pedals to find the problem. I had my FX loops set to "Line" (+4dB), Strymon quote a max input of +8dB so there should be no problem but the Timeline indicated clipping as soon as I touched the guitar. I then changed the FX loop to "Instrument" (-10dB) and it was still clipping. The bottom line is that if your FX loop is before the amp model (as it would probably be for a Mobius) then it will be fine but if the loop is after the amp (as it would typically be for delays) then the Helix signal is too hot. The solution is to adjust the "Send" level of your FX loop down to -6dB and boost the "Return" level up to +6dB, this still gives a unity gain FX loop but gives the pedals plenty of headroom to do their stuff properly. I'm guessing that the dry path in the pedals has more headroom so that's why only the repeats were sounding crunchy. I would have thought that this might affect other external pedals too. Craig
  3. I use the HD500 as the backbone of my rig, and have some pedals in the HD500's fx loop. The HD500 also sends out MIDI program change messages to a Strymon Timeline, so the Timeline's preset changes to the currently loaded HD500 preset. My question is as follows. When I select a preset on the HD500, can I also program the HD500 to send out some form of MIDI message that changes the preset on the Timeline just as it does now, but that it ALSO puts the Timeline preset in 'off' state, ie. Timeline's preset loaded but not engaged. If it can be done, how? It doesn't matter how I save the preset on the Timeline itself, I already tried that - no matter if I save it in off or on state, it always turns on when the preset loads via the MIDI program change message from the HD500.
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