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Vocoder - Please help me make it work


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long time lurker, first time poster.  I have been using the HD500X since December 2014 and I must say, coming from a 12-13 pedals pedalboard with TB loop, the HD500X is a blessing.  So much easier to use live and so much fun to create new sounds!  HOWEVER, there is one big problem with it, the VOCODER! 


I mainly used the EHX Iron Lung before switching to the HD500X.  I read alot before buying the HD500X because I wanted to make sure it had all the effects I used in my pedalboard.  Right now, I have tried many setups to try to make the vocoder work, including the russian youtube video.  Nothing works.  Any of you would have any tips to try to get it to sound decent? 


Here is my setup: 


Guitar - HD500X: (AC30 TB, no cab) - Vox AC15

Vocals - HD500X - PA


No FX loop, just direct with Studio/Direct output.  Everything sounds great, I made it to work with my amp and I am very satisfied with all the drives and delays, reverbs, etc. 


My vocals go through the HD500X for effects on the voice.  I suspected that it was because I was using the mic input at the same time, but even with the input 2 different, I still can't make it work, so it's not that. 


Please help!  I only need to use it sparingly and would love to be able not to hook up the Iron Lung in the FX loop. 


My suggestion to Line 6: Fix the Vocoder or make it easier to use.  If EHX can make one that sounds great and it simple to use, so can you.


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I think it should when you plug the mic in and setup a guitar patch with the vocoder in it. The vocoder becomes active in the same patch. The signal must go through the same input and patch.


Athough I haven't done this yet so I can't talk from experience. I can only relay what I've picked up from reading about it.


Added for clarification: Set your inputs to "input 1 = guitar", input 2 = variax". set you patch up in "path A". Make your guitar patch. Plug the mic in the mic input (on the Pod). When you place the vocoder in the patch the mic becomes part of the guitar patch. so I think. I'm going to have to try this today, lol.

Edited by Brazzy
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I believe the vocoder works when you have the mic plugged into the mic input, and you have a patch set up with the vocoder selected and on, and your input to the patch selected as GUITAR (or VARIAX or VARAIX MAGS).  Then when you speak or sing into the mic and play the guitar at the same time then you should get the effected output.


I have not tried it when have INPUT 2 set to MIC and having a separate vocal path - but I suspect you are right when you say that may be preventing the VOCODER from working.  Not sure why you could not get it to work when you had your INPUT 2 set to something other than mic.

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Thanks for the help so far!


Edstar1960:  That's what I'm worried about, not being able to use the mic when in Vocoder mode.  I believe I could switch to another patch that would be input 1 guitar and input 2 guitar/variax, but it would be difficult to switch back and forth since I use the stompboxes setting.  I think if it is the only way it works, I would have to practice to switch it mid-song.  Although I did try different settings to try to make it work and never got it to work.  I'll try again this weekend, I guess.


smrybacki:  I could use the Iron Lung, however, it is not ideal for me.

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the vocoder should be made to be able to use other inputs, not just mic only.

mine kinda works: if on (and its mix parameter at 100), there is no sound from the guitar until the mic receives a signal.

but with everything incl. mic level on the rear panel) maxed, i cannot get a strong enough signal from my mic, the vocoder just slightly opens the guitar signal path. it is a dynymic mic, which you probably have if the vocals work fine.

to me it sounds more vca than vcf, something like the growler.   vocoder may not be the best way to describe it

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That's what I'm worried about, not being able to use the mic when in Vocoder mode.


If you need to have a vocoder mic and a vocal mic you could make 2 patches one for the vocaoder and run the vocal mic into Aux input and patch that into Path B. Your going to need mics and special cables for that.. Or maybe you can split the signal from the vocoder mic with a specail cable. Not sure just trying to throw out ideas, lol. I'm sure you can achieve what you want if you think about it, write out a scheme and search for cables etc etc.

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