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bitcrusher effect


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That's just the way bitcrushers work—you're not hearing a dry signal as much as elements of the bitcrushed signal that have yet to be affected by the current bit depth and sample rate values. It's not entirely unlike how frequencies of an EQed signal appear unaffected by the current Hi Cut and Low cut values. There are certainly ways to beat your signal into glitchy submission, but it typically takes pretty extreme settings.


One cool thing to try is Delay > Bitcrusher on a parallel path. Instant lo-fi echoes!

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I don't have a clue how to use this effect.  It would be great if someone would post a clip of the bitcrusher being appropriately used.


Neither do I. :)


But, you can get some really bizarre sounds from this effect. Turn the gain up a little and assign the sample rate to an expression pedal with a min around 300 and max around 3KHz and set the bit depth kind of low.

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On 1/27/2016 at 4:01 PM, glassjawslipknot said:

I was very excited to hear there was a bitcrusher effect coming. However, the effect  with the signal 100% wet still has a regular clean signal coming through. 


Was this intentional or am I doing something wrong?


It seems strange to me that it would not be all bitcrusher with the mix at 100%

I have recently decided to use this pedal as alternative to electro harmonix mainframe. way I combat the wet and dry, though not fully, is by turning the guitar volume down.

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On 1/27/2016 at 10:50 PM, DarrellM5 said:

I don't have a clue how to use this effect.  It would be great if someone would post a clip of the bitcrusher being appropriately used.

its a great effect for recreating the sounds of 8 bit systems like nintendo or sega.

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Craig Anderton's Big Book of Helix Tips and Tricks eBook offered thru Sweetwater for $19.95 has a short blurb on the bitcrusher's parameters. It wouldn't be worth the money just for that, but it has tons of other useful Helix info not all commonly know by many. If Craig wanted to divulge his bitcrusher info here it's his decision but I can't  cut and paste his work.

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