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Expression pedal question for the pro programmers


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I need to know if it is possible to control the reverb mix as well as the flanger mix in a preset from the expression pedal at the same time. Toe down I want full mix both and toe up mix off both. Can't seem to get it right so came here for advice... Thanks for any info.

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I need to know if it is possible to control the reverb mix as well as the flanger mix in a preset from the expression pedal at the same time. Toe down I want full mix both and toe up mix off both. Can't seem to get it right so came here for advice... Thanks for any info.

Yes. Any parameter you want to change with the expression just hold down the knob, set which expression you want to assign it to, then set the max and min. I control about 6 different parameters with one of my expressions. Don't forget, the min value can be larger than the max value to give it a reverse sweep. I do this when I increase amp gain, I also decrease channel volume simultaneously. 

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.... I do this when I increase amp gain, I also decrease channel volume simultaneously.


I do this too, with almost all my presets. Allows me to use the amp drive dynamically instead of engaging a stomp pedal sometimes. I find the drive gives a little warmer breakup. I do notice, however, that the overall volume increases a bit at the mid-sweep position vs. the toe/heel positions. That's probably due to the taper curve built into the pedals. I haven't tried too hard to find a solution yet; it's not a big issue.

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I do this too, with almost all my presets. Allows me to use the amp drive dynamically instead of engaging a stomp pedal sometimes. I find the drive gives a little warmer breakup. I do notice, however, that the overall volume increases a bit at the mid-sweep position vs. the toe/heel positions. That's probably due to the taper curve built into the pedals. I haven't tried too hard to find a solution yet; it's not a big issue.

I initially did some mid cuts to try to alleviate that effect, but I just started taking advantage of it rather than fixing it. My main patch is Litigator based with bass/mid/treble all on 10. I vary amp drive from 1.5 to 4.0, and back off channel volume from 9.0 to 6.9. Mid sweep I get a very nice mid range bump that is glorious to my ears. So, I quit trying to fix it. I am sure that affect varies from amp to amp model though. 

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I did it frequently with my Triaxis, my JMP 1, and my HK Mkiii years ago. Lots of tube amps are supporting MIDI these days. :)

The first two are preamps only - not amps. Yes, some of the HK amps will allow this but most of the functionality on most tube amps that have Midi seems limited to just channel switching. The ones that have more functionality seem pretty few and far between. And are horribly expensive.

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