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I just installed new firmware 2.50 for my Helix LT and it looks as though the midi messages sent from the Helix when changing preset are now wrong... When I switch preset, a midi message is sent out but Cubase recognises it a aftertouch? When I playback the midi track Helix won't aknoledge the incoming message (since it doesn't respond to aftertouch) and it won't change preset. Also, If I copy/paste the recorded messages from aftertouch to program change on my midi track in Cubase, the preset changes on Helix happen exactly as they should (which is how I patch the problem so far). Is there something wrong with Helix sending the wrong midi messages since I updated the firmware? Should I try a factory reset? I did try reinstalling cubase (didn't fix it) but I noticed the midi messages being sent from Helix are the same with another midi monitor software...


Thank you!

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Check this article:


Cubase may have a similar aftertouch filter. It sounds like the problem is in how Cubase deals with the incoming messages. When you select a preset manually on Helix, by default Helix sends CC#61. I've asked in a couple of places about this (including support), but no one has yet been able explain it's purpose. It's possible that Cubase interprets it as aftertouch? In this list of midi commands:


the author says:


"46-63 may be in use as the LSB for controllers 14-31 in some devices, but I have not seen one yet"

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Thanks for the insight, rd2rk.


First, to answer phil_m, Helix is sending channel aftertouch messages when changing preset, not control change messages for polyphonic aftercouch (CC64).


Cubase has a midi filter and every type of message is unchecked in my project, so it records every incoming messages. 


also, MIDI-OX gives me the LSB and MSB info for each preset change along WITH an aftertouch message...


very confusing...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update, the problem is now solved. For those who might stumble upon this trouble, here is how I got it fixed:

-factory reset Helix (holding footswitches 9 and 10 on power up) to reset global settings and factory presets

-toggle back and forth between FW2.21 and 2.53 trying midi behavior each time (tedious and time consuming)

-eventually stable midi PC under 2.21

-perform every available FW update in a sequence (instead of jumping straight to up to date FW, e.g.: 2.21, 2.30, 2.50, 2.53... tedious and time consuming)

-import saved custom presets without importing global settings (uncheck box in HX edit) 

-manually set global settings back to your liking


I'm going to watch this closely as I can't explain what went wrong nor what fixed it...


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