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Helix/DT amp integration on the way!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I bought the M-audio uno usb midi converter. Really works with it. The 2.0 update was successfully installed.
It works now.
I just don't fully understand the amplifier topology that it handles.
Do I have to set per amp preset what amplifier to use?
That's weird with the Pod HD300, it was automatic.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



I know this is an older post, but I'm starting to think the power cab is the way to go... I haven't used one yet, but it seems to me that the connection between the HELIX and DT was an afterthought, to my ears the POD HD actually sounds better than the HELIX. IT's not like you can't get pretty good tones with the HELIX+DT, but they sounds too processed? Which defeats the purpose of lugging around a full tube amp, you know? I can't see the power cab sounding worse than the DT, and it weights about half, not even that?

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  • 11 months later...

Old post but just facing issues.


HD 500 to DT25 sounds great and loud. Let say at a 1/4 - 1/3 volume was enough to play with a band with acoustic drum.


Helix LT to DT25 seems to be half or less volume compared even with master volume knob maximum.


I don't know if this could be related to DT25 firmare (I don't know what's installed in).

For sure Helix firmware has been updated to 2.92


Means to change for me entire setup

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  • 1 year later...

This is an old topic I hope it’s still monitored. I have a DT 50 head and a DT 50 212. I’ve been playing electric since 1964 and have owned a lot of amps. But when I first just bought the head and plugged my variax Standard directly into the DT I was just amazed at the beautiful sounds coming from it. I bought the 212 , only because I got it at a fire sale price don’t get me wrong it sounds great, it’s just heavier than lollipop for a 66 year old man. Put casters on that hog right away. Anyway right now I am still playing with my HD500x because of the complete control with my multiple Variax guitars and my 2 700 basses , got a 705 stashed away working on a new body for it. 
last week line 6 had a sale on the helix native for 200 bucks. I thought I could just get used to it. I saw a comment that both the helix , the lt and native sll have DT control/ how does that work. Currently I have no other audio interface but my 500x. And I’ve yet to figure how to play plugged into the 500x VDI usb into Logic Pro x and then the helix plug in , in UA form not VST maybe that’s in windows. I can play a dry track or even pull up one of my old dry tracks and it comes out through the helix. But somethings just not right going through the 500x into the helix native. And the sound is coming out through my studio monitors NOT MY DT AMPS is there a new manual now for the latest firmware? Any help would be great. To be honest line 6 had the tech, it’s too bad they couldent move that over to the helix, sadly line 6 dropped this winner amp and it sounds like line 6 basically is planning for the helix to be placed through the super expensive fire hawk 1500.00 for 1500 bucks or 3000 for stereo. Woah come on. I’ve been a line 6 fan for 2 decades atleast. It says I have 12 registered products. Well I guess I didn’t register them all got many more than that. . Anyway , I’ve held off getting the helix till I know the DT bugs are worked out there’s very few if any helix/DT videos. It’s not the helix but for now the hd500 still kicks lollipop and the main thing is all the control. I hate to give that up. 

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Btw, I’ve been trying to sell my buddy who is a stuck up old if it ain’t vintage tube it’s crap, lime 6 for a long time. A month ago I drove my DT 50 212 to his house and we A/Bd his Vox AC30 against my dt50, I personally thought the DT t0 sounded better in all forms, clean, crunch and high gain. He’s not talking, he did a lot of smiling saying wow that’s really nice but he’s gotta deal with his stubbornness to realize tech especially line 6 has come a long way. Personally if buy the DT 50 all over again against the Vox ac 30. I think the topo 3 is supposed to emulate the ac 30, and he’s got some vintage g12m Celestion greenbacks in his Vox, I’ve got a quad of them from 1970 out of an acoustic 405 transducer. That cabinet back then was a guitar/bass cabinet. It could never compet with my Goliath Iii 410 cabs for bass but those 55 hz coils blow away the standard 75hz coils most guitar speakers are made today. Google it. My G12 M Celestion 25 watt 16 ohm ( gives me a 4 ohm 100 watt cabinet , with 55hz coils was Jimi Hendrix favorite. I’m not sure if the 55s are around anymore no demand for the guitar/bass cab. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



I have two DT25 amps that I integrate with my Helix.  The integration is very good, but not automatic like on the HD500(x) because the models are not the same.  You have all of the control you could need from a Helix to specify the power amp configuration, boost, feedback type.  But you have to know what you want for the preamp/amp models you want to use in the Helix.  I think someone did a chart of what the HD500(x) uses to help make your decisions, but I don't remember where I saw that.


I love the integration with the Helix and my two DT25's.   I am only playing them at home, and at loud basement levels, I've decided that I prefer to use the full helix amp models instead of the pre-amp models.  That would proabably be true if I ever took them out of the house to gig with them (But I only take Power Cab 112+ out of the house these days).


There is no way I know of to integrate Helix Native with the DT50 directly.   The only way I know of would be to use a low latency interface for your Guitar input, and direct the output from your DAW to your interface for line out to the DT50s.    You won't be able to do that complete circuit with your HD500x.  You can use it as your input interface, but not the output because the signal coming out of your computer will go to the headphones and not your line6 link.   You mention that you hear the sound oer the monitors, so I assume you have an interface out from your computer.  You will need to plug in the line out from your computer to the effects return on the DT50 (left and right separately) to do this.  And there will be latency.    But it will allow you to see how it sounds to a degree.


Only the Helix LT, Rack, and Floor have the line 6 link output built in, and they can be integrated with the DT25, DT50 or Powercab 112+ or 212+ Amps.    I don't know of any other options.



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