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Spirit In The Sky


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Have a listen to this, I thought I'd try and recreate the intro guitar to Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum.  It's pretty close but  I just can't get that nasal quality that the original had.  Any ideas how to get that almost kazooey sound?




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A cocked wah works well. Assign one to a footswitch instead of the expression pedal, and adjust the sweep position until you get the "honk" you are looking for. I'd start with the crybaby.


Have a listen to this, I thought I'd try and recreate the intro guitar to Spirit In The Sky by Norman Greenbaum. It's pretty close but I just can't get that nasal quality that the original had. Any ideas how to get that almost kazooey sound?





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Hey, that could be that effect that occurred with the old Celestion (Greenbacks?) where a fifth below the fundamental note formed as the speaker cone was pushed beyond it's limits.  Try using one of the pitch effects after a fuzzy amp tone set down a fifth mixed in with the amp tone.  Probably better if it's monophonic so it's more squirly.  Maybe even put it on a separate fuzzy amp tone path with the Auto-Vol. Echo or a triggered filter FX run before the amp set to trigger and mangle the sound a little.

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