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Too Boomy??


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I’ve been using the PowerCab for about a month now and there’s definitely some positives and negatives to my experience with it. Before I get into specifics I’d like to tell you what gear I’m currently using with it. Using a Kiesel DC700H with their stock pickups and my Kemper Stage Profiler, and using OwnHammer Irs for the heavier amps profiles. 

I’d like to start by saying all the cleans though this cab are just simply beautiful. They’re nice and warm and rounded but also have a great chime to them. 

The distortion however I can’t quite get right. All of my profiles sound scooped no matter what I do with this. Also the highs are kinda weird sounding. I’ve cut the 80hz on the back so it’s off, I usually turn my bass down on all my profiles since I play 7s , but they are all so boomy through this amp. I’ve also tweaked the high and low cut as well and it seems to kinda help but not a whole lot. 


What are y’all’s tricks to getting rid of that insane amount of bottom end?? I’d like to add when I tilt it back it sounds terrible as well, where there is simply no bass and it’s brittle and harsh. 

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Do you use a Tube Screamer with a low Drive in front of the amp model?  This cuts some lows, and the additional grit from it creates some harmonics in the signal that helps.  This is especially useful in low tuned or extended range guitars.  The idea is to cut some of the lows going into the amp model and then if you boost the lows later they're "tighter" sounding and less "boomy"/"flubby" sounding.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've found that the IRs I was using in my Helix sound great in the PowerCab + but are muffled with a band.  Problem is I'm listening to them through headphones and when I practice with my band they sound good but don't really cut through the mix.  I tried the Allure IRs that are in the PC+ (you can download them for free) and they are much better than I originally thought.  Then I went back through my OwnHammer IRs and found some with the mic formation "CUT."  Those seem great also.  Next practice I'm going to do some experimenting.  


In the past I have always run the sound but I'm going to have less control of that with our first couple gigs so I want to be giving the soundman the best signal I can.

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5 minutes ago, DarthHollis said:

..  Problem is I'm listening to them through headphones and when I practice with my band they sound good but don't really cut through the mix. ..


That seems to be a pretty common experience. Best way to create presets that cut through in a band situation is to create them at gig volumes, without using headphones. I know that's not practical in many cases; you may need to set aside some time in a space that can accommodate the volume level.

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I experienced it being too boomy when I first got it as well.  What I found was the placement was my issue.  I just had it sitting on the floor.  If I used the legs to tilt it back it was much better.  Now I set it on top of an old 4x12 cab that I'm not using anymore so it is higher off the ground.  Both of these made it sound much better.

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