And so it begins anew.
Here's how it works. When an individual asks for an update on an update, it is considered a neutral comment. Second time the same individual asks the same thing the update is pushed back one business day. When somebody comments on that second request, the one business day becomes three business days (The first one being the original push-off, the second one for the person commenting on the original, and the third one is a Patience Tax). This is compounded for every reply. When somebody snarks a reply the entire cycle is doubled. A defensive reply to the snark comment is considered a mulligan, and is neutral, however doubling down on the snark doubles the delay once again, plus adds a day for the defensive comment, unless the defensive comment is from the person asking the second time at which point it is doubled again. If DI or L6T become exasperated, the whole thing is pushed off one fiscal quarter plus the current tallies of Penalty Delays. When someone invokes Fractal Audio or Kemper update cycles, the whole thing is divided by .333 with the result becoming the new release date. And the longer the delays, the more the bugs which would normally be patched over become something to repair within the initial build, thus causing further delays.
It's a bit like the tax code mashed up with particle theory.