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Everything posted by GTLazer

  1. Possibly edited patches that you hadn't yet sent to the POD? (Just an idea; I haven't tried it on mine) Try the same patches while not plugged into the computer.
  2. The doubling will be caused by you simultaneously live monitoring from the POD and software monitoring in your DAW. You need to turn off the monitoring in the DAW, that way you can monitor your playing from the POD in real time, without the latency delay caused by DAWs. 'Same' is only an option on 'input 2'. It just means that it feeds the same input as input 1 into input 2. So, for example, if you change input 1 from 'guitar' to 'mic', input 2 will automatically change as well. In the customtone Silverhead posted, input 1 is guitar and input 2 is mic (as far as I know), so you have two separate signal paths for your two different inputs. 'Global' and 'preset' are options to update either all or one patches from the settings menu. So for example, if you set input 1 as guitar, input 2 as same and set to global, it would update all of your patches with those settings. If you use a wider range of settings (such as a mix of guitar and mic), you would normally be setting these options for individual patches. The input impedance option is a bit of a mystery to me. I don't really see it making a huge amount of different to anything, so I leave it on Auto. Someone else here will be able to explain it better, no doubt. And finally, yes, you should be able to do everything in Edit that you can do on the POD, and vice versa. It's all very different, though, so it takes a bit of getting used to.
  3. As far as I know, if you've got the mixer panned hard left/right, the FX Loop should preserve that signal split. Have you tried running your splitter cable straight back into the FX Return, to test the loop in isolation? The reason I ask is that I think it's more likely that your pedals are creating a combined stereo out.
  4. Sounds like you just need to move the FX Loop into a position after the mixer, so it applies to both sides of the signal.
  5. Yep; knob 1, I think. Your options are bypass or mute, but bypass is the default.
  6. There's a button for that. :)
  7. Remember there's the red/green LEDs to let you know when it changes as well!
  8. 1. By the time I bought my HD500, I had already spent some time on the old forums, so the first thing I did was read the manual then make sure I had the global setup stuff sorted. For me, that also included setting the master volume and the levels on my monitors so everything played nice together. 2. Then I made a setlist of all of the amps on default settings and played through all of them to see what I initially liked the sound of. I found maybe 5 or 6 that I figured were worth a bit more of my time; a nice clean, a couple of crunchy ones and a couple of bangers. 3. Once you've got a sound you're happy with, I would recommend trying all the choruses, wahs, phasers, delays, etc, and pick your favourite from each. It's easy to get carried away with all the options, but if you had a traditional pedalboard you wouldn't have 5 wahs, 4 phasers, or whatever, you'd just have one good one of each. It's useful to know what all the others do, should you want to do something a bit different, but my personal view is that if you change too much, your sound stops sounding like your sound, if you see what I mean. That's my 2p.
  9. Does anyone know if any of the modulation effects on the HD500 will approximate what the AdrenaLinn 3 calls an '1/8 Note Sawtooth Filter Modulation'? Just been reading about it and I'm curious what it sounds like.
  10. It's all still googleable (if that wasn't a word, it is now) as well, which I found was a more reliable way to search than the built-in search facility anyway.
  11. Presumably we all have to go and break stuff now, so we've got new things to talk about.
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