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Everything posted by cruisinon2

  1. Same thing applies here...dunno about the impedance issue, but every pair of cans you plug in are gonna sound different too. Best to get a pair of decent studio headphones with the flatest frequency response you can find for the money you're willing to spend. Otherwise, if you spend much time tweeking through the headphones, and then plug into your amp, you're gonna have the same problems all over again. You might need 2 sets of patches, depending on how you're listening...
  2. Yep...I puzzled over that for the better part of an hour the first time. And not even a hint that it's necessary to log in...
  3. yeah...I'll wait till there's a problem too, but at least theres something out there that appears like it would work.
  4. You're gonna find that many of the custom tone patches will be unusable, ditto for the factory presets...why? Beacause they were created by someone with a different guitar, amp, and fingers. Just because it sounded exactly like "Comfortably Numb" to the dude who created it, doesn't mean it's gonna sound like that in your hands. Then theres the issue of output, combo/front, stack/front, etc. Everything colors the sound one way or the other. The "correct" way based on your individual setup might sound like crap to you. You have to way around it. I do everything the "wrong" out all the time, cab emulations and all, even if I'm running through an actual me, the preamp only outs have all the appeal of a rusty chainsaw...but with the cab sims in place, I can get endless tones I like. It's all about what sounds good to you.
  5. I'm not saying a strat neck wont fit. There might very well be a number of drop in replacements, I haven't tried. But I'm staring at the backs of the Jtv and an American standard strat and the strat neck has a heel that's quite different. Its fatter, and has a rounded "plateau" if you will that juts out past the body by the screwplate. Kinda hard to describe. But even a quick glance and the difference is obvious, and it absolutley feels different. I'll post pics tomorrow. It's not contoured into the neck pocket the way the jtv is...I actually find it easier to access the higher frets on the jtv as a result.
  6. No...there's nothing wrong with mine, I was just thinking out loud. I saw the older piezos for sale directly from Line 6, but no mention of anything for any of the JTVs. Seems odd now that the line is a couple years old, as you said.
  7. A strat neck might fit, but you'll have to do some sanding if you want it to feel the same. I've got both, and the heels are not the same at all.
  8. I suppose that is a possibility...I'll burn that bridge when I come to it, I guess. Just seemed odd that they continue to sell ones for discontinued guitars, but not the current ones.
  9. Pretty sure its a Tyler custom part...its got his name carved into it, lol.
  10. Unfortunately, even if there were the exact tone you're looking for in the custom tone library, the odds of downloading it, and having it be "perfect" for your guitar, amp, and fingers is close to zero. I've downloaded tones claiming to be this guitarist, or that song...only to find it so far off that it would have taken me less time starting from scratch than tweeking what was already there. Dont get me wrong...thrre are plenty of good, usable tones to download...but just because it sounded exactly like "Crazy Train" to the guy who created it, doesn't mean it'll work that way in your hands. You'll learn more by experimenting with the unit than trying to find ready made sounds...tedious, but ultimately its really the only thjng that works, imho.
  11. Meet the Digitech GNX1...and it's power button. A floor pedal fx unit. Not the only other one I've owned, but the only one I still have with which to provide photo evidence. Certainly not the finest piece of gear ever, but decent for it's price which I doubt was much more than $250 or so a few years ago. This thing had a big brother with a few more had a power button too. And these ain't the only ones in the universe. I fail to see anything "not smart" about the design.
  12. 1) Safety? This being the pathetically litigious society that it is, if safety were a concern, nothing would have power buttons. I've purchased half a dozen other units from Line 6 over the years...they all have power buttons. And, I've been walking the earth since before Rush's first album...still waiting for ANYTHING electronic to be destroyed by a lightning induced power surge...or any other power surge for that matter. Do you really run around the house unplugging everything at the first clap of thunder? By the time you're done, it will probably have stopped raining. I just don't see this as having been a big topic of discussion amongst the engineers over at Line 6...and if it was, then they need to switch to decaf. "It can't HAVE a power switch, Bob!!! WHAT ABOUT THE LIGHTNING?!?!?!" 2) Maybe I'm lazy, but I really don't want to have to reach behind all the gear to pull the plug from the wall when I'm done playing. It's just a pain in the a**. And if we're gonna talk about risk of part failure, if you're pulling the plug from the back of the unit instead of removing the wall wart from the outlet, then I can easily see the solder connections for the jack becoming loose LONG before a simple rocker switch would fail...they design those things to move. And for what it's worth, after 25+ years of buying gear, and countless things needing repair (including one amp head many years ago that actually started to smoke onstage, lol) I still await with bated breath, my first power switch failure. 3) Cost savings? How much cost savings could they possibly pass on to us from a 1/2 cent piece of Chinese plastic? Are you telling me that you honestly think the Axe II is 4 grand because it has a power button? Or that it would cost you $500 next month if they started cranking them out without one? Nor do I listen to the "cork sniffers" (I'm a beer guy) fact, I never said I didn't like the 500X. Quite the opposite, I think it's well worth the asking price and produces some amazing tones. I simply found it odd that after buying gear for more than half my life, this unit is the first thing I've ever owned that didn't have a simple way to turn it on and off from either the front or back panel. So in that respect, the 500X is most certainly the odd man out. Is it s deal breaker? No...but if someone had bet me $50 that I couldn't guess what simple feature was missing from this unit before I opened the box, "power switch" would have been the absolute LAST thing that I'd have thought of. And this is just me... but nothing about Steve Howe's playing ever gave me goose bumps, but to each his own, ;) .
  13. Can I get an 'Amen'?!?!?! As upset as some folks seem to be, you'd think Line 6 was sending someone to their house every morning to p*ss in their Wheaties... But I would still like someone to explain the no power button thing...I gotta know, lol.
  14. I do it the "wrong" way and leave everything on studio/ emulations and all, sometimes into the front of a head and cab, sometimes into a separate Carvin tube poweramp and cab. Why? I like the way it sounds, and I find it easier to tweek...and that's really all that matters. I've talked to a few others on here who run similar setups (into cambo amps, etc...but all running studio/direct). All boils down to what you like...I find that using just the preamp out has all the aural appeal of a bandsaw...particularly with high gain patches, but that's just me. Your mileage may vary...but there's no "right" or "wrong". There are other threads around where this is discussed...just not sure which ones, lol.
  15. Might depend on the board, I dunno. We've got a small PA we use just for vox and my singer's acoustic guitar, for the smaller joints. For bigger places with in house PAs, everything is more or less permanently set up already...just throw my cab in front of the mic and let Mr. Soundman do his thing. I don't usually run the HD direct. Those guys often get pissy if you ask them to deviate from the usual set-up, lol.
  16. Whoever figures that one out will be a millionaire. Hell, if you're using a tube rig, that thing might not sound quite the same from one day to the next...I've had that happen a million times. Same guitar, same amp, same strings, sometimes even the same day great tone, next day crap. Tone gremlins...
  17. Everything you run it through will sound different. Combo amps, a stack, headphones, whatever...all will color the sound one way or the other. It's very subjective. There's really no "right" way to configure everything, and it all boils down to what other gear you're using, and what sounds good to your ears. Personally, I hate the way the preamp only output sounds going through either a head/cab or power-amp/cab set up, so I leave everything on studio/direct and tweek from there. All the models sound overly harsh and chainsaw-ish to me without the cab simulations, even if I'm using an actual cabinet. The manual will tell you this is the "wrong" way to do it...but who cares if it sounds good? Try out various combos until you hit on something you like.
  18. Anyone know why you can't buy a replacement piezo saddle for a JTV69? I see that they sell them in the online store for the older Variax models...are they gonna make us all buy an entire bridge if one pickup craps out? Mine's working fine, just curious...
  19. No doubt...and it's probably because that Frankenstein gutiar of his had one of the pickups wired out of phase with the other(s) for years, and he didn't realize it...just liked the way it sounded. I remember reading it in an interview in some guitar rag years ago. So if you wanna even get close, you'll have to f*** up one of your axes
  20. I was able to get a slight improvement in sustain by throwing a tube compressor at the front of the signal chain in the's not a drastic difference, and certainly not as good as the 1.9 models, but it is a little better. That or it's wishful thinking and I talked myself into it...
  21. Most likely...does Line6 warranty the tubes themselves, or are they considered a "consumable"? Eventually they'll all crap out, especially if it's well-used.
  22. Sort of...there's sales tax (in most states, but not all) if you're actually walking into a store and buying an item, or having it shipped from a retailer located in your state. However, purchasing online from an out-of-state company incurs no sales tax...but the powers that be are trying to change that of course. Till and buy!
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