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  1. You can't change PC+ presets over L6 link, and that is by design. What you do is change the settings on the Helix presets output block instead. If you really want to change PC+ preset, you need to use MIDI and MIDI cables.
  2. It is perfectly normal if touch select is on in your global settings. Bear in mind that the update to 2.91 would have reset these, so if you set them prior to the update you should check again.
  3. Helix doesn't currently support polyphonic pitch shifting, which means that these effects work ok for single notes but will exhibit the sort of artifacts you describe if you use chords. Polyphonic pitch shifting is apparently being looked at for a future update, but it is some way off and certainly won't be in the next release.
  4. I love my Powercab 112+, and prefer to use it over my pair of Headrush 108's. I almost exclusively use my Powercab in speaker emulation mode, and I'm seriously considering a Powercab 212 to get some stereo goodness! :)
  5. What I don't understand is why UK prices seem to be unaffected at present. PMT and GAK both have the Floor at £1089, which is £907 if you subtract the 20% VAT. Converting this to USD and the Floor comes out at $1180. Andertons has it at £1199, which is $1300 after subtracting VAT. Yes, the UK has left the EU, but we are still in a transition period, so it seems to me that anyone looking to buy a Helix in the EU would be best served getting one from the UK, as it works out over 300€ cheaper! Best bargain though, is the limited edition gold Helix at Music Store Germany - 1349€
  6. It does specifically state what products Marketplace purchases are compatible with...
  7. Whilst it is certainly possible, you would probably be better off just getting a Helix LT instead. You can still run a mic into one of returns on the LT if you use a mic pre-amp.
  8. I also use a CS6 to power my Stomp. You don't even need to use a doubler because each port can supply a greater current than listed.
  9. Obviously the good news is that your Helix is fine. the bad news is that your issue is almost certainly driver conflicts, and these are notoriously difficult to resolve, because there is no solution that fits all problems. If it were me, I would start with expunging everything Line 6 related from your PC. This means uninstalling all Line 6 software and making sure that no Line 6 drivers remain - once you've removed all the Line 6 software, plug your Helix in and check your device manager. If you find your PC is detecting the Helix and still loading drivers that aren't class-compliant default drivers, uninstall these drivers too. Then reboot, and reinstall the latest version of HX Edit *only* as this should contain all the necessary drivers and the Line 6 updater, and see if this resolves your issue. Apologies if you've tried all this, but unless you state what you have tried there's no way of knowing.
  10. Have you tried using a different PC? Even if you don't have another PC yourself, you presumably know someone who does. I know this isn't a solution to your issue, but it is important to determine if the issue is with your Helix, or with your PC.
  11. You can put more than one amp in a preset, and switch them using snapshots, but each amp will take up a block in the preset, and will consume a certain amount of DSP even when not active.
  12. Well, strictly speaking, both of them have a metal chassis! ;) However, the Floor is extruded aluminium, and the LT is bent steel.
  13. For your particular application, I'd suggest that a set of Boss Waza Air's might actually fit the bill better than an HX product. I've got an LT and a Stomp, but the Waza Air's provide a far better headphone "experience" in my view.
  14. Not really. I think if we get 2 additional blocks which are completely user-assignable as the 6 we already have, the signal chain view will end up with smaller blocks anyway. I don't think the signal chain view is really designed so that you can see what is inactive/inactive when playing, though it is obviously an advantage if your eyesight it good enough! ;)
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