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    Saskatoon, Canada
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    Music, painting, physics ‘n mathematics ... did I mention music?
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  1. Try the security upgrade that I did. You never know! Go to Loonsailor's post for the link. Keith
  2. Ok. Finally, Native 3.01 is working. I'm not sure why but my guess is that, having done a "security upgrade" for Mojave, that somehow fixed the problem. Here's a link tot he upgrade page: Again, I don't know if this is what fixed it but ... As a side note, Line 6 was very helpful with this problem. They emailed me several times with questions and even got in touch with Steinberg for their input. Cheers, Keith
  3. No luck with Logic. Thanks anyway for the suggestion. I've opened a ticket with Line 6 and we'll see what happens. Cheers, Keith
  4. Thanks, datacommando. I tried this option to bring it back to life but it immediately crashed Cubase. :( aastudio, that might be worth a try. I'll grab the trial version of Logic and see what happens. Failing this, I guess I'll have to raise a ticket with Support. Cheers, Keith
  5. Hi all. I'm running Cubase 9.5 on a Mac with Osx Mojave 10.14.6. I just installed Native 3.00, twice, and both times Cubase blacklisted it. If I reactivate it then Cubase goes straight to software purgatory. Going back to Native 1.93 and all is fine again. Anyone else have this problem? Is there a fix?
  6. What Bertokia said. It’s amazing how the sound of the plucked strings can filter through into the overall modelled sound.
  7. On the other hand, the 212 is heavy and the 112 is light. For an old git like me the choice is 2x112. :)
  8. Excellent!. I’m going to have close look at this. Cheers, Keith
  9. Hi Armenity, You will *love* what you can do with the JTV59 and the Helix! For example, you can program your presets such that they set up the JTV59 with different tunings. I do this when the band does a Stones cover ... I go from standard tuning to open G at the push of a switch. Very cool! Even better, for my open G tunings I have the sixth string volume turned down to zero to further emulate Keef’s five-string tele. I can also preview ir’s using the JTV59 by linking the tone control (in a preset) with the ir list. I put a looper at the beginning of the preset, play a bit and then start changing ir’s to audition them. Effortless, fast and fun. Cheers, Keith
  10. I couldn’t be happier with my PC 112+ ... in fact, so much so that I went out and bought a second one to play in stereo. I won’t likely move towards the 212 because I’m an old geezer and lifting heavy cabs is well behind me.
  11. I use a small cheap table with fold-up legs. Keeps it off the floor and makes it easier to adjust things. No bending down to tweak a setting.
  12. I replaced the tuners on my JT V59 with Grover locking tuners and have been very satisfied with them. Really easy string changes.
  13. I use my Variax JTV59 to test IRs. I have a preset that links the tone control to the IR number and I can whiz through all of the loaded IRs in no time. Of course, you would need a Variax instrument to do this ...
  14. I reamp using Helix Native ... less hardware involved and no conversions back and forth from digital to analog. Guitars go into the mixing board via a Radial powered DI and are digitized in the board and sent to Cubase. Then I use Native to select an amp, which I can change any time. Very simple.
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