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Everything posted by archtopeddy

  1. HI Andy. Thanks for your thoughts, and I appreciate your civil manner in discussing these points. You're right in pointing out that I can live with four pre-sets. For me, though, I'm basically thinking about these pre-sets for live performances and while four pre-sets are do-able, they're just short of what would be desirable given AMPLIFI's amazing choices of amp tones. (You mention amps with 6 pre-sets, and even that would have be better since that is 50 percent more than we are getting how with four pre-sets) For live performances, robust pre-set options are an advantage since, as you noted, amps for live performances need to functions without IOS, (--and I'd add--) wi-fi, or bluetooth. They need to be self-contained for reliable gig-use. The bands I play in range from Gypsy Jazz to Reggae to Surf to Rock and Blues. I would like to use the AMPLIFI at every gig. Where in the past I would take a different amp to each of these gigs ranging from an acoustic guitar amp (AER) to various Fender and Roland amps, I would like to cover all of these grounds with the AMPLIFI. I'm certain that the AMPLIFI can cover this; however with only four pre-sets it means I must change out the tones for each of these gigs. For this reason it would be nice to have another bank or two of pre-set choices; or at least a way to save various four pre-set packs which could easily be loaded as a group into the current single bank. For me, at a gig, four presets gives me a clean (rhythm) tone, a clean (lead) tone, an overdriven tone, and one left over for a "special" tone -- maybe something that has some special delay, modulation, or amp setting. I would prefer to have an additional clean (rhythm) tone and another overdriven or special tone. So six would have been great for me. I don't expect Line 6 to add two more hardwired presets (i.e., an E and F buttons/lights), but I think they could program the software to let the four lights roll over to four more tones so we have eight pre-sets. (I realize I can use -- and I most probably will use -- stomp boxes for overdrive and other special effects, but it would be nice to be able to take advantage of these sounds straight from the amp. It's easy to forget to bring stomp boxes to a gig and it would be nice to know you're set without them.) So there you go -- I can live with the four pre-sets, but I think Line 6 can give us a more robust pre-sets option. Thanks for asking the question and I look forward to what others may have to say. AE
  2. Thanks Phil, Charly and Andy for info on the update. I loaded v1.00.5 a few days ago so I'm up to speed. I just wanted to make sure there wasn't something new out there. AE
  3. Hi Chariy. I haven't seen the update. Do you know how I can link to it? Thanks AE
  4. Please vote for this at IdeaScale as well. An AB looping function during playback of tracks would make the app much more useful for working on licks/songs. Thanks! AE Add AB looping during song playback
  5. I justed added this topic to Ideascale, Add more preset tone banks to AMPLIFI We need more than four presets on the amp to make it more usable during gigs and jams -- I know some of you have mentioned this as well. Please go to Ideascale and vote for this. Thanks! AE
  6. Here's what I think you were thinking about. This quote is from a posting on this forum by a father about the amp and his son. It's under the topic/thread Good Review: "...agree with the idea of having a dedicated output port as my son has already figured out how to route the output to his input device to the DAW." AE
  7. Thank you Andy for this info. Very useful indeed!!
  8. Thanks sdevino -- for speaking up on behalf of Line 6 and letting us know you are there and reading these posts. AE
  9. Thanks Charly. I actually figured you had. My suggestion about voting for a manual was meant to solicit other group members since the "manual" request at ideascale has 12 votes. Not bad -- but I think there are other members here who might join the fold. Thanks too, Gear Head for voting. I've been thinking the same thing about the manual. While I think Line 6 should provide a downloadable pdf manual on the software/app operations of AMPLIFI, you may be right that the initial best bet is to depend on ourselves here at forum to provide help and guidance. It's for this reason, whenever I provided a "how to" explanation I practically write in spoon-feeding details to explain the processes. Unfortunately, as this forum grows, the explanations that members have posted get shoved down the queue and lost to new members...and for that matter, old members too. It might be nice to have a thread dedicated strictly to operating tips (maybe called AMPLIFIED OPERATING TIPS and INSTRUCTIONS), and roll in all the suggests past and in the future. I'm also thinking of starting each topic reply that involves a tip with the words OPERATING TIP: so it will be easier to find via a topic. Of course, even if we started such a thread, it will not be in a logical order so it will be haphazard at best trying to find info. This is one reason why there should be an official orderly manual from Line 6. Your thoughts on these ideas would be appreciated. AE
  10. Regarding a full AMPLIFI Manual -- I contacted Line 6 Customer Support Supervisor Line6Tony yesterday and he sent me a response within 24 hours. He stated the following regarding the lack of a full AMPLIFI manual: "I have passed your concern on to Product Management in a meeting today. Also, please make sure all of your AMPLIFi feature requests are individually entered at http://line6.ideasca...cussionID=49863 so that they can be voted on. Product Management does keep a close eye on the lists there." Of course, this isn't the same thing as actually getting a manual, but it is good news knowing that Line 6 is aware of the issue and responding to us as customers. Just getting an answer from Tony has done much in giving me confidence in Line 6. Please vote for an AMPLIFI manual at ideascale. While I know there are people here who feel no one is listening at Line 6, I think the response from Tony shows otherwise. Please take a minute and go vote if the manual is important to you. AE
  11. Good suggestion Phil. OPERATING TIP: I turned off my auto-loading a few days ago and it's been a much better playing experience. This is a good recommendation to others here if they don't like the app picking their tones for them. AE
  12. OPERATING TIP: BTW, while talking about the four preset tones on the amp -- you can change the ABCD order too. Go to the AMPLIFI section from your main page, select "edit" and move the presets to the order you want. AE
  13. Hi. OPERATING TIP: If what you are asking is how to change the four default preset tones on your amp, here's how: You go to the tones you've saved in My Tones, select the tone you want (a speaker icon will show up in front of it and the tone will be highlighted with a red banner), and select "Save to Hardware" at the top of the list of tones. This will show you the four presets you have on your amp. Select the one you want to replace and it will be replaced with your new tone. AE
  14. I tried that yesterday with a tone I created and it didn't work. I tired publishing a tone using my name as the artist and the name of the tone (64 Fender Vibroverb) as the song title and album name. I then searched the Tone Cloud and -- no luck. OPERATING TIP: So I took the tone and llsted the song as When Sunny Gets Blue and the artist as George Barnes, and renamed the tone as 64 Fender Vibroverb Jazz. After publishing this time, the Tone Cloud search was able to find it with the song or artist name. Try it yourself. You should be able to find 64 Fender Vibroverb Jazz using When Sunny Gets Blue or George Barnes. This isn't the best solution obviously since I wasn't really trying to lock in George Barnes' tone. (The tone works for GB but needs to be tweaked) However, given the publishing parameters of the software I'm not sure how else to do it. What I think I'll do is use the same song (i.e., "Sunny") and artist ("George Barnes") for all my clean jazz type tones. This way l can find all my clean jazz tones by just going to one artist or song. AE
  15. I see. How about picking a song that would use a basic clean tone like Breezin' by George Benson?
  16. +1 that Charly publishes his "Favorite Clean Tone". If you do, please let us know its tone name. I'd love it hear it! AE
  17. OPERATING TIP: The way you described leveling the tones is pretty much what I do. Unfortunately, the softest tone is sometimes way lower in volume than the loudest or even "average" volume levels of the other tones. In this case, there are two things I do to increase the volume: First, I go to the "Editor" screen and check the volume of the "Amp". If it is set less than 100 %, I increase it as appropriate. Second, I go to the compressor (Comp), turn it on if it's off and increase or adjust the Gain as necessary. This can alter your sound a bit and sometimes generates noise, so it needs to be used judiciously, but it can really help bring up some of the low volume tones. I agree with you that if there's an easier way, I'd sure like to know. If anyone has any other ideas, please share! AE
  18. Hi MJC -- Glad you like your Amplifi 75. When you get the wireless guitar system, let us know which one you chose and how it's working. Thanks! AE
  19. Thanks Phil for clarifying what you saw as a draft. They actually posted the Pilot Guide a few days ago but I don't consider that to be the full manual as promised in the "Congratuations on Your Purchase" sheet. The Pilot Guide is a Quick Start and only covers the hardware features on the amp and not any of the software/app processes and features. I still hold out hope for a proper manual for this product. AE
  20. Phil -- can you shed a little light on the manual you saw? Was it a draft of an actual full manual -- or was it just the "Pilot's Guide"? (It sure would be nice to know if they're really working on a actual manual.) Also, while we're at it -- it appears with your posting credits you'd be the person ask the following: Are there any other Line 6 products that may have similiar software functions as the Amplifi? Do you think it would be worthwhile checking out those product manuals to get some idea as to how to decode the Amplifi capabilities/features? Thanks! AE
  21. Hi Andrew. I'm new to Line 6 products so I can't be certain, but it seems to me it only works on saved-to amp tones. Not sure about your quote question either. I did the same as you (pressed the quote button), and your comments showed up in the box above. Things that make you go hmmm...
  22. Andrew H13 said... I cannot see how to assign FX knob in App. using iPhone. Holding say Decay within Reverb does nothing. Never see an icon for FX Control. Ah, have found FX knob in Mix for Analog Delay w/Mod. But it cannot be switched by holding any other parameter. It seems fixed to a certain parameter? -------------------------- Hi Andrew. OPERATING TIP: I just saw this posting by Andy Paredes (thanks Andy!) and I was wondering about the FX knob too. I had a chance to try a few things and I think I've figured it out. You might have figured it out by now, but in case you haven't this might help -- and maybe help the next person trying to figure this out. For starters, let me say -- I have a Amplifi 150 and use an iPhone 4S. I wasn't exactly sure what Andy meant by "holding the effects parameter" so I tried a few things and found one that worked. I will give a very direct step-by-step example so you can see what I'm saying: I selected a tone (Stir It Up Solo) which I downloaded to one of the four patches on my amp. I opened AMPLIFIED 150 from the main page of the app which shows the four patches. I selected the Stir It Up Solo patch ( via the right arrow in the cicle) and this took me to the "editor" page. From there, I selected the "Mod" icon in the "guitar-to-speaker" chain at the top of the page. This then displayed three parameters for the Mod Phaser. These are horizontal (blue) sliders similar to the ones on the "editor" page. They are labled "Speed", "Mix" and "Feedback". I held my finger down on the "Mix" slider and in a few seconds a message opened on the screen that said "Tweek Assign". I selected "OK" and it went back to the sliders, now showing the FX knob on the "Mix" slider. I clicked on "Save Info", and saved it back to my AMPLIFI 150. Now here's the thing -- these changes won't work while you're using the app! You need to get out of the app, close it up and go to the amp. From the amp you need to select the tone letter (ABC or D) assigned to the patch. From there, you can adjust the parameter using the amp's FX knob. Sorry for this wordy explanation but I want to be as specific as I can so others can decode this process. Of course, if Line 6 would just issue a proper manual -- this type of explanation wouldn't be needed! AE
  23. My guess is Line 6 put the Pilot's Guide up in the manual section as a place-holder for the actual full manual. The Pilot's Guide only covers the parts of the amplifier and the only reference to the software app -- the heart of the Amplifi system -- is that you can download it from the App Store. Line 6 clearly notes in the "Congratulations" sheet that, quote: "The enclosed Quick Start manual gives you the basics for getting up and running. The full manual for your product can be downloaded for free at" I think it's important to continue requesting -- and expect to receive -- an appropriate manual for the Amplifi amps. Receiving a manual is a most basic expectation for a new product, and I await Line 6 to come through for us. AE
  24. Thanks for posting this suggestion Oskar. I voted for it. It took me two tries to get into IdeaScale but once I got there, there were a number of good ideas to vote for. It seems to be the best way to get Line 6' ear (I think...) Recommend other users go there and cast votes as well. At this point, there are very few AMPLIFI users, so every vote is important -- and there are a lot of ideas that could improve this product. AE
  25. OPERATING TIP: If you wish to use more than one tone setting for a song, I suggest saving them in My Tones (rather than as Favorites). From the My Tones section, you can pick and switch to the tones you want while playing with your Play-Along tracks. Here's how to do it. When you play a song and Amplifi app loads a random tone to your track, you can save the tone as-is (if you like it), or edit the track to your liking and then save the track. (Personally, if I decide to use a tone as-is, I change the name to something more meaningful to me. For example I changed a "Sultan of Swing" tone to "Mark Knopfler" because I prefer to think of sounds by guitarists rather than specific songs.) To save the track, click on "Save Info" at bottom of the screen. If you've edited the track or simply want to change the name, click on it's current name and change it to something meaningful to you (like Play-Along Rhythm 1), and then click "Save" in the upper left hand corner. A tab will pop up; select "Save to My Tones". You can then pull up another tone (or the the one you just saved in My Tones) and edit it to your liking for a solo tone and again save it in My Tones with a meaningful name such as Play-Along Solo 1. Now go back to the main page, open the My Tones section and pick the tones you've saved, switching between solo and rhythm. (You will need to switch by hand between the tones.) BTW, Sandman's suggestion about Favorites is right-on, but I prefer My Tones and here's why. I find using the Favorites section annoying because I can't find an effective way to delete a tone without having to go back to the song where I initially selected the tone, and then de-selecting it from there. It doesn't take long before I have more favorite tones than I care for and it's nearly impossible to remember every song from which I ever marked a favorite tone. If someone knows a better way to eliminate a "favorite" track, I'd like to know how. But for now and for effective "house-keeping" of tones, I prefer to use the My Tones section. In the My Tones section, there is an edit function that lets me delete the tones when I wish to remove them. Also, on another note: I personally don't like the app to automatically load the suggested tone since many times the tone volume levels are way too hot or way too low. Additionally, if the auto-load tone tone isn't as good as the tone I was already using, I have to back-track to My Tones and reload my perferred tone. The good news is I can go to Settings from the Main Page and turn off the Auto Tone Loading. While the app will still suggest a tone for me, but it won't load it until I click on it. I prefer having this choice. Anyway, I hope some of this is helpful. AE
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