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chuskey last won the day on February 12 2018

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  1. I would open a support ticket with Line 6. I don't of any one else that sells them, but they may be out there. One thing I did find out is that you want to get the board pertaining to your model. The 59, 69, 89 have slightly different settings.
  2. I've looked at that app before. Looks really good. I haven't been doing as much looping lately because I started playing in a band and do that most of the time, but when I get back around to it I'll definitely check this out. Thanks!
  3. Those are the exact headphones I use. I cannot recommend them enough. LOVE them!!!
  4. Glenn Didn't you have an organ patch back in the HD500 days? Looking forward to catching up with you at namm.
  5. Is this post for real? Out of curiosity I looked at the OP's custom tone page and the upload date was 1/6/18. Glenn's were put up a couple of years ago. Heck I have 2 organ patches for Helix on CustomTone that I posted back in '16. Maybe the OP and I could start a class action lawsuit against Glenn :) I made cheeseburgers last night and I've been waiting all day for McDonald's to give me a shout out for that concept....
  6. Firmware 2.60 When a delay block has a note value assigned to it, the tap tempo pitch is set to transparent, and the tempo is assigned to snapshot there is no spillover between snapshots. If any of these three variable are changed spillover works correctly. Has this been noted before?
  7. You sync everything beforehand. It doesn't pull anything off the server in real time when you play so you don't need to be connected to the internet once you sync. The syncing process is super fast as well, just a second or two.
  8. Each song has an area where you can type in your lyrics, or you can attach lyrics in the form of Word or PDF files. For me either way the lyrics originate on my computer in the form of a Word doc and I either copy/paste them into the lyrics field or attach them as a Word/PDF file. So I always have a copy of the lyrics on my computer. You can also download any files you have attached to songs through the web interface of BandHelper. I'm assuming if you let your subscription run out you'll lose any data you have saved, but since everything I have started out on my computer and is saved there I don't have to worry about that. Does that make sense and/or answer your question?
  9. I use Bandhelper, which is basically Setlist Maker with an online component. It's the same developer that does both and I think the app itself is pretty much identical. I LOVE the online component so I don't have to do any editing on the device itself, and it automatically syncs with any device I have the app installed on. Can't imagine how I ever gigged without it :)
  10. I imagine our eq preferences will "change" over time ;) I don't want to over play it, I'm not cranking up to the point where I'm having pain or ringing in my ears. I remember those days from back when 100 watt tube amps were the norm on stage. These days most of my gigs I run direct and just use the house monitors. In smaller venues the levels aren't crazy high at all. I think overall concerts/live sound has gotten better. I saw Guns N Roses last year and was only about 20 rows back. I didn't need ear plugs, and while it was loud, it wasn't overwhelming. And it sounded really good. There were no amps on stage and the soundman was able to do his job. In years past I know I've gone to club shows where my ears would ring for a couple of days afterwards. I'm really happy that the trend seems to be going to better sound and not just LOUD :)
  11. Yep, they come in 32, 80, and 250 ohm:
  12. Another vote for the DT770 80 ohms. I have created every single patch I'm made on Helix with them, including all of the Helix video content I've done for my YouTube channel. Heck, I've gotten so used to them that I'll mix tracks with them. Our bedroom is directly below my studio in the house and I have the same "wife problem" as the OP ;) I don't have any issues with my patches translating well with various PA, monitoring, and/or FRFR. If the venue doesn't have good monitoring I have an Alto TS110A I can bring with me. All the patches I've made with the DT770's sound good across the spectrum. I plug straight into the the Helix headphone jack, and I keep the level up pretty high when I'm making patches. As close to gig level as possible. Which these days gig level isn't nearly as loud as it was when I was in my 20's thankfully!
  13. Here's the patch that I built last night. I'm using Custom Bank 1 for my electric sounds, so you may need to adjust the Variax model for snapshots 2 and 3.
  14. I have a patch that I use when my band covers Hotel California for this very purpose. If I can remember I'll export it and load it to custom tone this evening. Basically I use snapshots for this. I have all the electric guitar components on path 1 and all the acoustic components, as well as the final reverb, on path 2. I have path 1 feeding into path 2. Snapshot one changes the Variax to acoustic capo'd on 7th fret and turns on all the acoustic blocks (compressor, studio pre, chorus, delay (chorus and delay in parallel), parametric eq, and reverb. Snapshot two changes the Variax to Les Paul bridge no capo and turns on compressor, amp, delay, cab, and the reverb stays on. It's not too hard to setup, but I'll be happy to share my patch. I just have to remember to do it this evening ;)
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