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Brazzy last won the day on August 25 2019

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Community Answers

  1. Following up, how are you doing in this situation OP? I hope ok.
  2. That’s a tough situation man. I hope it works out for everyone involved. I don’t have any solid advice cause the only experience I have is a relationship I thought was serious with a woman who was bipolar and lucky for me I dodged a knife to my head while sleeping on the floor not to mention a few other weird things leading up to that. We always hope we know the person we love but sometimes no matter what we do we don’t. Best Wishes to and yours.
  3. Hey Carlos! I had my Spider Jam cranked up the other day. Still sounds good and I've had it since 2008. Cheers!
  4. I’m not sure what the problem may be but I don’t know how you’re using spdf to monitor. Here’s something I read a while back.
  5. Thank You Glad to hear you fixed it up. You needed to replace your relays too? I don’t know exactly what Line 6 did to my DT50 but I like it. As far as I know they did the transformer but maybe they had more to do. I’m just glad they fixed it. I also dig the amp very much.
  6. Glad it helped Man! My Pod X3 Pro is still going strong too. Happy Thanksgiving to You and Everyone! Keep on Rockin!
  7. Happy Thanksgiving! It’s been a while, lol, I think it’s the one. :) Line 6 fixed it for me and since it’s been working really good.
  8. When that happened to me I called them but a support ticket should get you a bunch more.
  9. Here's something might help some.
  10. I tried my Sonic Port with my iPhone 6s (iOS 12) again (been a little while) and I'm still getting random clicks. I was using Garageband and Mobile Pod "Inter app". I made sure the audio buffer size was 20ms to take some load off the CPU. I think it's a little too much for the chip in the phone to process. I'm no expert but I do have quite a bit of experience. The recordings aren't in the rendered track though which is a plus but If I was monitoring with an amp or studio speakers the random clicks or noise produced with the phone will be heard. I wish the iPhone worked better cause I think the Mobile Pod and Garageband work pretty good together. If only that random noise wasn't there.
  11. Your welcome. Any of the FBV Express boards will work with it. I hear ya about just wanting to jam. It took me a while to understand what's going on in all those buttons. lol.
  12. Really? I'm going to try it after the update too.
  13. Try this. Plug your guitar into the 'guitar input' then on the 'record select button' make sure it's set to "guitar". Press the 'drum' button and select a drum set use the arrow to select a song list or the drum list and select one but be careful to have you master volume down first. After you select a song or drum press play to play it and/or press record to record. If you press record and play your guitar it should be recording the drum or song and your guitar. If you want to record your guitar through the AUX input you'll need to select AUX/Mic with the record select button then make sure you press the 'input' button twice to make adjust it's input. On the first press of the input button you should see level adjustments for the drums and songs. You should go through these menus to get familiar with them. Hope this helps some.
  14. I have just one and feel the same as you. I've been using it and it sounds great but man the cloud just seems to be looming.
  15. It should work with the M Audio Uno. I've got one too.
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