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JTV-89F A-string piezo not working

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I brought it back already and GC ordered another to be delivered in two weeks. If the new one has a defect too, then I'll just go back to my other old-fashioned guitars and try to be happy. The guitar itself was very nice, great action and feel with a very comfortable neck and well balanced body....nothing to complain about there.

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I brought it back already and GC ordered another to be delivered in two weeks. If the new one has a defect too, then I'll just go back to my other old-fashioned guitars and try to be happy. The guitar itself was very nice, great action and feel with a very comfortable neck and well balanced body....nothing to complain about there.


I say give it a few tries, but honestly if they're shipping out defective units then sometimes you can't rely on something like that so I know what you mean.

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Don't think so, probably just a bad one was already ordered (in black, not the red I originally received)....I do have faith in Line wireless and amps and foot boards are from them and I love them.....I'm considering an amplify product (TT, 75 or 150 amp). I may also trade up to the POD HD500X for complete Variax integration and control (my POD xt Live has limited control). Not sure about a new amp yet.....


I buy what my wife let's me buy.....hahaha!!!

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I'm considering an amplify product (TT, 75 or 150 amp). I may also trade up to the POD HD500X for complete Variax integration and control (my POD xt Live has limited control). Not sure about a new amp yet.....


You should look at the Firehawk FX.  Gives you all the tones of the AMPLIFi with the amps from the HD500 and not as steep a learning curve.  Plus it has Variax integration which you won't get with the AMPLIFi series...  it looks like it may be the best of both worlds...

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I saw that product but wasn't aware of the Variax integration.....I was thinking in terms of the "Dream Rig" that Line 6 attempts to promote.....although I just can't justify the costs.....I'm not even in a band.....just love playing guitar and writing music....the technology is getting more user-friendly these days.....

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I have gear acquisition "discussions" with my wife. LOL.


I'm hoping to discuss acquiring the Firehawk in the near future (I currently have no JTV integration).

It's always easier to get forgiveness than permission...;)


Othwerwise I probably would not have purchased any gear in the last 18 years, lol

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Hahaha...!! I try to avoid seeking little haus-frau has been very supportive and sees how important this "hobby" is to me.....she gets it.....


I think I will go with the Firehawk soon.....Line 6 shows a comparison between it and the POD HD500X and what you might want/get from either one.....the Firehawk looks like it would suite my needs much better.....I'm mostly playing in my man cave I converted from the third bay in our amplification needs are minmal....I'd rather play through my home theater system for the surround effect anyways....

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