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Workbench on Windows 10?

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Anybody get it yet to find out if Workbench still works on Windows 10? 


I know it works on Windows 8.1 but deciding if I will go for the free upgrade (recent new machine) or not. 


I know workbench (old version) is likely out of support now, but hoping to use it a bit longer yet.

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Loaded Variax Workbench on Windows 10 64bit.


Complained that Java Runtime couldn't be downloaded.


Finished install.


New Microsoft Edge browser don't allow plugins, Java couldn't be downloaded.


Installed Firefox and set that as the default browser.


Went to and downloaded the "offline" installer for the latest Java.


Installed Java.


Workbench seems to be running but I don't have a Variax here to test that with.

The software seems to be running properly and looking for a connected interface.


Hope this helps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Workbench wont work trough pod hd500x

Is this a firmware issue ??


For original Variax guitar and JTV pre 2.0, no it will not never did. It will use and control the guitar correctly but will not work for Workbench.  

For original Variax a HD500 will work for Workbench but not the HD500X.


You will need the USB interface. Sold as "Variax Workbench". The software is free but the USB interface thing is not. Comes in around $100.

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  • 2 years later...

Just been trying to get up and running on a new PC running Windows 10. Trying to use an old X3 Live Unit and an old Variax 600 which I've had for many years. I had to load Gearbox to be able to programme the X3 Live unit directly from my PC, but have not been able to get any Variax Workbench software from Line 6 to be operate/programme the Variax. I tried the Variax HD, but it advised me that it doesn't function on the Variax Standard and that I need to load James Tyler Variax 2.0 or later. I can't find that software anywhere on the Line 6 website. I guess I'm snookered now. Unless anyone knows otherwise. Cheers. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Here's how I got it to work with my Variax 600 and X3 Live on Windows 10.


I downloaded everything including Java, but as soon as I started Variax Workbench it said that it required JRE 1.6.0, 32-bit in order to work. I installed different versions of Java but nothing worked. The breaking point came when I finally realized that it said 32-bit...


So... during the install of Workbench you might be given the option to download the latest version of JRE. You need to SKIP THIS. This is where I got stuck. You will be sent to a download link that installs the latest version of your operating system. If you, like me, have a 64-bit system, that is what will be installed. But Variax Workbench requires 32-bit and will not work with 64-bit.


NOTE: Variax Workbench and Workbench HD is not the same thing.

  1. Download Line 6 Monkey on It's available for Win 10.
  2. Download Variax Workbench from the same place. NOTE: You need to choose Win 7 or 8 to find this download.
  3. Download JRE 1.6.0 32-bit (Java Runtime Editor). 
  4. Install all mentioned software. I don't know if order matters but I installed JRE last.
  5. Run Monkey, log in and see if you need any updates.
  6. Run Workbench and enjoy.

Hope this helped!


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Hey Marcus, thanks for the workaround!  I have successfully installed Workbench on Windows 10!


I haven't been able to edit my Variax 600 in years but now I have a chance to see if it's really gonna work again.  You know, back when the Line 6 folks were happy to sell you a pretty good solid body guitar with software driven editing...  But it's been years since I've been able to customize the guitar specifications... because Line 6 didn't see a need to offer Variax owners a way to edit their guitar specs.  That's just wrong.  So, when I can take some Variax time and do some re-wiring in the studio, I'll know for sure if the program (Workbench) is actually going to run again.


Thanks again, Marcus, good work! 

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36 minutes ago, overdub said:

Hey Marcus, thanks for the workaround!  I have successfully installed Workbench on Windows 10!


I haven't been able to edit my Variax 600 in years but now I have a chance to see if it's really gonna work again.  You know, back when the Line 6 folks were happy to sell you a pretty good solid body guitar with software driven editing...  But it's been years since I've been able to customize the guitar specifications... because Line 6 didn't see a need to offer Variax owners a way to edit their guitar specs.  That's just wrong.  So, when I can take some Variax time and do some re-wiring in the studio, I'll know for sure if the program (Workbench) is actually going to run again.


Thanks again, Marcus, good work! 


That's really good to hear overdub! My 600 have mostly just been sitting here the last few years. But I had a need to record a Gretsch model with drop D tuning in some parts of the song. So I thought I'd give it a go and see if I could get Workbench up and running again. Now I'm so happy that I did cause my 600 got a revival. I realized how much I like this guitar for its build. It is a really good guitar to play. And the drop D... well, the flick of the switch on those parts makes it so easy now that I customize it once again.


Now I'm thinking about putting in some Tonerider singlecoils in it to get some good Strat sound. Cause I don't think Line 6 nailed that model very well...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Line 6 customers shouldn't have to resort to keeping an old computer or performing Java workarounds just to use their trusty old Variax guitars with Workbench.


There are a few things we can do to pressure Line 6 to update Workbench so it works with recent computers and operating systems:


1) open a support ticket here and the more the merrier. Squeaky wheel gets the grease.

2) be vocal on these and other forums

3) vote for support in Line 6 Ideascale right here. You'll need to register for Ideascale if you haven't already. (In my opinion, the lack of legacy Variax support shouldn't require an "idea" for submission. But sometimes you gotta approach a problem from all angles.)


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