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Expression Pedal and Snapshots Issue - Help!


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Good morning oh wise ones. I know there must  be a way to do this i just can't figure it out. It is happening across patches. I apologize if this has already been asked and answered i couldn't find it.


Using the on-board expression pedal only.  I have a volume block EXP 1 and a wah block EXP 2. Toe switch switches between them.  That works fine.  But when i engage the wah and switch to another snapshot it leaves EXP 2 engaged but the wah is off and the volume is on.  Which is the opposite of what i want. When i step on the toe switch it toggles between EXP 1 and 2 but the wah and the volume don't work properly. EXP 2 does nothing and EXP 1 controls BOTH the volume and wah.  If i am on EXP 1 when i switch snapshots everything works OK.  So what i've been doing is engaging wah on snapshot 1 then turning wah off before i switch to snapshot 2, then turning wah back on.  Then turn it off before i switch back to snapshot 1.  If i forget then volume and wah blocks are all messed up.  So of course, for me, in a live situation i forget and  can't stop and fix it mid song,   It's super annoying.  I also have the same thing happening on another patch with volume and pitch shifter on EXP 1 and EXP 2.


Thanks in advance for any help or advice any of you have for me.


Carl Corneliuson 

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When using snapshots, it's probably a good idea to disregard using the toe switch entirely. Rather, if you want snapshot 1 to have wah: while you're on snapshot 1 enable the wah and make sure  whatever expression controller (exp1 or exp2) is assigned to the wah is selected for the onboard pedal, and then disable the volume block. Now activate snapshot 2, disable the wah block, enable the volume block, and make sure whatever expression controller is assigned to the volume block is selected for the onboard pedal. All this assumes the global setting for snapshots to recall or discard is set to the default of recall. That should be it unless I'm missing something.

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Do you have the latest firmware installed? In 2.10, this problem was addressed in that the state of EXP1/EXP2 is now saved with the snapshot. That should mean that whenever you change snapshots, everything should be lined up correctly when you enter the new snapshot. The other thing is you'll want to make sure you have the Snapshots Edit parameter in the Global Settings menu set to Discard for playing live, cause otherwise things can get misaligned again.

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Thanks guys for your helpful replies.  I updated to the latest firmware 2.12.  I was on 2.01.  I set globals to discard changes. I switched EXP 1 and EXP 2 volume/wah.  Patches working properly it seems.  I'm always reluctant to update the firmware even though there's often new features, amps, effects, IRs and whatnot because something unexpected always seems to happen with my patches.   But in this case the good outweighed the bad.  One thing i didn't do was back up and restore all the patches and IRs, do the global reset and restore everything.  It seemed all the globals were reset anyhow in the firmware upgrade.  What kind of trouble am i asking for by not doing that?



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Thanks guys for your helpful replies.  I updated to the latest firmware 2.12.  I was on 2.01.  I set globals to discard changes. I switched EXP 1 and EXP 2 volume/wah.  Patches working properly it seems.  I'm always reluctant to update the firmware even though there's often new features, amps, effects, IRs and whatnot because something unexpected always seems to happen with my patches.   But in this case the good outweighed the bad.  One thing i didn't do was back up and restore all the patches and IRs, do the global reset and restore everything.  It seemed all the globals were reset anyhow in the firmware upgrade.  What kind of trouble am i asking for by not doing that?




Yeah, you need to do the reset... If you didn't back up your patches already, though, you may be out of luck. You could try rolling back to the previous firmware and editor and updating your patches, but I don't know. But there's a reason they have these instructions. Not following them will cause problems. Not really a matter of if, but when. By problems, I mean all manners of freezing, lock ups, and other weird stuff.

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Thanks guys for your helpful replies.  I updated to the latest firmware 2.12.  I was on 2.01.  I set globals to discard changes. I switched EXP 1 and EXP 2 volume/wah.  Patches working properly it seems.  I'm always reluctant to update the firmware even though there's often new features, amps, effects, IRs and whatnot because something unexpected always seems to happen with my patches.   But in this case the good outweighed the bad.  One thing i didn't do was back up and restore all the patches and IRs, do the global reset and restore everything.  It seemed all the globals were reset anyhow in the firmware upgrade.  What kind of trouble am i asking for by not doing that?




I think Phil_m is correct, you may cause yourself issues down the line. You always want to make a backup of your current presets (and IRs) with the version of the Editor that matches your currently installed firmware before you do a firmware/Editor upgrade. I am not sure of the impact of rolling back now and trying to do a backup with your old firmware and Editor version as your presets have now gone through the rebuilding process on the new firmware but it might be worth a shot. At the very least you should backup up all your favorite presets individually. so that if you do have problems going forward you may be able to fix them by editing the text directly (individual presets are backed up in text format). You can back up all the presets in a setlist individually by highlighting them and hitting the "Export" link.


If you decide you don't want to roll back and go through the proper sequence of steps for an upgrade, I would recommend you don't proceed on the current firmware without doing a global reset. Backup everything first and then do a global reset and restore of your backups. Phil_m pretty much covered it, you are opening yourself up for a world of mysterious assorted weird behavior and freezes by not following the proper instructions for an upgrade. Until instructed differently by L6 you must always run a global reset after a firmware upgrade. They are working on changing the upgrade process so this requirement may go away in future versions of the firmware but for now you may spare yourself a lot of grief by running the global reset.

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Carl, your effort was not wasted. The forthcoming firmware 2.20 is expected before month's end. As you just did the 2.12 update, you're now familar with the process and will be good to go when 2.20 arrives.

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Ok so now i realize i'm a bonehead and should have followed the instructions.  So will my current patches be permanently "tainted" because of my laziness?  Or will 2.20 update rebuild the patches properly when i do that update?  Assuming i do it right this time  :D





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Ok so now i realize i'm a bonehead and should have followed the instructions.  So will my current patches be permanently "tainted" because of my laziness?  Or will 2.20 update rebuild the patches properly when i do that update?  Assuming i do it right this time  :D






You will be fine after installing v2.20 according to the instructions. Nothing that might currently be messed up will carry forward after a proper v2.20 installation.

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Well that's good to hear regarding the update and issues.  The only "taints" i have found is on one patch when i try to adjust input parameters the Helix freezes and needs a restart. And on another patch the input parameter for Variax won't allow me to force a tone setting.  It lights DON'T FORCE but won't respond to turning the tone know on Variax.  Other patches it works.  So those were two things

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