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Impulse Response? GD purchase


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Hey Guys I just purchased a used Helix with labels.  The previous owner had purchased IRs from Greg Delaune and they are on the Helix Editor but I can't see them on the floorboard itself.  I also can't "load" them and listen to them or use them.  I am not sure I even understand what they are as is obvious by this post.  Can someone help me?  Thanks RAR

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Not sure if I understand the question, so bear with me.

You can see them on the floor's display as a block icon.  If you bump the joystick over to highlight it, you will be able to see the details on the display just like with the other blocks.  Push the joystick and you will be able to select which IR you want by rotating just as if you were selecting any other block.  Then go to the freezer and get out your large pack of frozen peas to ice your back.  Once the pain subsides, use the editor on your computer to do all of that.

To audition them and manage them in the editor, it's the second tab on the upper left corner next to the Presets tab.  IR's have a fairly steep learning curve with respect to managing them in the editor.  To get started, just select a couple of them and play around with placement in the chain, etc.  There are some rules of thumb which are discussed in a ton of other threads here, but you can also get a lot of knowledge reading the manuals and going through . 


Just play with it, let yourself f-up and learn how to un-f things.  In every one of my presets that I build or mod, I keep Snapshot 8 as the R&D Snapshot to mod and tweak the other snaps.  I also name each preset-under-development "(preset name here) R&D" so I can copy the preset to other slots once I pretend it's a finished build, but still have the R&D preset in it's previous state when I realize it's back to the drawing board.  For example, I've been working on a Jason Becker build for over a year and the R&D preset has ended up generating five different Becker presets.  That's just how my brain works, so find what's good for you, dive in, and enjoy.


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Hey Thanks 

I am so new to all of this but I am really impressed with all the tones from this FB- really amazing.

I am working on a James Honeyman Scott sound from Pretenders live 1981 and I think that the Helix unit might 

be the cheapest way to get there.  JHS had some 200 watt Marshall "Majors" modded by Peter Cornish  I am told and they were so 

unique that Jackson Browne ended up buying them from the estate.  It was a thick lush watery sound and he used Boss and Cornish effects and had

a pedal board that was designed by Cornish.  Pete told me that he personally hotrodded the sound with treble boost and a Roland Space Echo and Boss

CE 1.  Sadly most if not all disappeared after his death so that sound has not been heard again.

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22 hours ago, PiFromBRC said:

Not sure if I understand the question, so bear with me.

You can see them on the floor's display as a block icon.  If you bump the joystick over to highlight it, you will be able to see the details on the display just like with the other blocks.  Push the joystick and you will be able to select which IR you want by rotating just as if you were selecting any other block.  Then go to the freezer and get out your large pack of frozen peas to ice your back.  Once the pain subsides, use the editor on your computer to do all of that.

To audition them and manage them in the editor, it's the second tab on the upper left corner next to the Presets tab.  IR's have a fairly steep learning curve with respect to managing them in the editor.  To get started, just select a couple of them and play around with placement in the chain, etc.  There are some rules of thumb which are discussed in a ton of other threads here, but you can also get a lot of knowledge reading the manuals and going through . 


Just play with it, let yourself f-up and learn how to un-f things.  In every one of my presets that I build or mod, I keep Snapshot 8 as the R&D Snapshot to mod and tweak the other snaps.  I also name each preset-under-development "(preset name here) R&D" so I can copy the preset to other slots once I pretend it's a finished build, but still have the R&D preset in it's previous state when I realize it's back to the drawing board.  For example, I've been working on a Jason Becker build for over a year and the R&D preset has ended up generating five different Becker presets.  That's just how my brain works, so find what's good for you, dive in, and enjoy.


Ok I can see where the IRs should be by using the preset button and then the block etc but I all see is two samples and not the ones from GD.

I can also see the GD IRs in the Helix editor but I can't seem to get them to the board.  The first two slots in the editor are empty and then I can see all the IRs but I can't edit them or anything like that.   I am sorry but any suggestions?



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5 hours ago, randrewrussell said:

Ok I can see where the IRs should be by using the preset button and then the block etc but I all see is two samples and not the ones from GD.

I can also see the GD IRs in the Helix editor but I can't seem to get them to the board.  The first two slots in the editor are empty and then I can see all the IRs but I can't edit them or anything like that.   I am sorry but any suggestions?




Again, not too sure what you mean.  If the IR's are showing up in the editor, you can import them via the editor's import function.  However you should see which slot they are supposed to be within in GD's presets.  iow, if his preset references the IR as being in slot 45, you have to import that IR to slot 45.  Alternatively you can put it in slot one, but then you need to edit the GD preset's IR details to reference slot one.

If you're looking to edit the parameters of the IR, you can't.  That particular IR was recorded with that particular mic which was placed a particular distance from the cab.  If you want to mess with mic placement, etc., the onboard cabs are actually pretty good imo and you have plenty of mic models to choose from.  My only real gripe about those are that you are limited to 12" placement from the cab, which pretty much negates anything David Gilmour, Jimmy Page, et al did when experimenting with their recording methods.

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Hey, I saw in one of your replys that you aren't really sure what an IR is.
It's an "Impulse Response" which is the equivalent of a speaker cabinet and microphone. 
So you would use it in place of one of the stock speaker cabs in the Helix. 

A lot of us use them because they generally sound better and more authentic than the stock cabs. 

My guess is that the IR's are already on your Helix and you just aren't aware of how to get to them yet.  They wouldn't be showing up on the Helix editor unless they are on the Helix itself.

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4 hours ago, robbieb61 said:

Hey, I saw in one of your replys that you aren't really sure what an IR is.
It's an "Impulse Response" which is the equivalent of a speaker cabinet and microphone. 
So you would use it in place of one of the stock speaker cabs in the Helix. 

A lot of us use them because they generally sound better and more authentic than the stock cabs. 

My guess is that the IR's are already on your Helix and you just aren't aware of how to get to them yet.  They wouldn't be showing up on the Helix editor unless they are on the Helix itself.

No I can see them on the Helix FB but only in the IR "box" but I can't seem to access them in any manner. I guess I am doing a poor job of explaining myself.  As I said earlier, when I look them up with IR button (which is to the right of the presets) I see the list of the IRs but the first two spots are "Empty" the you see the list of all the IRs after that.  BUT I can't see those on the right.  After I read the earlier posts I got a better understanding of where to look, i.e., the IRs are found as "box" just like any other effect.  They are not a "Preset"!  But I thought based on what I see with other effects, that I should be able to see each separate IR as a separate "effect".  Thanks for your help


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6 hours ago, randrewrussell said:

oK well understand it better after the last post.  If I am correct the IRs are a building block of the preset that GD is putting together.

I can't really mess with them.


In Helix, IRs are usually guitar cabinet sims. They will replace the "cab" blocks in your signal chain. 


However, some of GDs IRs are really custom "eq" blocks, to be used in conjunction with a "cab" block or another IR used as a speaker cab sim.


Really since you are just starting, I would stay away from IRs for a bit until you get the hang of using the Helix with the stock cabs.

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6 hours ago, Rocco_Crocco said:


However, some of GDs IRs are really custom "eq" blocks, to be used in conjunction with a "cab" block or another IR used as a speaker cab sim.


Serious?  I didn't know that.  I'll have to check that out later.  Thanks for the heads up.

Insofar as GD's builds go, they're pretty much 'top of the line', but for FRFR.  I keep them all filed away under their "GD-insert_rest_of_name", but end up using them as a starting point for other builds.

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On 7/6/2018 at 10:05 AM, randrewrussell said:

No I can see them on the Helix FB but only in the IR "box" but I can't seem to access them in any manner. I guess I am doing a poor job of explaining myself.  As I said earlier, when I look them up with IR button (which is to the right of the presets) I see the list of the IRs but the first two spots are "Empty" the you see the list of all the IRs after that.  BUT I can't see those on the right.  After I read the earlier posts I got a better understanding of where to look, i.e., the IRs are found as "box" just like any other effect.  They are not a "Preset"!  But I thought based on what I see with other effects, that I should be able to see each separate IR as a separate "effect".  Thanks for your help



O.K. you can see the IRs for the patch on the screen on your Helix floor model.
Use the scroll/joystick to navigate over the icon for the IR. Now at the bottom of the screen you will see the legend Impulse Response in pink letters followed by the name of the actual file in white letters. This will be something relevant to the description of the speaker/microphone combination that the IR was taken from, eg: "OH 412 MES-ST V60 414-EDGE". Some are named for specific jobs, eg: One of Glenn DeLaune's is GD-Foreigner-IR.wav (think of them as an audio photograph of a particular sound).
Then below that, above the row of 6 buttons/knobs you can see on the far left "IR Select" above which will be a number in pink, eg: 87.This number relates to the number of the slot that where the IR is stored.

Using HX Edit, in the top left corner there is a tab names IMPULSES and if you click on it it will reveal which slots contain which particular IR.

If you move any of the IR files in the list to another location then the Helix will need to be relinked to the correct file. Each IR is made to achieve a particular sound but you could use the same IR for many presets, may be your favourite Marshall 4x12


Hope this make some sense and help a little, also read page 29 of this: 2.0 Owners Manual - Rev D - English .pdf#page29

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