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Where is the Factory Bundle??


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Where can I download the Variax Standard factory bundle for use in Workbench HD. I don't want to reflash to get it; just want the bundle/presets.


The Variax Standard manual says that you can "download the Variax Standard preset bundle from variax-modeling-guitars/resources/"


Nope, not there. Where????

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That's absurd.


#1) Why does a user have to re-flash their guitar firmware just to get a copy of the factory presets or bundles?


#2) Why did Line 6 stop providing it to its customers?


#3) Monkey hasn't worked on the Mac since 2019 (Catalina)!


Further evidence that Variax support slowly withers away.



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7 hours ago, soundog said:

That's absurd.


#1) Why does a user have to re-flash their guitar firmware just to get a copy of the factory presets or bundles?


#2) Why did Line 6 stop providing it to its customers?


#3) Monkey hasn't worked on the Mac since 2019 (Catalina)!


Further evidence that Variax support slowly withers away.




I don't recall ever being able to download the factory default models outside of re- flashing the firmware...I could be wrong, but I really don't think it was ever an option.


Either way, Variax has been effectively mothballed since way before 2019... the last update that actually contained anything "new" was 2014.

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Yes, it was here at one time. The link was even in all the Standard, Shuriken, and JTV manuals. I got it after I bought a used Standard that had butchered presets. (No worries though, I have my old Macbook lying around and probably still have the bundle on there.)


*Sigh* I fear you're correct, @cruison2 .... the writings on the mothball wall. The only way I can use Workbench with my trusty old Acoustic 700 is to keep a trusty old Macbook running a trusty old OSX. The same will be true for all Variax guitars in time. As others have said, "its a computer not a guitar." But I say "you can tuna guitar but you can't tuna computer."


Update: found my original bundle file on my old 2013 Macbook! Whoopee.

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On 8/5/2021 at 9:26 AM, soundog said:

Yes, it was here at one time. The link was even in all the Standard, Shuriken, and JTV manuals. I got it after I bought a used Standard that had butchered presets. (No worries though, I have my old Macbook lying around and probably still have the bundle on there.)


*Sigh* I fear you're correct, @cruison2 .... the writings on the mothball wall. The only way I can use Workbench with my trusty old Acoustic 700 is to keep a trusty old Macbook running a trusty old OSX. The same will be true for all Variax guitars in time. As others have said, "its a computer not a guitar." But I say "you can tuna guitar but you can't tuna computer."


Update: found my original bundle file on my old 2013 Macbook! Whoopee.

Where is the file located? I created a bundle file, that I have to reload every time that launch Workbench, then I have to keep workbench open to use my custom bundle. I would like to replace the default bundle with my custom bundle, so that I do not have to launch workbench at all. I am running os 10.14.6 - thanks in advance

Edited by lline6kronus
correct grammar
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In case someone else on mac os 10.14.6 would like to know the answer to the question, where is the default file located on the computer to replace with your own custom bundle file, then the following is the path:


/Users/<home directory name>/Library/Application Support/Line 6/Workbench HD


<home directory name> is replaced by whatever your home directory is named


And within that directory/folder is the file name is "LastGuitarPresets.bun" - I renamed that file to LastGuitarPresets-bun.bak, followed by placing my own custom bundle file in the same directory/folder and renamed it to "LastGuitarPresets.bun"


I can also imagine on Windows it would be something similar - Users\<home directory name>\App Data... - probably some folder named roaming or something like that


Anyways, when I launch Workbench HD, then I can see that my file loads - see first screenshot


And if I click on any of the presets, then my configurations come up

Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 7.05.23 PM.png

Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 7.05.39 PM.png



EDIT/CORRECTION: This only loads when the guitar is not connected. Once the guitar is connected, then it downloads from the guitar, which reverts it to it's default settings - see last screenshot

If anyone knows a way around this, then please let me know. The reason why I am trying to do this, is that my computer (Macbook Pro laptop) sometimes starts to slow down when I have my DAW (Cubase 8.5), along with Workbench open. If I just have my DAW open, then everything works good.

Screen Shot 2021-10-03 at 9.10.28 PM.png

Edited by lline6kronus
added screenshot and update
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it is a shame, that Line 6 doesn‘t offer a Line 6 Monkey for actual Mac OS.

It‘s a greater shame, that Line 6 doesn‘t offer a factory reset Bundle for Variax, which could easily be installed by someone who has just bought a Variax guitar with Workbenche HD.


I suffered from this tragody, but I found someone who solved the problem. I bought a tweaked bundle from Chad Huskey and installed it on my Variax with the workbench HD. This bundle is much better then the Variax Standard. First of all Chad worked on the different volume levels, which are now much more same leveled than the original.

Chad did a great job and there are a lot of additional sound optimizations. As a bonus he added a special Helix-Sound for the Variax . More on Variax and Helix, open Youtube and search for Chad .

Greetings from Claus, Germany, Schwarzwald

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