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Mic input not working


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I have a Floor that’s about 2 years old. Always worked fine until yesterday.


I have a lot of patches set up with three paths: one to FOH from 1/4, one to my amp from send 1 and a Mic path to xlr. I use a harmoniser and megaphone on this path from my vocal mic.


At rehearsal the mic path was dead and after investigating it’s seems to be a problem with the mic input. I’ve tried daisy chaining the cables in and out (mic works) but as soon as I put the cables through the Helix I get nothing! Other inputs all produce sound.


I don’t ‘think’ I’ve switched something and I’ve checked connections, paths etc and also tried to set up a new patch with just a vocal path and that doesn’t work either. Nor do patches set to use my condenser (powered) into my DAW (so I can’t record vocals :-().


Helix is kept in its padded backpack.


Any ideas as to what I may have done or anyone had anything similar?



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Works on mine. Since I never use the mic input, all the related settings are default, as they'd be after you did your factory reset.

Assuming it's not your board (or whatever you plug the XLR into), because you've tested the mic directly connected to it, you may have a HW problem.

Time to open that ticket. If you live somewhere that allows you to call support, I'd do that. The ticket process can be really frustrating for this kind of problem.


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1 hour ago, Matt_Brown said:

Thanks, I’ve plugged into various amps, headphones and a pc. I’ve raised a ticket so let’s see. I’m in the UK so don’t know if I’m able to call support? Anyone know? Is that just for the US?



If you are in the U.K.the authorised repair shop is:

E&M Electronic Services Ltd, Unit 28, 56 Goulds Close, Bletchley, Milton Keynes, MK1 1EQ 


Give them a call to see what the procedure should be - your warranty has probably expired now.


Hope this help/ makes sense.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, raised a ticket. Got told that as I can’t produce a receipt (I think I threw it out with the box when I was trying to save space (and love the Helix so much I knew I wouldn’t sell it)) I’m not covered.

I did send a further email ‘appealing’ and then a chaser but they are ghosting me now.

I guess the fact that I’ve got six of their products and been part of the beta testing programme counts for nothing.

Ho hum.

So, do I buy another Helix and sell the one I have to someone who won’t make use of the mic input and suffer the difference or get mine fixed when the verbal estimate (admittedly without seeing it) is “over £300”.


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16 hours ago, Matt_Brown said:

Got told that as I can’t produce a receipt



That’s not such a great excuse.


You said are U.K. based, and there used to be a thing called “The Supply of Goods And Services Act 1982”, but this has been updated, therefore I would suggest that you consult the Consumer Rights Act 2015. Specifically the “Fit for Purpose” section. Not sure if it covers this situation but check this out.


You may find that it is easier to take up the complaint about a faulty Mic Input with the retailer that you bought it from. They must have a record of you buying it from them, and technically the responsibility for repair could lie with them. It’s all very complicated legal stuff, but make a call to your local Trading Standards office for clarification.


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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