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Everything posted by ColonelForbin

  1. Sweetwater has one demo model of that USA JTV59 in the cherry sunburst..
  2. Anyone have a preference between the JJ ECC83-S "regular" vs the JJ ECC830S "gold"? Also, what function does this tube provide in the DT25? I am guessing it's not a 'preamp' tube; since the preamp portion of the gear is all digital..
  3. Perfecto! Yeah, was just searching online, found the TubeStore website. That all sounds about right, will be jumping on this really soon. It never occured to me in a year with using the stock tubes the DT25 came with that I should be expecting something better! Makes me really psyched to hear it now, 'cause as is the thing is already amazing; definitely good to know it can get better.
  4. Exactly! January 22nd, six days away. Like a kid waiting for Christmas from Halloween on, counting every day, it seems to last an eternity. Now, with jobs and bills, football on tv and shoveling snow, time just flies on by. It's good to feel like a kid, even if the anticipation is nothing more than an excuse to be excited about playing and making music.
  5. I would imagine this could be used to control parameters on an HD500 + M13 + two other pedals?
  6. I think the L3t would work reasonably well; running it vertical seems like it would get nice sound coverage. One thing to consider will be the effect of the tweeter / full range sound of the L3t vs a 'bass voiced' bass cabinet. From a perspective of weight, this next idea is terrible but, here goes anyway: Get an L2 or L3 as the 'top' and get an L3s (sub) for the low end. I am guessing here; not sure how the Line6Link works when connecting from an L2t/L3t to an L3s if an M20d is not involved. It does have the dual L6Link in / out connections, so presumably if you L6Linked the two speakers together, and used the L2t as your front input it would work reasonably well. Not sure though.. I suppose there could be other ways to get the two to 'connect'; but like I said, terribly heavy idea! They should make an L3b; combine the L3t with the L3s for bass players. :) For bass though, in general, the # of speakers matters less than the wattage. MarkBass makes a powerful little 1x12 combo that can easily power a big 4x10 or 4x12 cab; but used by itself, the little thing is thunderous. Has an outstanding DI out. In that regard, the L2 or L3 are similar, since they offer a ton of power; and a quality DI XLRout. This Markbass is 300w, or 500w with an 8 ohm cab connected. The L3t 2x10 is 1,400 watts... At 57.5lbs, that's not bad. Get the bag with the wheels, and you are good to go!
  7. Correct me if I am wrong: when you L6Link an HD500(x) to a DT25, depending on if it's a combo or the head version, the HD500 then adjusts into either 'combo/poweramp' mode or 'stack/poweramp' mode. My question concerns using both of those options linked together: I would guess the HD500 can only perform one of those two 'output modes'; and most likely that setting is governed by which of the two DT25's is first in the link chain? In that case, which output mode do you use? Does it really impact the tone that much when using the L6link, or does each amp adjust accordingly and make it all work in tandem? I am considering adding a 2nd DT25; have gone back and forth a bunch, in terms of getting a second combo, or having the pair of one combo and one head+1x12 cab. Thanks!
  8. What's the difference between the 12AX7 and the ECC83S balanced?>
  9. Thanks!! (note to forum moderator... I intended to vote UP his post, and clicked the red down button by accident!! Sorry.... can you change it to +1 and not -1? I feel like an idiot... ) Again, thanks for the info! What do typical amp repair shops charge to replace tubes - and what in particular do they need to be aware of with the DT gear?>
  10. How do I sort out which JJ tubes to use? This seems like a good idea for me to do to my DT25! I've had it since around March 2014; very light use overall, not alot of travel time on it. But nearly a year on the original tubes, probably worth putting something nicer in it.. So, I definitely would like to know which JJ tubes to buy! I know very little about tube amp tech (will most definitely take it to my amp repair shop to do the swap and bias).. I will do some more research, I should know this stuff. Guess it's true - learn something every day. :)
  11. but for that model (59) only the cherry sunburst was 'stock',the others are special order.. I would imagine the extended lead time is the norm, and being in stock is the exception?
  12. I think Sweetwater has 'stock' of some of the US JTV's- I see some models say special order, but this one for example says "in stock, available for immediate delivery"...
  13. Geppert- yeah, I am looking into adding a second DT to get the dual amp / stereo thing going. Most likely would go with another 112 combo, but entertaining the idea of adding a head and cab, to fill out the tonal spectrum with the pair of one closed back cab and one open back combo
  14. Yeah, with that price drop the L3t and L3m are looking tempting.. I think the L3m is down to $699 and the L3t to $799?
  15. One option would be to buy the closed back 1x12 extension cab to go with the DT 1x12 combo; mini-stack! Or if you are using an HD500 with it, get another DT25 112 and run dual amp models?
  16. Check out this expression pedal - can be used to control four devices at once! Might be a good option for pairing up various outboard gear with the HD500: Published on Jan 6, 2015 Source Audio will introduce the Reflex Universal Expression Pedal at Winter NAMM 2015. It is a programmable expression pedal with 3 expression outs, 5-pin MIDI in and out jacks, a USB port, and Source Audio's own 1/8" Multi Function out.
  17. If you switch off the primary amp model in the HD500 the DT then defaults to however the physical settings on the DT amp itself are set. One way to achieve that concept is using Radatats configuration, designed to make JTV acoustic models sound good through the DT. Here are the basics, and I will track down the link to his actual post with more details: you define amp model A in the HD500 based on the default power amp configuration you want to use on the DT. Then, you mute amp model A in the HD500. Then, you use amp path B to generate the clean tones you want - by using no amp model. The amp model choice in muted path A tells the DT which power amp configuration to use, while the settings / FX in path B generate the actual audio signal.
  18. Yeah, that makes sense - then you set the L2m to be A+B? Sort of like, the two DT's are the stereo / dual amp portion, and the L2m is the center / audio fill. I think that also makes sense in terms of you saying that you have more control over the DT's that way. Essentially that configuration is more than just 'stereo' it's also dual amp configurations - and with the L6Link giving each amp the ability to control it's corresponding amp model settings in the HD500, and that to a certain extent is key. The DT up on an amp stand is particularly easy to adjust since the knobs are all on top, rather than on the 'face' like the DT50 versions and the DT25 head. I think the key to figuring out the DT's is the power amp settings. While the HD500 technically models all those, it's really different that how the DT responds. I am (for now) resisting the G.A.S. telling me to order another DT25 combo.. It's gonna be difficult! Though with NAMM right around the corner, at least I have some reasonably target to wait another 12 days before I plunk down $1k on another DT25.
  19. Yeah, I have been tempted to do the same, currently have two L2t's, but really only needed them to L2m's. Though since they dropped the price of the L3t/m, the L3m is now only $50 more than the L2m.. Though the L2's are quite portable! Not a back breaker, and they have plenty of volume for use as a floor monitor, which is how I use the L2t's
  20. LOL! Might have been on April 1st perhaps ;) "PickBot 3D Printer is unlike any 3D pick printer you’ve ever experienced. Only PickBot 3D Printer’s patent-pending TMI™ modeling technology leverages authentic RawTalent™ Compound Granulate to accurately model the guitar picks of your favorite stars. Want to change your playing from the nuanced style of a renowned jazz great to the thundering chords of a chart-shattering rock legend? With the PickBot 3D Printer’s radical new approach to pick modeling and insane rockstar settings, the transition is easy." "With the PickBot 3D Printer, practice and years of hard work are no longer necessary. Attaining the character and dexterity of your favorite star is as easy as hitting ‘print’ and sipping a latté while PickBot 3D Printer does the rest" "And with our exclusive PickPerfect™ auto tune technology, featured in Premium Raw Talent Compound Granulate packs, even tone-deaf players with an out-of-tune guitar and missing strings can play like a virtuoso." Accurately models string attack and sustain of famous guitar players 16 fingering models 128 presets Breakthrough Talent Model Infusion™ (TMI) technology Prints 3 picks at once from RawTalent™ Compound Granulate (granulate sold separately in Regular and Premium packs) Automatically adjusts tip thickness and weight for increased speed and articulation New pick models downloadable from the cloud PickPerfect auto tune technology fixes any pitch, anytime, anywhere Support for AMPLIFi tone matching in a future software update Requires standard USB connection to host computer Two bottles of RawTalent™ granulate included Rockstar-modeled pocket lint available in convenient gift-size accessory packets Approachably priced at $9,999 (U.S. MSRP)
  21. I have read that for the modeling / pitch tracking to work optimally, it wants the guitar itself tuned to standard pitch. Perhaps something to do with the tension of the string as it pertains to the piezo saddles? I think you can just make custom alt tuning banks if you want open Db, or any other 1/2 step down alternate tuning.
  22. Made an IdeaScale comment. Like I said, I don't have high hopes this is something that can be done with firmware, and due to the somewhat counter intuitive notion, not sure it's an idea which will catch on. My most likely solution will probably be to buy another DT25! Unless Winter NAMM 2015 unveils some amazing new option...
  23. This occured to me last night, driving two+ hours through the snow to get home after work. I have been thinking alot about the best way to create a 'dream rig' in stereo; and I realized there is one crucial element missing from the L2/L3 speakers, that would be quite useful. Not sure it's possible with firmware though, and I haven't searched IdeaScale yet, but here goes. If, for example, you are using one DT25 and maybe one L2t , for example. The DT (when using L6Link) must be first in the sequence. Then, the HD500 changes it's output mode to combo/power amp or combo/stack, depending on the type of DT amp. All good so far. Let's say you want to to a dual amp model / stereo patch, no problem. Set the DT to left, the L2t to right, away you go. NOW, here is the crux of the problem: You can then connect an XLR to the DT amp to send to recording, or to the mixer, PA, etc. While you then *can* connect the L2t XLR out to the same PA, the L2t is now being fed the combo/poweramp output mode, and presumably the L2t is in 'electric guitar' mode. Correct me if I am wrong - this signal is not optimized for connecting to a PA or mixer at this point correct? SO, what I think would be nice, is for the L2 / L3 speakers to have a similar "cabinet emulated output" to make the XLR equivalent to what the DT is sending. I realize this seems somewhat counter-intuitive, but since the HD500 cannot do 'dual output modes', IE, send the DT a combo/poweramp signal while sending the L2/L3 a 'studio/direct' signal, the next best option that is missing is the ability to have the L2/L3 speaker send a PA / mixer friendly XLR Di signal, ala 'cabinet emulated output' similar to whatever the DT does to make the XLR out sound good going to the mixer.
  24. I've read up the various posts on this topic; just downloaded the free Windows based DT editor. I think I'll give this a spin! I've mostly just stuck to using the HD500 linked to my DT25, but I am lately wanting to gain a better understanding of how the Bogner power amp configurations differ, and how mixing up the preamp models with other typologies might sound. Sometimes it's good to roll back to a simpler approach - the HD500 is awesome, but it's easy to go along with the flow, and not spend the time to delve into the 'core' options this rig has to offer. Reading about other users various attempts to 'volume level' the HD/DT amp models seems to focus on how to manage the typology volumes; it seems - correct me if I am wrong - that for the most part, the preamp models are not the reason for extreme volume jumps, but rather, their corresponding power amp settings. I suppose someone could test this, but 'locking' the power amp settings, and then scrolling through various preamp models. To me, that's why the DT amp is first and foremost a tube amp, not a digital amp. The preamps are digital, but once those enter the Bogner analog realm, they do not sound 'digital' anymore. That's my take on it anyway. Alot of this thinking is due to me wanting to add a second DT amp. I've realized that while the preamp models are quite nice, the real magic is in the power amp configurations.
  25. In terms of editing the DT itself, for stand alone use, I think this might help:
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